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cruising forever

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Posts posted by cruising forever

  1. 4iCX                                                       Baltimore, MD

    abodom68                                             Statesboro, GA

    andypeters   Peter & Beverly               Ocala, FL

    avd79                                                    Toronto, Canada

    belkin                                                     Fort Myers, FL

    bill_houston  Vickie & Bill                    Costa Rica & Austin, TX

    Bily                Allen & Bev                           Southern Alberta, Canada

    Bluejays29                                                Ontario

    CoW mAn                                                Vancouver, BC

    cruisedivas          Linda                        Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    Cruiser Art                                             Charlotte, NC

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim               Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    cruisinhabsfan                                      Montreal

    Debiwood                                              Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                          Colorado

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny             New York City

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera                 Celina, TX

    dxetaz09    Honeymoon Cruise                Philadelphia, PA


    East<>coaster    w/wife                         Nova Scotia

    Edam               Ed & Pam                       Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Excursion1     JC (John)

    Fergie33972                                            Virginia

    freezincold                                               Ottowa

    Froufie      Janet                                        Ottowa, Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                       Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Gbaladad                                                Carson, CA

    Little Dog                                               Canada

    gortfamily                                               NC

    HBEEK1975  Hans & Bonnie                Orlando, FL


    Jim02351                                           Murrells Inlet, SC

    Jazzybaz                                             Saskatchewan, Canada

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241            Cortland Manor, NY(40 mi n of Pier 88)

    JeriB                                                    Minnesota

    Jkkcolter    Jerry & Krista Colter        OH


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta              Hamilton, ON

    Little Dog                                             Canada

    Louzan                     Vilma                  Los Angeles, CA

    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie            Georgia

    Lyttleone1977                                     SW middle part of the “mitten”

    maryann2                                            Vancouver, B,C,

    melsmax                                              VA


    Mjlajames                                             London Ont. Canada

    MNM1011                                             Central Illinois

    Movingimages                                          Laredo, TX


    Njsonja                                                The Villages, FL

    nmarsh             Nancy                          Oakland, ME

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince           Seattle area


    Pittgreg      Addie & Greg Smith            Los Angeles, CA (celebrating Addie’s “Sweet 16”   Knoxville, TN

    redrn13                                                        Cedar Springs, MI

    RoadTravelled                                             Dallas, TX

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence        Georgia

    SaltyJen     Roy & Desiree                           Ocala, FL

    SCOOBY3015                                               mid-Michigan

    sharlalulu    w/ 2 teenage boys                  Charlotte, NC  & N Ga Mtns is home

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon               Ocala, FL

    sunshine002        Karen                              NYC

    tonythewop                                                  Montreal

    TravelBluebird      Russ & ?                          

    TravelerK           Karen                             originally Butler, PA/now Alexandria, VA

    tukik         Anna & Michael                        Columbus, OH

    Tuscon17    Marcia & Tom                       Tuscon, Arizona

    Varnar                                                         Kentucky

    WI-TX      Linda & Jerry                              Whitewright, TX

    • Like 1
  2. We're arriving on Tuesday morning 5/23 and staying on Las Ramblas (love the activity there)   Planning on the HoHo bus for 2 of our days and can't wait to show hubby the sights!

    Here's your updated list:


    4iCX                                            Baltimore, MD

    abodom68                                      Statesboro, GA

    andypeters   Peter & Beverly                  Ocala, FL

    avd79                                          Toronto, Canada

    belkin                                          Fort Myers, FL

    bill_houston  Vickie & Bill                      Costa Rica & Austin, TX Bily           Allen & Bev                Southern Alberta, Canada

    Bluejays29                                     Ontario

    cruisedivas          Linda                      Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    Cruiser Art                                    Charlotte, NC

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim                 Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    cruisinhabsfan                                  Montreal

    Debiwood                                       Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                              Colorado

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny               New York City

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera                 Celina, TX

    dxetaz09    Honeymoon Cruise                Philadelphia, PA


    East<>coaster    w/wife                       Nova Scotia

    Edam               Ed & Pam                  Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Excursion1     JC (John)

    Fergie33972                                    Virginia

    freezincold                                     Ottowa

    Froufie      Janet                             Ottowa, Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                            Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Gbaladad                                       Carson, CA

    Little Dog                                      Canada

    gortfamily                                      NC

    HBEEK1975  Hans & Bonnie                   Orlando, FL


    Jim02351                                      Murrells Inlet, SC

    Jazzybaz                                       Saskatchewan, Canada

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241                    Cortland Manor, NY(40 mi n of Pier 88)

    JeriB                                           Minnesota

    Jkkcolter    Jerry & Krista Colter            OH


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta                 Hamilton, ON

