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Posts posted by beccafries

  1. O.K. Toes, ready, set, go... on your cruise that is! Lucky you, sounds like you and your friends are gonna do some serious vacationing. :D Tell us all about it when you get back. Have a fantabulous time!


    Jo, I'm with you no ticker. I do list my foods on my fitness pal, can't believe all the foods in there that come up when you are looking for them.


    Candi, are you already living in reality? No hang over cruise bliss?


    We all should be glad we were not on that ship that got hit by 3 enormous waves. That must have been awful scary.


    Good to have a new "face" Vancelot, keep up the good work.


    becca I don't do Zumba at home, I go to a class Mon and Wed. Doing it in a group keeps me going a lot longer that if I was doing it at home by myself.


    Aaww guys no ticker....lol...come on now!!...we need pressure

    That's funny about the the Wii machine....it doesnt know what its talking about...lol

  2. Hi Susan! Wow!! that is a tough work out....even just keeping up...wow...good for you!! Yeah...as we've gotten older it's not as easy to 'Just Do It'....for me, I too struggle with joint issues! ugh...but anything that keeps me moving and not sitting in front of a computer so much..it's a plus!! I do a lot of walking too!!


    Hi Becca!! Welcome! 27 lbs...from your ticker...is very doable! What is your exercise routine?


    It's about 60 here today, blue skies and I think I have spring fever! ha!


    Tonight...Dinner is some left over pork and veggies for a low carb stir fry! YUM!

    Hey there, lots n lots of cardio!!...i gotta do this...lol

  3. Thank you!!! I, too, never dreamed in a million years that I would ever be counting down the days to my first cruise. I met my husband almost 5 years ago and we have been married almost 2 years. We are both in our 50s. If anyone had told me that I would meet the man of my dreams and walk down the aisle in a white wedding gown at the age of 50, I would have thought they were totally nuts. But that and then some has happened to me. My wonderful husband has taken me to places that were only a far off dream to me and now, a CRUISE!!!!

    We plan to enjoy every minute of it... sunrises, sunsets, meeting new people, seeing new things and most of all, just being together.

    My wish for everyone awaiting an upcoming cruise or anticipating a future one, may you have the very best time of your lives:D:D:D:D


    Just Beautiful!!! you go girl!!!!

    I'm counting down the days for my 1st cruise as well!!

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