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Posts posted by jamessemaj

  1. I thought of another intriguing possibility if you are an especially energetic and hardly person, would be a transatlantic to the Baltic, train to St. Petersburg, high speed rail to Moscow and then on the transmongolian to asia, then another reposition to the west coast. Some people do it and I wish I had when I was younger and had the energy and enthusiasm but little money and time. Now I have the money and time but not the energy and fortitude.

  2. You can do a transatlantic to the Baltic and combine that with the first Baltic/Russia cruise that the ship does. Those ships reposition to Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Southhampton, and other locations. Or you could do the reverse, the ships last Baltic cruise for the season and then reposition back to the states. But not in Feb, it would have to be Apr., May, Sept, Oct. There are also occasional transatlantics by cruise lines other than the repositions, but you have to search to find them. One example is a new ship being put into service from Europe to the US.


    One other note, on Russia, which you seem most interested in. Those itineraries usually stop in St. Petersburg and usually for 2 days in the middle of the cruise, and to stay you would have to forego and pay for the whole cruise. The alternative would be to take the transatlantic and then the train to Russia. I think Helsinki is the most convenient place to catch a train to St. Petersburg.


    It is tricky to go both ways across by ship, but it can be done, just not necessarily according to your preferred schedule. As horrible as air travel has become and more and more people want to avoid it, I am hoping that regularly scheduled ship crossings will be offered eventually.

  3. Jealous fat people? Oh, please, those walrus people are wearing the speedos that cause me to avert my eyes. This is a curious thread. Wear what you want, everybody else does, and this analysis makes no sense to me. Jealous fat people and overly judgmental gays, please give me a break. My eyes pivot and serve the purpose. Speedos aside, I have seen people who should not bear any of their abundance of fat and skin in public, but I can deal with it.

  4. Customs rules apply to incoming items. Duty free carried out and then back would be subject to the limitations. Tax paid items purchased before departure would not. Items for which tax is paid in another country on the regular market are still subject to inbound limitation. It's not all about duty free, it's about tax paid to the country you are entering, and the idea of cumulative in/out purchases somehow being different is false and just complicates the issue. In the US I have found customs to not be concerned with reasonable overages on items like cigarettes. I asked once what would happen if I declared like 20 cartons of cigarettes, and they said I would pay duty, but they weren't sure of the procedure or the amount.

  5. Some like surprises like this, some don't. OP says there is no problem with that, but I am one who doesn't like surprises, and twice I have been surprised by people who thought there was no problem. I went along with it out of courtesy for what they thought was a nice gesture. They still don't know that I was uncomfortable and didn't like it. You never know for sure.

  6. Celebrity Solstice is doing 3 repo cruises in future. In your price bracket, only one way air required. Celebritys Choice Air dept. usually has good 1 way pricing.I am doing Sept 23,14 myself. Would be just long enough and in your price bracket. Dad can relax in the solarium pool area. Beautiful ship. X treats elderly disabled extra special. I see crew wheeling them around shore. Look em up.


    I think that is an excellent suggestion. All of the lines have those repositions in spring and fall and many to Italy.

  7. I only look for trends in reviews, the majority view. Yes, it is all subjective, but some subjective perspectives are just neurotic, fixated on minor matters. I would not pan any line or cruise I have been on, and all have been more similar than not. For each, you could find reviews describing a horrible experience by the reviewer. For cruises and for the main lines, I place very little value in reviews, but search for helpful information for logistics, such as pre cruise or post cruise hotel stays, transportation, excursions, etc.

  8. While it's of course anecdotal, of my friends and acquaintances, the only ones who smoke are on the lower end of the income scale. I can't think of a single person in the top 75% income-wise of my social group who smokes. (Cuban cigars with after dinner Port not withstanding. ;) )


    Pretty elitist sentiment.


    I think it is a matter of common awareness and courtesy on both sides, smokers and not, including Cuban cigar smokers who on many ships are provided a nice indoor lounge/bar to indulge, and cigarette smokers are also allowed, low class though they may be.