    Little Dog                                      Canada

    Louzan                     Vilma                      Los Angeles, CA

    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie                 Georgia

    Lyttleone1977                                  SW middle part of the “mitten”

    maryann2                                       Vancouver, B,C,

    melsmax                                       VA


    Mjlajames                                      London Ont. Canada

    MNM1011                                      Central Illinois

    Movingimages                                          Laredo, TX


    Njsonja                                        The Villages, FL

    nmarsh             Nancy                     Oakland, ME

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince                Seattle area


    Pittgreg      Addie & Greg Smith                    Los Angeles, CA (celebrating Addie’s “Sweet 16”   Knoxville, TN

    redrn13                                        Cedar Springs, MI

    RoadTravelled                                  Dallas, TX

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence        Georgia

    SaltyJen     Roy & Desiree                    Ocala, FL

    SCOOBY3015                                  mid-Michigan

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon                     Ocala, FL

    sunshine002        Karen                      NYC

    tonythewop                                     Montreal

    TravelBluebird      Russ & ?                          

    TravelerK           Karen               originally Butler, PA/now Alexandria, VA

    Tuscon17    Marcia & Tom                    Tuscon, Arizona

    WI-TX      Linda & Jerry                    Whitewright, TX

    Varnar                                                Kentucky

  3. Fingers crossed everyone is still here; made the list in alpha order............


    4iCX                                            Baltimore, MD

    abodom68                                      Statesboro, GA

    andypeters   Peter & Beverly                  Ocala, FL

    avd79                                          Toronto, Canada

    belkin                                          Fort Myers, FL

    bill_houston  Vickie & Bill         Costa Rica & Austin, TX Bily           Allen & Bev                Southern Alberta, Canada

    Bluejays29                                     Ontario

    cruisedivas          Linda                  Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    Cruiser Art                                       Charlotte, NC

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim           Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    cruisinhabsfan                                  Montreal

    Debiwood                                           Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                       Colorado

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny          New York City

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera              Celina, TX

    dxetaz09    Honeymoon Cruise           Philadelphia, PA


    East<>coaster    w/wife                       Nova Scotia

    Edam               Ed & Pam                      Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Excursion1     JC (John)

    Fergie33972                                          Virginia

    freezincold                                          Ottowa

    Froufie      Janet                                  Ottowa, Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                 Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Gbaladad                                            Carson, CA

    Little Dog                                            Canada

    gortfamily                                           NC

    HBEEK1975  Hans & Bonnie            Orlando, FL


    Jim02351                                           Murrells Inlet, SC

    Jazzybaz                                            Saskatchewan, Canada

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241            Cortland Manor, NY(40 mi n of Pier 88)

    JeriB                                                    Minnesota

    Jkkcolter    Jerry & Krista Colter       OH


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta               Hamilton, ON

    Little Dog                                              Canada


    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie                 Georgia

    Lyttleone1977                                        SW middle part of the “mitten”

    maryann2                                              Vancouver, B,C,

    melsmax                                               VA


    Mjlajames                                          London Ont. Canada

    MNM1011                                           Central Illinois

    Movingimages                                    Laredo, TX


    Njsonja                                              The Villages, FL

    nmarsh             Nancy                         Oakland, ME

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince         Seattle area


    Pittgreg      Addie & Greg Smith            Los Angeles, CA (celebrating Addie’s “Sweet 16”   Knoxville, TN

    redrn13                                                   Cedar Springs, MI

    RoadTravelled                                           Dallas, TX

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence        Georgia

    SaltyJen     Roy & Desiree                         Ocala, FL

    SCOOBY3015                                             mid-Michigan

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon              Ocala, FL

    sunshine002        Karen                              NYC

    tonythewop                                                 Montreal

    TravelBluebird      Russ & ?                          

    TravelerK           Karen                          originally Butler, PA/now Alexandria, VA

    Tuscon17    Marcia & Tom                    Tuscon, Arizona

    WI-TX      Linda & Jerry                         Whitewright, TX

    Varnar                                                     Kentucky


  4. Hi all ~ I'm really sorry to be a bit slow in posting updates to our Roll Call ~ been juggling too many things............should be able to check in here more often now as we finally have our excursions (all except one) organized and our travel arrangements are complete 🙂  Here's the latest; hope I made all of the updates requested, but just lemme know and I'll fix what needs fixin!





