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Posts posted by TKS

  1. We sailed Concierge class on Celebrity's Solstice last May and have sailed on both the R and O class ships with Oceania. The ocean view cabins on both the R and the O Oceania ships are essentially the same as the actual cabins at verandah level (after you take the verandah out of the square footage), as already stated by others.


    I find the cabins on Oceania (both O and R classes) to have better storage than we experienced on Celebrity (the storage above the Solstice's bed was useless unless you were nearly 6' tall and could reach it). The Solstice bath was superior to the R ships (newer ships have larger, more modern bath finishes and a solid shower enclosure), but the O ships have the superior bath of all three categories. The O beds are also far superior to Celebrity in quality, comfort and condition (a couple of the sheets and towels we were given on Celebrity were pretty worn and tattered- I've never seen anything like that on O in over 70 days sailing her various ships).


    Overall, I would give O the edge on the cabins I've experienced. Not in a big way for the R ships, but hands down for the O ships - quality, condition and comfort. If you are happy with Celebrity Solstice's cabins, I'm sure you'll be happy with Oceania's too (either R or O).


    Enjoy your first O cruise!

  2. On our recent Nautica cruise we upgraded cabins just after final payment and received an additional $300 in OBC, free gratuities and free internet. The perks added when we upgraded our cabin more than offset the cost of the upgrade, so we actually paid less, all costs included, for a better cabin. Thanks Oceania!!!

  3. You also asked about muster drill. Our experience on Nautica last month was it took place prior to embarkation (about 5 PM, in our case), and again after 14 days. Passengers brought their life vests and the drill included passengers proceeding to their assigned life boat at the end of the drill at the embarkation drill, although not during the second drill.


    You didn't say which ship you are sailing. I believe procedures aboard the O ships, Marina and Riviera, do not include the trip to the life boats, but assume they are similar otherwise.

  4. On our recent Nautica cruise from Barcelona to Dubai several passengers were singles, both male and female. The average age of all aboard was probably around 75, with one single man I met who was 92! Another lady was also 92, and although she was traveling with her niece she was entirely independent, with the two often not sharing activities, including meals.


    Passengers aboard O tend to be experienced and fairly independent travelers. As you will see on other threads O's tours are relatively expensive, but they are a good way to participate in activities not otherwise available to a single woman in some areas of the world. If you are fairly outgoing, you will have no problem finding cruise "buddies." One of my favorite things about O is the amazing group of passengers aboard, both couples and singles. There are few children on O, they are not "banned" but there are typically absolutely no activities for young people. That being said, all the O cruises I've taken the children were well behaved and fun to get to know too.


    The size of the R ships is small enough you can get to know quite a few people while on a cruise, and you can always find someone to socialize with in any venue aboard. Cruise Critic helps with this by acquainting passengers with one another before embarkation, and a well executed Meet & Greet goes a long way toward greasing the social gears of the group.

  5. Interesting, we just booked on Insignia Sept 2014. We were told by agent, what was stated in other posts. Limits. 3bottles of wine NO spirits. My luck if I brought vodka on board they would take.:rolleyes:For us the 60.00pkg doesn't pay.

    My SO isn't a big drinker. I sure would like a martini on my balcony pre-dinner.


    What are you out, even if they do confiscate your bottle and give it back at disembarkation? As we have all said, up to now no one has had a problem. And having a drink on your balcony is so much easier if your bar is on the dresser in your cabin.


    If worse comes to worse this is a situation where "it's better to ask for forgiveness than for permission." Live a little!


    What ever you decide, have a great cruise!

  6. We just came off Nautica last week and despite what the cruise documents say, there was no issue taking liquor/wine aboard, either at boarding or in other ports along the way. We did both.


    As long as the alcohol is not abused, and as long as it is consumed in your cabin, O has no issues with you bringing your own aboard.

  7. We were aboard Nautica at the time of the show, and Willie was CD of that cruise. I wish he'd mentioned it. We could have set our tv to record over the internet.


    I agree he is wonderful. We sailed with him 2 years ago, when he was relatively new in the job. He was certainly competent then, but today he is more confident and relaxed than 2 years ago, and he has found his own voice and rhythm. He is a joy as a CD. I would be happy to sail with him again in future.

