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Cruiser 4 Life 66

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Posts posted by Cruiser 4 Life 66

  1. I don't bother locking my luggage anymore.

    The zippers/locks just end up getting broken or go missing.

    If there's one key to every TSA lock you can bet that criminals/baggage handlers have that key too.

    Just don't pack anything valuable in your checked luggage. If they want to steal my underwear and socks, go for it!

  2. Thanks for your review and pics.

    Sorry that medical problems with Katie and some issues with Elron put a little negativity into your cruise.

    Elron was right about La Perla though. That is a known high crime area/ghetto/slum and even the locals say to stay away from it.


    From the linked article below:

    Wedged between the cliff and the Caribbean lies La Perla, a slum infamous as a redoubt for drug traffickers and a tourist mecca for marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.


    "They have sophisticated radio equipment so they can listen in on us and signal blockers keeping us from spying on them," says Juan Nieves, a veteran cop with salt-and-pepper hair, as he peers down into the dark, densely built barrio from his cruiser on the higher ground of Old San Juan.


    La Perla — where police are powerless and the drug trade paramount — is a microcosm of Puerto Rico, which is sure to see ever more drugs and violence as the States and Mexico clamp down harder on their shared border.



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