    SCOOBY3015                                  mid-Michigan

    Fergie33972                                    Virginia

    TravelerK           Karen               originally Butler, PA/now Alexandria, VA

    belkin                                          Fort Myers, FL

    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie                 Georgia

    Bily                 Allen & Bev                Southern Alberta, Canada

    Bluejays29                                     Ontario

    maryann2                                       Vancouver, B,C,

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince                Seattle area

    redrn13                                        Cedar Springs, MI

    Movingimages                                          Laredo, TX

    Edam               Ed & Pam                  Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Lyttleone1977                                  SW middle part of the “mitten”

    4iCX                                            Baltimore, MD

    Njsonja                                        The Villages, FL

    RoadTravelled                                  Dallas, TX

    Varnar                                                Kentucky


    nmarsh             Nancy                     Oakland, ME

    Jim02351                                      Murrells Inlet, SC

    MNM1011                                      Central Illinois

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny               New York City


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta                 Hamilton, ON

    Froufie      Janet                             Ottowa, Canada

    gortfamily                                      NC

    abodom68                                      Statesboro, GA



    avd79                                          Toronto, Canada

    Debiwood                                       Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                              Colorado

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon                     Ocala, FL

    Gbaladad                                       Carson, CA


    Jazzybaz                                       Saskatchewan, Canada

    JeriB                                           Minnesota

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence         Georgia

    cruisedivas          Linda                      Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    cruisinhabsfan                                  Montreal

    tonythewop                                     Montreal

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera                 Celina, TX

    freezincold                                     Ottowa

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim                 Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    Little Dog                                      Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                            Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241                    Cortland Manor, NY(40 mi n of Pier 88)

    sunshine002        Karen                      NYC

    Pittgreg      Addie & Greg Smith                    Los Angeles, CA (celebrating Addie’s “Sweet 16”

    andypeters   Peter & Beverly                  Ocala, FL

    HBEEK1975  Hans & Bonnie                   Orlando, FL

    melsmax                                       VA

    WI-TX      Linda & Jerry                    Whitewright, TX

    bill_houston  Vickie & Bill                      Costa Rica & Austin, TX

    East<>coaster    w/wife                       Nova Scotia

    Mjlajames                                      London Ont. Canada

    Cruiser Art                                    Charlotte, NC

    Excursion1     JC (John)

    TravelBluebird      Russ & ?                  Knoxville, TN


    Jkkcolter    Jerry & Krista Colter            OH

    SaltyJen     Roy & Desiree                    Ocala, FL



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  5. Here's the updated list..............



    SCOOBY3015                                  mid-Michigan

    Fergie33972                                    Virginia

    TravelerK           Karen               originally Butler, PA/now Alexandria, VA

    belkin                                          Fort Myers, FL

    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie                 Georgia

    Bily                 Allen & Bev                Southern Alberta, Canada

    Repogirl49          ulieG                       Texas

    Bluejays29                                     Ontario

    maryann2                                       Vancouver, B,C,

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince                Seattle area

    redrn13                                        Cedar Springs, MI

    JoseyP                                         New York City

    Movingimages                                          Laredo, TX

    Edam               Ed & Pam                  Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Lyttleone1977                                  SW middle part of the “mitten”

    4iCX                                            Baltimore, MD

    Njsonja                                        The Villages, FL

    RoadTravelled                                  Dallas, TX

    Varnar                                                Kentucky


    nmarsh             Nancy                     Oakland, ME

    Jim02351                                      Murrells Inlet, SC

    MNM1011                                      Central Illinois

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny               New York City


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta                 Hamilton, ON

    Froufie      Janet                             Ottowa, Canada

    gortfamily                                      NC

    abodom68                                      Statesboro, GA



    avd79                                          Toronto, Canada

    Debiwood                                       Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                              Colorado

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon                     Ocala, FL

    Gbaladad                                       Carson, CA


    Jazzybaz                                       Saskatchewan, Canada

    JeriB                                           Minnesota

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence         Georgia

    cruisedivas          Linda                      Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    cruisinhabsfan                                  Montreal

    tonythewop                                     Montreal

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera                 Celina, TX

    freezincold                                     Ottowa

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim                 Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    Little Dog                                      Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                            Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241                    Cortland Manor, NY(40 mi n of Pier 88)

    sunshine002        Karen                      NYC

    Pittgreg      Addie & Greg Smith                    Los Angeles, CA (celebrating Addie’s “Sweet 16”

    andypeters   and wife                         Ocala, FL

    HBEEK1975  Hans & Bonnie                   Orlando, FL

    melsmax                                       VA

    WI-TX      Linda & Jerry                    Whitewright, TX

    bill_houston  Vickie & Bill                      Costa Rica & Austin, TX

    East<>coaster    w/wife                       Nova Scotia

    Mjlajames                                     London Ont. Canada

  6. On 4/11/2023 at 8:41 AM, bill__houston said:

    I do not see our names on the list anymore.  We are Vickie and Bill.  My wife is from Costa Rica.

    I am from Austin, TX but grew up near New York City.  Our daughter has moved to Malaga, Spain where we have been since February.