    To restate my original point, it's all about common awareness and courtesy.

  9. I did a reposition through the Panama Canal from LA to New Orleans. I did one way air to Los Angeles and from New Orleans on 2 different airlines and it cost no more than a round trip on one airline.


    Also, the Panama Canal is a great cruise, done it twice but I wouldn't want to stay on that long to immediately repeat the same transit.

  10. I took my first cruise with NCL on the Jewel in October. There was no problem in the MDRs for solos who wanted to sit alone, but in the MDR I prefer a shared table. For a solo wanting a shared table and none was available, they would start one by seating you to wait for others wanting a shared table. The problem was it was not well monitored. On the first night I was seated and waited about 15 min when I realized that a shared table existed nearby and I had been overlooked.


    After a few more unsuccessful tries and realizing that the emphasis was on singles, couples or groups who didn't want to share, I gave up on the MDR and stayed with the buffet.

  11. I always follow the roll call for a cruise I am on, but never actually "join" in the sense of the cabin crawls, slot pulls, etc. or even the meet and greet. I am just searching for information regarding logistics or other helpful information to prepare for the cruise. Flights, hotels, transportation, sights, etc. That entails wading through useless chit chat and the occasional ego maniac who wants to control everything. But I always follow just in case there is some useful information, and usually there is something, and that often not from the "leaders" or most active members of the roll call.

  12. You mention northern Europe so I assume you are interested in a sea cruise which would be on the Baltic Sea. Moscow is far inland, no sea cruises. As mentioned, excursions to Moscow are offered on the 2 day stops in St. Petersburg, but I wouldn't recommend it. I would suggest that a tour of Moscow would require a land visit or a river cruise. Both will require a visa which is waived for licensed tour group in St. Petersburg.

  13. Interesting demographic question. After thinking about it, I am at a loss for what might fit the bill. Longer cruises with no children will be an older crowd. People around your age, maybe a bit older, will have children. I hate to splash cold water, but I really don't think what you have in mind is possible. Hope I am wrong for your sake. Good luck finding what you want.


    Edit: oops, just read ducklites post. I was thinking in terms of mainstream lines. I know nothing of possibilities in smaller lines which might cater to your needs.

  14. I didn't realize that complete strangers were keeping track or worrying over my drinking. I doesn't matter to me, just surprised. What matters is that I keep track of my own drinking. But if watching and evaluating what people you don't even know do, I couldn't care less. Just keep it to yourself, I don't care about or want to hear your judgements. I'll live my life, and you live yours.

  15. I never earned close to 125k, which seems to be some benchmark here, but retired at 52 with a pension and later SS. I am generally frugal, pause to think about spending a difference of pennies for this or that, and have investments and savings I never touch because there is no need.


    I go on cruises whenever they appeal to me and are offered at bargain prices. Usually repositions. In the past 3 1/2 yrs. I have been on 7 cruises, all over 14 days. All inside cabin except one balcony.


    The main thing is that there is a big, big disparity between what people pay for a given cruise. I mean 2k to 20k or more. The public areas are mine as much as they are for the high spenders, and that is where I spend the day. I find the promenade deck to be more comfortable than the one balcony I had.


    Like any expenditure, cruising can be a great value or a siphon of money. I don't need Suzy Ormand to tell me the difference.

  16. As a Canadian who has lived abroad in the UK, Germany and Uruguay, I can completely understand why. It's just a different way of living, different ideologies, etc...


    Scott and I chose a non-gay cruise for our first cruise because we don't have a need to be around gay folks. As for Atlantis, we don't fit their demographic, so...


    I agree completely. I have been in gay groups when I have scurried to the nearest group for relief and normal conversation. I appreciate being around people who understand and can relate to being gay, but that is not all that I am as a person, and there is no way I would sign up for an exclusively gay cruise. Some day, I hope for total integration into mainstream society, and gay segregation, such as on gay cruises are an obstacle to that integration in my opinion. Flame away, I am used to abuse and don't really care.

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