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Posts posted by seasickphil

  1. 57 minutes ago, swansong said:

    Just an update on this. As promised I said I would summarize the response from the MD Regent UK . 

    The lack of sending out luggage tags in advance in the UK and Europe ( the UK is in Europe! ) is a trial of Edocs due to end in June. It appears it is going well ( not my experience) and is likely to be rolled out world wide in June.


    Deck specific luggage tags should be given out at the port.


    Apparently my experience was an aberration and has been brought to the attention of Miami.

    No answer to my question relating as to how this trial was being evaluated was given.


    I do hope that things do work out to the benefit of the guests but if anyone ( in Europe!) has a similar experience to myself then please let them know as otherwise I can’t think how Regent would know that there were issues.


    Time will tell.


    The cynic in me think it is nothing more than a cost cutting movement by Regent.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, Pcardad said:

    Of course it is not...but it is FAR more effective to report issues to a 4 stripper on the ship you are on then to post on this forum which MIGHT be monitored by an entry level staffer.


    Either way, I would help him/her if I could...but this is about all I can suggest. I'm sorry.

    I expect that as the complaints have not been corrected/answered then they feel the need to vent their anger on here.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Pcardad said:

    I am sorry your trip is not what you expected. Perhaps directing this energy to the GM would yield better results than posting it here...at least Regent will know about your feelings then.

    I think from snh01 previous posts that he/she have indeed spoken and written to the GM. Surely it is not what you want to have do when on your holidays.

    • Like 1
  4. 33 minutes ago, boblerm said:

    I can understand that masks may be required subject to local regulation, that is specified on the Regent web site.  But this is the first that I have heard that N95 masks may be required,  and this might well be a deal breaker for me.


    Were the people on this cruise informed of this prior to the cruise?

    We were informed on 4th March for our upcoming cruise on Voyager 5th April of all the requirements needed for the trip, while face coverings are to be worn indoors (unless actively eating or drinking) there was no mention of them having to be N95 grade.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Wendy The Wanderer said:

    I know it's still too early to think about what July will be like, Covid-wise, but our final payment is now 5 weeks away, so beginning to wonder what our particular testing schedule will have to be. We are travelling to Copenhagen 4 days prior to boarding.


    I know that Denmark has no entry requirements for arrival, nor does Canada require testing for vaccinated air passengers. Our last port is Stockholm: it appears that Sweden is dropping testing requirements for non-EU entrants on April 1st. Norway also I believe has lifted their more onerous requirements.


    Can we expect that Regent will give us a complete outline of our specific testing and vaccination record requirements to do prior to final payment?


    And my specific questions:


    • Is it the case still that Regent expects you to pre-test at home before travel to validate any claim for a refund if you test positive prior to boarding? Can that be antigen, or must it be molecular (PCR?) (Any opinions about how like this will pertain in another 2 months?)
    • Will Regent still test at the pier (for a price), or do we have to get a test while in Copenhagen (flying before the 72-hour window). Does that have to be PCR or can it be antigen? (Again, I wonder when this will be dropped entirely.)



    I'm afraid no one at the moment know what will happen. We were informed on March 24th for our cruise aboard Voyager on April 5th that an extra test (on top of the Antigen performed at home 72 hours before embarking ) would be needed, this  at Regents expense. I believe Covid tests for cruises may well be needed for the foreseeable future.

  6. 5 hours ago, whatte said:

    You are still required an antigen of no more than 72h to board the vessel, in addition, Spain is requiring all passengers to arrive with an antigen of no longer than 24h, my recommendation is do it at the airport before flying over or at a local pharmacy, if you test positive at the terminal, you will be denied boarding.

    Where have you got your information from regarding Spain requiring all passengers to arrive with an antigen  test of no longer than 24 hours. This is news to me and Regent have not informed me of this requirement and we board Voyager next week.

  7. 3 hours ago, TomBeckCruise said:

    Worst cruise ever so far.

    Check in was good.

    Dinner in Compass Rose was horrible. Took 2+ hours to get escargots, very simple salad and four scallops. Food quality was not a single step up from Norwegian CL.

    People just looking and waiting for food. Manyeft before ever getting their meal. All they did was apologize repeatedly,  and ask at least 25 times if you needed more wine.