  8. We learned a lesson on a recent return from Nautica. We requested an air deviation from O, they proposed an itinerary and we accepted. I was concerned because the Dubai to Atlanta flight arrived only 2 hours & 10 minutes before we were to fly to Phoenix. All via Delta. But I thought, " O does these all the time, so they know best, and it should be ok."


    Well, things were botched in Dubai (don't know whether it was the airport or Delta), and the plane ended up leaving an hour late, arriving an hour late, and by the time we retrieved our luggage (one of the last off, of course, because we were on a short connection), got through immigration and customs and ran to the other end of the airport our connecting flight had left. We had a connecting flight home from Phoenix, our nearest gateway city, which we had booked ourselves. Missed that flight too, and spent the next 12 hours trying to get on a flight. After 54 hours, we arrived home, exhausted and $320 dollars poorer (had to book a flight rather than fly "stand-by" to guarantee we'd get home - we'd already missed three flights which were overbooked anyway).


    Lesson learned. In future, I'll go with my own knowledge, no matter what O offers. They do their best, but the responsibility is mine to make the decision. In this case I was simply wrong, and I paid the price.

  9. Arrived home yesterday from a Nautica cruise. No problems taking alcohol, of any sort, aboard. Took two bottles of wine and a bottle each of DH's and my favorite alcohols.


    While aboard, we asked for specific mixers, glasses, limes, ice, etc. so we could make our drinks in room, and all were cheerfully provided. No other passengers reported any issues with this either.

  10. Just arrived back yesterday from Nautica. The ship is in excellent condition. No complaints about wear and tear. Yes the ship is 13 years old, and yes, it's been 3 years since her last refurbishment, but with regular maintenance and prompt attention to any concerns (we found a screw on the floor one day, and upon examining found it had come loose from the closet door - a note to the room steward and it was replaced within 24 hours - that was our biggest "complaint" and how fast they responded) you should have no concerns.


    DH enjoyed the gym. There are several step machines, tread mill machines and stationary and recumbent bicycles, as well as pilates balls, yoga mats, dumb bells, etc. There are both sauna and spa pools adjoining, as well as changing/shower rooms. There are several different classes each day aboard, some free, some with an $11 charge for about an hour long class. The staff was reportedly great. DH loved it.


    We upgraded to a PH this time, but have been twice before in verandah cabins aboard R ships. The PH baths are marble surfaces with a tub/shower, and they are wonderful. But we have also had no issues with the smaller verandah cabin baths. Shower curtains are immaculately clean, so if they're a bit clingy it's not a sanitary issue, and water on the floor of the bath is taken care of via a floor drain.


    Don't worry about taking the last cruise before Nautica goes in for refurbishment. You will have a wonderful cruise. As we rode away from Nautica for the last time on the way to the airport, I felt a little sad realizing I was seeing her for the last time in her current "clothing". But at the same time I look forward to seeing her after the changes, as we also love the O class ships, and the changes are reportedly to bring the three R class ships closer in feel and "theme" to the O ships.


    Thanks, O, for another unforgettable vacation!

  11. Every O cruise I've been on has had one or two couples who "stand out in a crowd" in a negative way. One cruise it was a groups' dress, another cruise they were often fairly inebriated and loud. Did any of these folks hurt anyone else? NO!


    Can't we all just move on, here? Which of us hasn't had an off day, now and again - the day we didn't have time to fix our hair just right, or the week we were behind on laundry so had to wear something we'd worn before. There's an old saying about casting the first stone. An updated version of that goes "bark less, wag more." If we'd all try to live that way, life would be easier for us all.

  12. This type of thread has appeared before, with varying responses.


    I personally have never had a problem, because I go down as soon as tender tickets become available and push DH to get on an early tender - this is aboard both R and O ships - and we seldom take ship tours (actually never again, after I found CC - thanks everyone!!!). I agree that taking precautions, ie. talking to destinations the night before, is wiser than trying to do crisis management on the day of the tour.


    I will be doing that on our upcoming cruise with 33 people on two busses to serve. I'll let you know how well it works.

