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Posts posted by trubadur

  1. P1860510BW_zps133a5ff7.jpg



    While there are no plantation homes still standing in the New Orleans city limits,

    Louisiana is home to some of the grandest plantation homes in the South.








    In 1861, before the Civil War, half the millionaires in the United States lived on the Mississippi River.






    Much of this antebellum opulence survives today as majestic architectural treasures and

    testimony to a bygone era in American history.



    Those evergreen trees are a trademark of Louisiana and its plantations! Spectacular!!

  2. Wow!! Your photos are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing them :)

    I really wanted to go to this plantation when we are there in April, however my 15 yr old son does not want anything to do with this tour lol and since it is a family vacation I will just have to wait for the next time - however I truly appreciate seeing it through your photos!

    Lovely review and I really do not want it to end (atleast not until I leave for New Orleans myself lol)


    I am with you on this one! For almost 20 y, DW and I have been cruising with our DD and the 'schedule' revolved around her needs and wants. No complaining but now that the nest is empty, we are anxiously waiting for a Mediterranean cruise this summer....as a couple only. This is our 'next time' to visit lots of pending places and do few things that we had pending for a long time..

  3. The sunset picture on page one is stunning! The guy feeding the alligator is crazy!


    Great minds!HA! The guy did say that last year the big gator grabbed his whole leg!Crazy, crazy!!!!


    The sunset looks superb even though the photographs were taken behind the Pool's windows!We are now looking at a cruise from NOLA 'cause we are hooked!







    Happy Valentine's Day, girl!

  4. P1850792-Copy_zpsb2a578f6.jpg



    Exploring a world of extraordinary beauty hidden deep within the swamps of Louisiana






    Fascinating stuff!


    DW just ordered online Julia Sim's book documenting this swamp (Manchac Swamp: Louisiana's Undiscovered Wilderness).


    We are now debating doing a cemetary tour in New Orleans or going for a swamp tour at nigh!Spooky, right?HA!


    Can't wait for the plantation segment of your combo tour!


    Keep up the good work!

  5. A special THANKS to truby's DD who's allowing me to use their Photobucket account to be able to finish this photo trip journal!



    U bet! Our entire family loves the wildlife and the swamp creatures are so exciting to watch!






    The American alligator was designated the state reptile of Louisiana in 1983.




    The word Alligator comes from the Spanish "el lagarto" (the lizard).


    Native to the Southeastern United States, alligators construct burrows, or "alligator holes" for shelter and hibernation.






  6. QUESTION for our readers:


    1). What do YOU think about "the view" @ Galvez Restaurant in NOLA?



    Let's break the ice! Our family is yet to reach NOLA, so we have no previous experience at this place :(


    However, based on what has been presented here, this poster says it all:




    And we love our tapas and Sangria and this New Orleans gem offer them plenty!


    Even better if they come with a magnificent view of the Mississippi River on one side and the French Quarter on the other side!

  7. New Orleans is a hot town right now, hosting the Super Bowl this weekend and Mardi Gras immediately after.


    New Orleans, the city known for hurricanes and $1.00 Jello shots on Bourbon Street, is now also the home of a limited-time, $10,000 cocktail!




    The "Key to the City" cocktail is available only at the Windsor Court Hotel until February 12.


    It is made of D'Oliveiras Malvasia 1907 Madeira Cobbler and served in a silver julep cup, garnished with fresh fruit and souvenir gold key.


    “The sun goes down and it's night-time in New Orleans.


    The moon rises, midnight chimes from St. Louis cathedral, and hardly has the last note died away

    than a gruesome swampland whistle sounds outside the deathly still house.


    A fat Negress, basket on arm, comes trudging up the stairs a moment later, opens the door,

    goes in to the papaloi, closes it again, traces an invisible mark on it with her forefinger and kisses it.


    Then she turns and her eyes widen with surprise."

    ― Cornell Woolrich, "The Fantastic Stories of Cornell Woolrich"





    NOW this character is so representative for the South! Priceless portrait!

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