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Posts posted by ekco

  1. I posted this link for a new poster yesterday on another thread - but I'm glad you bumped it Jan - we really ought to try to remember to do that periodically. I found it interesting to read again although I must have read it all before - but it still reminds you of some good tips. To say nothing of the humour.............. :D


    I always remember your tip about taking a piece of plastic to cover the clothes in the suitcase to protect them in case of a heavy shower when they are left on the quayside. All I have to do is to remember the plastic.


    The only trouble with using cable ties would be how to cut them off on arrival. Scissors wouldn't be allowed in hand luggage and they wouldn't be much help in the suitcase.


    I remember my first job as an office junior (do they still exist?) and one of my menials jobs was to go around the large office and clean all the phones every week. Yuck! disgusting job, ear wax and biscuit crumbs in the receiver springs to mind.:eek:


    I've got to stop making people feel ill, lol.:D:D



  2. Poor thing!:(


    Dark all day here and rained the whole time, still the frost has gone at last. Lazy day for a change, I'm not going anywhere all weekend as it's too busy and I'm paranoid about getting Norovirus. If it's around I'm bound to catch it in time for Christmas. Could be worse, we could have gone on the plague ship, lol.:eek:



  3. Hi Jan


    Hope your DH is not like mine and thinks you live in a lighthouse - corners in our house don't exist in his eyes.:eek:




    Hi Jan


    In our house there is no such thing as dust apparently so no need to clean the furniture. He can manage the vac but avoiding the corners, front of the hearth and the kitchen cupboards. Cloths and buckets don't exist as everything cleans itself. It's a miracle, lol.:D:D



  4. Hurray! The presents are bought and wrapped, cards posted, food bought, decorations are up and the lights are switched on. Finished! Now I can put my feet up. Even better, it's looks like I've found the perfect dog sitter so holiday in the sun I'm coming to get you in the new year. Oh! what a happy bunny I am.:D:D



  5. Hi Jan.

    Hate to tell you that their children then decide to have children and the cycle starts all over again.:eek:


    Pleased to see you got your toy exchanged and note that RR has put it back in his pram.:D Hope he doesn't spit his dummy out next.





    Lol, Not just yet I hope. They're 8,9 and two and a half.:eek:



  6. I'm amazed that the moderators are allowing this, I thought that was why they had to set up the Q&A and go through the proper channels because they were trying to get onto the threads without permission. Thomson should set up a forum on their business website like ebay and not get involved with cc forums.


    Got my toy exchanged. Thank goodness for that, all done.:)



  7. Absolutely freezing here but no snow yet. I've go to go to D*******s tomorrow to take a toy back that I ordered on the internet. It looks as though the staff played football with the box before they posted it, there no way we can give that our grandson. Hope they've got one they can exchange or we're in trouble.:eek:



  8. Just as well you're a fully paid up member of the Skinflints Club.


    Had to go food shopping this afternoon. Every single customer had a full on cough and cold, there WILL be trouble if I catch it before Christmas.:eek:


    Apparently 85,000 people turned up to the Continental Christmas Market in Manchester on Saturday, not even wriggle room. It was quite peaceful when we went in the week.



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