  13. At 17 she may have "chosen her hill to die on" to express her opinion of the dress code. Or she may have been in rebellion with her parents regarding her attendance on the cruise - away from her friends. Who knows? Seventeen year old girls are often a mystery known to no one, not even themselves.

  14. I'm always fascinated by these "dress code" threads when they arise. It amazes me how emotional people can get about what someone else chooses to wear. We cruised Celebrity earlier this year and saw the same discussions regarding their formal evenings (what is formal, is a tie needed, can my kids get by wearing shorts, etc.).


    I personally do not care what people wear to dinner, as long as it (and they) are clean and decently covered. I remember the 80+ lady in, for all intents and purposes, a bikini by the pool on our last O cruise, and a ~350 lb. man in a speedo with no shirt - NOT pretty sights:eek:. The lady was lovely despite her sad choice of a bathing suit (I didn't have the opportunity to talk to the man). These examples just show taste is very different among different people.


    People are people. Most of us want to "fit in" so we conform. A few want to "stand out" so they do not. Clothing is one of the easiest ways to be noticed, as verified by the comments on this thread.

  15. Actually I've done this, they are very inflexible on this subject. I was told it didn't matter how much your balance is on a regular basis there is a limit, that they won't change.



    The bank I spoke of is a small local bank. Not one of the huge nationals, which I've found are typically quite inflexible. Local banks typically depend on their service to bring in and retain customers, so they are easier to work with.

  16. [quote name=ORV;39900254

    The general consensus is that using an ATM will get you the best rate' date=' but then again you have to deal with your daily limit & the limit of the ATM you're using. If you need a considerable amount of foreign currency you'll be making multiple stops.


    I haven't decided for sure which way I'll do it on our trip in about 60 days. I have used ATM's in the past, and have prepurchased money before we leave home.[/quote]





    Let your bank know your needs. They can change the daily withdrawal limit on your ATM for your specified dates, if you wish.

  17. I've not been to any country yet where ATM's are unavailable. As stated earlier, however, be aware of what ATM machines you use. Use only bank ATM's if you possibly can. Some countries are more known for robberies at ATM's than others, so if you are not inside the bank during business hours, also make sure there are two of you with one transacting the change and one watching to ensure your safety. Obviously, this is also a problem in many US cities - so don't get upset, just take reasonable precautions and you'll be fine.


    I set up a separate ATM account with my bank that is specifically for travel, with the maximum amount I anticipate spending. That way, if my card is stolen or "hacked" all they can get is the amount in that account, and they have no way to access any of my regular bank accounts or information, eliminating the "hassle" factor if you are unlucky and get robbed/hacked. If I decide to make a larger purchase, I put it on the credit card or contact the bank and transfer additional funds into my travel fund. And yes, absolutely let both your credit companies and your bank know you will be travelling, where and during what time frame. If you do not, you will likely have your account frozen by their security section, which is a hassle and can be embarrassing.


    Travelers Checks are not accepted in most places any more due to the possibility of forgeries and theft (that goes for banks as well as merchants), so don't bother unless you are going to only change your money onboard, and even there you may not be able to obtain currencies from all countries you're visiting.


    In some countries US$ are accepted for some limited things, but don't depend on it. If you do take US$ see that they are in excellent condition - in some countries where they are accepted they will not accept creased/torn/rumpled/worn US currency.


    There is no undue need for concern travelling abroad, just be aware of your surroundings and as cautious as you would be in unfamiliar areas at home.


    And, I also have never had any concerns regarding the onboard safes.

  18. There was a thread regarding cancellation fees a couple months ago, and Mr. Del Rio was active in that thread. The general recommendation was that the $100 cancellation fee would not deter people booking multiple cruises and waiting until the last minute to cancel.


    The new policy simply sounds like Oceania took that feedback seriously.

  19. I agree, I don't really care WHO is the CD, only that they are competent, since they are responsible for managing the entire entertainment end of the cruise.


    Having only met Leslie, Willie and Nolan, I certainly don't have personal experience with all the O CD's. However, within my experience they are all gregarious, competent, dedicated, high energy folks who work their hearts out in their jobs. Certainly they are very different from one another, but all are a pleasure to sail with. I would be happy to sail with any of them again, and from what I've read on other threads many feel the same about the others mentioned above as well.

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