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Posts posted by TravelRocker

  1. Hi and welcome! You would be surprised how many people can't do a lot of exercise. But some find that is the weight comes off you can do more, move more.

    For now, concentrate on the food and "Beyond the Scale". Basically, WHY we overeat and how to make better choices. You will lose slowly but consistently and eat anything you want, just count the Points. It is a great program.

  2. Oh......this crazy weather! Hottest day so far, Bay Area, Nor. Cal. is just not used to this. At least it's cooling down at night. My baby dog got a haircut this morning and she looks so tiny, didn't realize her hair had gotten so long. She has her own before & after pictures now, lol!

    Weight wise for me, did OK, dropped a bit but think it will really drop when it cools down. Just finished watching the Albert' Einstein mini series on National Geographic called "Genius", excellent! Have a great week everyone! :cool::cool:

  3. Hey, just checking in between weigh days. We are having a most uncharecteristic heat wave here and most folks don't have a/c. It's going to get worse as the week goes on. Regular meal planning has gone out the window as I refuse to put the stove/oven on. Keeping points in control.....but different things, :) Unfortuntely, this heat causes water "retention"! We will see what happens on Thursday! :)

  4. Hi Belle, was going to go till I talked to some friends who went last time. They had to get to the parade route around 5:00AM! The speeches didn't start till around 2:00/2:30, way too much standing for me anymore. Watched from the comforts of home! Sure gave Oakland a shot in the arm AND we just found out the team paid for the Parade, how cool is that.

    We're going into a heat wave for a week, too bad, all our County Fairs are starting, gonna wait till after it breaks. Doesn't feel like you are losing anything when you feel "puffy".

    Just last week we had 3 blankets on the bed, down in the 50's, crazy weather!

  5. Hi Misty, let's get this going again! My next cruise is next Feb. too, out of Miami. Yes, I really looked at the WW cruise, oh how I would like to go on that one as well. Just not enough $$$ to go around. I would love to lose at least 20/25 more before sail away. Miami Beach is so much fun. Then 7 days on board. I love having something out there to look forward to....keep up the good work! :)

  6. Hi, have been to Nassau twice on previous cruises including Atlantis. Next cruise we are stopping in Falmouth. Now, I liked shopping at the Port shops, straw market, bargaining with the locals and drinking in the bars. Little side Street shops with jewelry and hand made articles. Is there anything similar to this in Falmouth? And what is meant by the "Cruise Bubble"? Thanks.

  7. Revenues, realized I didn't answer your treadmill question.......for now I just set my speed and go! But I do change the incline up and down for variety. I actually bought an "old school" CD player with amazing headphones on Amazon for the treadmill. If it goes flying I haven't lost something expensive and I used to walk to Taylor Dayne' s Greatest Hits, (I know.....whatever floats your boat, lol, Goodnight!)

  8. Well thank you for the nice greeting! I am currently on Weight Watchers and just hit 25 lbs.! This is my second go-around so know how it works, :) It is slow, mostly down but a few ups as life happens. And then there's 2 days in Las Vegas we just returned from! Too much fun.

    I track my points daily which is the WW plan and most days stay within the 30 allotted points with lots of "free" foods. I can eat anything I want but know if it's a high point choice it probably won't be very much!

    My cruise is Feb. 2018 and another 25 lbs. would be sensational, though a challenge.

    I also just started Planet Fitness last week and really enjoy their "no judgement" atmosphere. Looking forward to being part of your group, thank again.

  9. Hi, anyone interested in "reviving" this thread??? Seems like it starts up OK and then always poops out. A lit of people are using the WW "Connect" feature but I don't have it and would like to really get this going for cruising. I promise to post daily if you will do too. I am currently 25 lbs. down with about 25 lbs. more to go and my cruise is Feb. 2018 out of Miami Beach. Who's with me? :)

  10. We found a small shop off the main street where there were floor to ceiling beautiful hematite necklaces, (those shiny steel grey stones), with other beads incorporated along the strands. At the bottom were pendants in absolutely every shape imaginable, crosses, star fish, fleur di li's, sea horses, etc. It's the deal of the day I think, 5 necklaces for $20.00 and get one free. Made well with strong fish line or steel thread.


    The shop is off the main street close to the Harley Davidson store down a little lane with a few other shops there as well. Also in that area were brightly colored woven slouchy handbags with wooden buttons. Got a Turquoise one last year and going for a Magenta one this trip. Happy shopping! :)

  11. Hi there, well I too am guilty of not being as consistent around here as well. I finally went back to class after about 6 weeks, finally seem to have gotten the Med's situation worked out but it was slow-going. I only gained one pound but seem to have lost a lot of ground unfortunately.


    I was talking to our Leader, and another member also vocalized it, that ever since we've gone back into the Winter-months it's been hard to keep that Good Vibe "Mojo" going. Harder to keep up the exercise and I know for myself those carbs are looking more appealing than fruits and veggies. It's dark when I get up, it's dark when I get home and 7:00 pm feels like 10:00 pm.


    I've got my mind-set all going on for the Points and am determined not to go hog-wild with the Xmas food but I want to feel more energized the next month or so and I can feel like I'm s-l-o-w-I-n-g down. It's going to be an effort. I want to lose 5 more so I can celebrate New Year's Eve at the big 50 lbs.! It's going to take some work though. (I'm at 45 now).


    Well, whomever is reading this, :), have a great weekend and make wise choices out there while Xmas shopping. remember Applebee's had that delicious Roma steak item that 11 points I think. cheers! :)

  12. Hi everyone, so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been in a bit of a funk lately with my progress. About 2 months ago my MD switched up 2 of my meds and the weigh loss just stopped dead in it's tracks! I couldn't believe it, I've dropped maybe 2 lbs. in 6 weeks! This is not what I want! My class leader said maybe I am retaining more water and try drinking more water to flush it all out. I do know I haven't been drinking anywhere near what I should drink. I'm going to call my Doc. as well to see what she suggests.


    I was chuckling reading the above comments about clothes at weigh-in. I try to wear pretty much the same pants and tops on weight night and I too take off all my jewelry as I wear some big chunky pieces. But one day about 3 weeks ago I forgot that I had one of those stick-on heated back patches still on and the scale shot up 3 lbs.! Ack! I pulled it off and stepped back on, OK, there's a little loss, we all laughed.


    I think I mentioned that I had ordered a stretchy band exerciser program from Marie Osmond. It came in yesterday and looks pretty sturdy and interesting. I'm going to start the plan this weekend and I'll let you know how I like it. I wanted something to do while I was watching TV, during the commercials. Or now with the World Series I can sneak in some exercises, our SF Giants are playing the KC Royals and it's been very festive here in the Bay Area this week.


    Soooo, I am guzzling the water today and realize I'm probably walking around in a state of dehydration because I'm not so tired today. Good luck to all of you on Program and have a great weekend, cheers :)

  13. I'm in you rage bracket and am female And am fairly reserved - certainly not the party animal type. I really enjoy MSC but then I love the way of life in Italy and Spain and MSC has a lot of that ambience.


    As for where the Divina will be in the summer, she'll be back here in Europe and I'll be sailing on here from Napoli! Can't wait!


    AmoMondo....."Rage" Bracket, that's pretty funny, :) I've been a "raging" female myself on a few occasions! :)

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