    Not a good situation for our diabetic friend.

    Compass Rose will probably be empty tonight.

    It’s only day 1, first day back to school for Voyager and the crew, so hopefully for you and everyone else on the cruise things will greatly improve. I certainly don’t want to wait over 2 hours for my starter when I board in Barcelona.

    • Like 1
  8. Wendy,

    We are not young but we made it, although if it was mid summer and very hot that would be different. Then as I said it’s only a 5 min cab ride away.



    Yes it is 2 hours away from the ship but everyone, as Bill say who must or want to see it have to make that journey, whether on a private or a Regent tour.

  9. 44 minutes ago, Wendy The Wanderer said:

    Just make sure that it's planned to have plenty of time to get back to the ship.  Traffic can get very heavy especially on weekends and holidays.


    As for "Granada on your own", just be aware that the Alhambra is up out of the town, so you'll need transportation probably back and forth from the drop-off spot, unless they're willing to drop people *at* the Alhambra.  And tickets are quite limited, I believe.

    When we went to Granada the Alhambra was no more than a 30 min stroll from the Cathedral in Granada or a 5 min taxi ride away. On Regents itinerary for Granada on your own it states " You may choose to explore the glorious Alhambra and it's stunning Generalife gardens, so i would think that it must be reasonably easy to do.

  10. 27 minutes ago, ruthe17 said:

    I think all of us sailing in the next several months on RSSC  need some clarification on the current RSSC COVID TEST.REQUIREMENTS- recognizing these requirements are subject to change.


    It appears there are now two testing requirements for several upcoming cruises- testing at the port and testing 72 hours prior. While the port testing is clear and unambiguous the 72 hour requirement is confusing. Is it 72 hours before embarkation or 72 hours prior to departure starting your trip?


    To illustrate- I am on a cruise that departs July 13  from Rome. I am departing the US on July 6 using RSSC Air in order to spend some time in Italy prior to boarding the ship. Will the test 72 hours prior departing the US on July 6 suffice or do I need to get a test in Italy up to 72 hours prior embarkation?


    The answer is significant as it will impact RSSC responsibility if someone in your party tests positive at the port.


    I am sure my situation is not unique.


    If there is someone from RSSC monitoring this site or if any of you have the definitive answer, I,  and I am sure many others, would appreciate clarification.


    Thanks in advance for any responses.

    It looks like to me, from the notification i received, is that at the moment a further test at the port is only for departures from Spain. Regarding the test needed before boarding, is that any cruise that originates from any non U.S port can not be taken no earlier than 72 hours before embarking. So if you are due to embark on Wednesday July 13th then the earliest you can take the test is Sunday 10th July. So it looks like you will have to take the test while you are in Rome. As i'm sure you are aware these protocols could change before you go. Hope this helps.

  11. 3 hours ago, boblerm said:

    I have one final observation to make, and then I’m out of here like the Road Runner out ahead of Wile E.


    As best as I could tell, Covid 19 was psychologically absent from this cruise.


    Note that I am not suggesting that Covid 19 was absent; I have no way of knowing this.  All I can say is that there was no talk of any quarantine, anyone being ill, or any other such issues.  However, once on board, there was no testing required, so if, in fact, there were any positive persons, we would not know about it.  But from a mood, or vibe standpoint, the passengers on this cruise seemed to be acting as if we were in a bubble.  As I mentioned earlier, masks worn by passengers was as rare as hen’s teeth, few people seemed to be a bit concerned about social distancing, with the exception of a tendency to avoid crowding into elevators.  But, of course, we were not in a bubble.  People were free to come and go as they please, the only port that did not allow for independent touring was Dominica.  FWIW, Jeannie and I self tested 5 days after returning home and were negative.


    I am not taking a position as to whether what I am reporting here a good thing or a bad thing, only stating that it is a thing.  I think it is important to report about this, because I know that there are still those that are on the fence as to whether or not to resume cruising, some because they are concerned that restrictions are being lifted too rapidly and practices too lax, and others because they do not wish to cruise until they can resume a “normal” cruise experience.  I think that this was as normal a cruise experience as we are likely to see for some time to come, with the exception of the crew being masked. (I will take a position on this one, I would like to see that come to an end sooner rather than later).


