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Posts posted by keystonemama

  1. We wondered up to the watch sale to see the offerings, we didn't find anything we were interested in though. I did purchase some t-shirts for $10. We did not attend the art auction's, I did see they had some Thomas Kinkade, we walked thru the hallway and took a few pics of some of the day's upcoming art auction goodies, I was excited to see something from Joe Montana, luv him!




  2. Friday, Sea Day


    We woke up about 10:00 and headed out for breakfast again on the back aft, we were eating and I looked up and saw some dolphins riding the wake of the ship! I couldn't get a pic quick enough though, but I finally got to see some! I had eggs benedict, bacon, hashbrown patties and lots of coffee. In fact I drank coffee all day, guess all those margarita's wore me out!:D


    Our view at breakfast






    On my last cruise, last sea day seemed to be a last ditch effort to drink as much as possible and party, but this day I noticed everyone moving a little slow, nursing a few hangovers and not as much drinking. I guess Cozumel & mexican deck party did some of these guys in.:D

  3. is there a trick? Will the bartender tell me how to drink it and what to do? I'm hoping to try one!! I'm sure it will knock me on my butt!! LOL But it sounds soooo yummy!!!




    The only trick here is not to drink too many!:p:D

    No, really, all your doing is taking 2 shots. Jameson as quick as possible followed immediately by the schnapps, just makes sure its butterscotch, it quickly changes tastes in your mouth, its just hilarious to watch people's faces when they realized they just had breakfast. :)

    Happy Sailing,

  4. Okay, you have now officially talked me into doing the Bar Hop Tour in January when we return to Cozumel! Almost did it in May but decided on visiting Punta Sur instead (so I could snorkel).


    I love, love, love that side of the island, it is soooooo wild and wonderful! Now I am going to sit here at work and think about it all day.....






    Glad you enjoyed the pics, it really is beautiful, I think next time we will do the dolphin swim, I hear that's awesome too. If you sign up, tell Colleen, your were referred by the Headrick Irish Breakfast Club, she'll know what you mean! She put us on their Twitter page! :) She's very sweet, she just got engaged too. After the 2nd stop I went ahead and tipped her and Carlos, told them I want to make sure before I get tequila saturated that I had enough $$$, they looked surprised and said, "Hey, that's a first, people usually tip at the end and sometimes they spend all their money and we don't get one. :rolleyes:

  5. Holy Moly! If I had HALF of that last martini I would fall off the bar stool!:o LOVE Tequila but it goes RIGHT to my brain! :eek: That picture of you and Albert in post #92 with the blue margarita, I swear you could be brother and sister! :D I am having so much fun reading about YOUR fun! I'd love to cruise with you someday!


    LOL, tequila is my BFF, only silver hits me stronger, guess I just have a good metabolism :p

    It's funny you say that about my son, at the bars on the ship, if we were standing together some people would ask if we were brother/sister or Lord knows one woman thought he was "my man", lol, no cougar here sista!:p

    We have a short cruise on the Sensation for DH 50th birthday in Nov (SURPRISE!) but I am almost ready to book a BTB Breeze for Nov/2013!!! 14 days of cruising, oh yeah! I just know I am going to luv that ship!

    Happy Sailing,

  6. Saw some friends in the market, one of them took this pic, he must have had a few shots of tequila too.:p




    I was feeling pretty good:p, got back to the ship and got some food and went to the smoking table with some friends, starting hydrating myself with water, tea, lemonade etc, took 2 advil, just in case. Later went to hot tub and went back to the room to change and get ready for the Lido party. Ha! I got a major frontal lobe headache! Apparently there is a difference in American margaritas and Mexican! I was down for the night at 9:00 p.m. DH said it rained and they brought the party inside, he went and brought us back some mexican buffet goodies, I woke up the next morning at 10:00! My son asks me, "Mom why did you take down some of your decorations?", I said, I didn't, apparently the drunk Cozumel seniors on our floor needed to play Pin the Tail on the Donkey. :D

    Funny, I had gotten my shower and was waiting on DH to go eat breakfast, I opened our door to the hallway and I hear my steward, Rony, say in his Indonesian accent, "Miss Lisa, are you alive?" Too damn funny, I never saw him, how the heck did he know I had a hangover, yes, I tipped him well.


    Well, I will try to finish up tomorrow, fingers are getting tired.;)


    Happy Sailing,

  7. Time for our last stop, Rasta's mon!

    What a relaxing place, hammocks, reggae music, ocean and margarita's, can't ask for anything better. I met the owner and his little girl was there, I think 3 big white people scared her a little, she was shy, but apparently she took a liking to me, cause next thing I know she pops in the hammock beside me giggling and talking. I had yet another shot and great margarita here and some awesome coconut shrimp. Hubby wrote are names on the zion wall, but w/the wrong date, (I won't tell), apparently his beers were hitting him too.:D I would have hung out here all day. We purchased more t-shirts too. Oh, and my camera died so these pics are with my phone.








    Owner's daughter, I thought it funny her shirt had "Paradise" on it.


  8. These are stairs right to the water, Colleen said you used to be able to walk down them to the beach and out to the water.





    Now since I was being such a good girl and had drank all my mega margarita, Colleen said we had an extra 15 min to make a stop at a small place, not on the excursion, it was cool, there is a rock shaped like a jaguar in the water, a couple of locals told me when the water recedes you see the legs and that the Mayans used to travel to this spot to pay homage to the "Jaguar." We bought some trinkets here too.








  9. Next up is Wilma, the croc. She was named after the hurricane that hit Coz a few years ago. Now my son is a nature person, raised in the country and in FL he himself is not afraid of animals and has even caught a 4 ft gator in a pond. I tell you this because Colleen was explaining Wilma and as she is starting to tell us, "She is real, because she never moves in the pond of water alot of people I show her too think she is fake." As she is finishing this sentence, my son walks up to her gate and Wilma immediatly comes out of the water and places her chin up on a rock and stares into Derek's eyes, like she wanted him to pet her.:eek: She was so close, he could have put his finger in the fence and touched her nose. Colleen just stood there, her mouth open, she states, "OMG, I have NEVER seen her do that with anyone!" Derek replies, "I'm not scared of her and she knows that." lol I said, hey we are Gators! She knows she's family!:p So of course I had to take pics of her and Albert!




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