    I should also point out that I can only say what  was happening on my cruise only.  I cannot say what may or may not be happening on other ships, or other cruises on this ship.  And I cannot predict what may or may not happen if and when  disease statistics fluctuate, or what practices may change when the ships cross the Atlantic.




    I would like to thank all of those who have been reading this report, and especially to those that took the time to respond, and to correct some of my dopey errors!  And to those that have been following this seemingly never ending thread from the beginning and are still here, my sincere appreciation to the both of you!  To my Crystal friends who may have been reading this, I hope that I have been able to provide you with some info as to whether or not Regent may be a good fit for you.


    I wish everyone happy cruising, and in the words of my friend WesW, fair winds and following seas.




    As best as i could tell, Covid 19 was psychologically absent from this cruise.


    That may well be true but here in the UK the BBC  has just reported that there are 1 million more cases of covid than last week. We are hoping to board Voyager on the 5th April but with having to contend with Heathrow Airport the flight to and 1 day in Barcelona and having to take 2 covid tests before  boarding is doing nothing for my stress levels, psychologically or otherwise.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, UUNetBill said:

    +1 on a private tour to the Alhambra - I went there as a young punk high school student in the 70s and out of my entire trip to Spain that was the one location that stood out to me.  And if it can fascinate a young punk high school student in the 70s it's gotta be impressive.  A must-see, I think.

    Yes i agree you must not miss the Alhambra but i don't see why you need to spend a significant amount of money on a private tour, when you can take the Regent free Granada on your own transfer and pre book your Alhambra tickets. You then don't have to worry about your private tour driver getting you back to the ship on time.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 minutes ago, cindyah88 said:

    Just off a call with Regent rep. Regent is not requiring covid booster. Certain ports do, so if your itinerary requires it, then yes. But there will be ample notice I was told. Again, just for clarity...Regent, in general, does NOT require covid booster.  Crisis averted. For me anyway!

    It must be different for us from the UK then as i said we, according to Regent are required to have had the booster.

  14. Just received an email regarding our upcoming cruise Barcelona to Lisbon, it states that face coverings will be required onboard while indoors except while eating, drinking, exercising and in your suite. It looks like that at the moment all cruises when you embark in Europe face masks will still be required indoors while onboard.

  15. I understand what you mean now, you and i are very much similar in that i have never myself purchased any premium drinks nor Regents choice shore excursions (never felt the need to) whilst sailing with Regent. Like yourself i like both Regent and Cunard, they to me offer totally different sailing experiences both of which i enjoy. My wife, while sailing on Regent wish she was on Cunard and when on Cunard she wish she was on Regent ( there's no pleasing some people sometimes🙂). Personally i prefer Princess Grills to Queens, as i don't feel the need for a butler although the cabins in Queens are obviously much bigger and better. In 2020 we were on the Queen Mary 2 Dubai to Hong Kong but because of covid didn't get to visit anywhere apart from Muscat Oman and Colombo Sri Lanka and then finally finishing up in Australia, where the world cruise finally ended. So i booked to go back and see Asia in March 2022, that was then cancelled so have rebooked again in Princess Grills on the Queen Elizabeth from Singapore to Japan in 2023, so hopefully will finally get to see some of the ports we missed out on while aboard Queen Mary 2 way back in 2020.

  16. Daisy,

    I have cruised previously with Regent and in Queens Grills, i don't understand what you mean when you say. We especially liked the a la carte approach to excursions and drinks which we felt gave us much more flexibility than `everything included up to a price point' as offered by Regent. On my next Regent cruise in a few weeks time, in Rome there are 40 excursions available to choose from and i'm sure you know, if you ask Regent for any particular drink (within reason) and if they can source it, then this will be available in the bars aboard the ship. If the included wines at dinner are not to your liking then the wines available to purchase are both extensive and very well priced.

  17. 1 hour ago, CJANDH said:

    I have just received a change of flight schedule for our 4/15 cruise on Voyager. So they must still be expecting it to go🤞.

    I really do not understand, why do you think it will not go. Is it just because of the delayed restart?

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