    Not to worry; sometimes when others copy my list, they don't get the entire list...you are still there and I'm about to post another update.......


  7. Here's the latest update.............



    SCOOBY3015                                  mid-Michigan

    Fergie33972                                    Virginia

    TravelerK           Karen               originally Butler, PA/now Alexandria, VA

    belkin                                          Fort Myers, FL

    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie                 Georgia

    Bily                 Allen & Bev                Southern Alberta, Canada

    Repogirl49          ulieG                       Texas

    Bluejays29                                     Ontario

    maryann2                                       Vancouver, B,C,

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince                Seattle area

    redrn13                                        Cedar Springs, MI

    JoseyP                                         New York City

    Movingimages                                          Laredo, TX

    Edam               Ed & Pam                  Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Lyttleone1977                                  SW middle part of the “mitten”

    4iCX                                            Baltimore, MD

    Njsonja                                        The Villages, FL

    RoadTravelled                                  Dallas, TX

    Varnar                                                Kentucky


    nmarsh             Nancy                     Oakland, ME

    Jim02351                                      Murrells Inlet, SC

    MNM1011                                      Central Illinois

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny               New York City


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta                 Hamilton, ON

    Froufie      Janet                             Ottowa, Canada

    gortfamily                                      NC

    abodom68                                      Statesboro, GA



    avd79                                          Toronto, Canada

    Debiwood                                       Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                              Colorado

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon                     Ocala, FL

    Gbaladad                                       Carson, CA


    Jazzybaz                                       Saskatchewan, Canada

    JeriB                                           Minnesota

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence         Georgia

    cruisedivas          Linda                      Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    cruisinhabsfan                                  Montreal

    tonythewop                                     Montreal

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera                 Celina, TX

    freezincold                                     Ottowa

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim                 Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    Little Dog                                      Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                            Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241                    Cortland Manor, NY(40 mi n of Pier 88)

    sunshine002        Karen                      NYC

    Pittgreg      Addie & Greg Smith                    Los Angeles, CA (celebrating Addie’s “Sweet 16”

    andypeters   and wife                         Ocala, FL

    HBEEK1975  Hans & Bonnie                   Orlando, FL

    melsmax                                       VA

    WI-TX      Linda & Jerry                    Whitewright, TX

    bill_houston  Vickie & Bill                      Costa Rica & Austin, TX

    East<>coaster    w/wife                       Nova Scotia

  8. Looks like I'm overdue for another updated list ~ here ya go!



    SCOOBY3015                                  mid-Michigan

    Fergie33972                                    Virginia

    TravelerK           Karen               originally Butler, PA/now Alexandria, VA

    belkin                                          Fort Myers, FL

    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie                 Georgia

    Bily                 Allen & Bev                Southern Alberta, Canada

    Repogirl49          ulieG                       Texas

    Bluejays29                                     Ontario

    maryann2                                       Vancouver, B,C,

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince                Seattle area

    redrn13                                        Cedar Springs, MI

    JoseyP                                         New York City

    Movingimages                                          Laredo, TX

    Edam               Ed & Pam                  Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Lyttleone1977                                  SW middle part of the “mitten”

    4iCX                                            Baltimore, MD

    Njsonja                                        The Villages, FL

    RoadTravelled                                  Dallas, TX

    Varnar                                                Kentucky


    nmarsh             Nancy                     Oakland, ME

    Jim02351                                      Murrells Inlet, SC

    MNM1011                                      Central Illinois

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny               New York City


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta                 Hamilton, ON

    Froufie      Janet                             Ottowa, Canada

    gortfamily                                      NC

    abodom68                                      Statesboro, GA



    avd79                                          Toronto, Canada

    Debiwood                                       Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                              Colorado

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon                     Ocala, FL

    Gbaladad                                       Carson, CA


    Jazzybaz                                       Saskatchewan, Canada

    JeriB                                           Minnesota

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence         Georgia

    cruisedivas          Linda                      Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    cruisinhabsfan                                  Montreal

    tonythewop                                     Montreal

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera                 Celina, TX

    freezincold                                     Ottowa

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim                 Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    Little Dog                                      Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                            Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241                    Cortland Manor, NY(40 mi n of Pier 88)

    sunshine002        Karen                      NYC

    Pittgreg      Addie & Greg Smith                    Los Angeles, CA (celebrating Addie’s “Sweet 16”

    andypeters   and wife                         Ocala, FL

    HBEEK1975  Hans & Bonnie                   Orlando, FL

    melsmax                                       VA

    WI-TX      Linda                             Whitewright, TX

    bill_houston  Vickie & Bill                      Costa Rica & Austin, TX

  9. Sorry it took me a while to update.........been busy traveling.........


    SCOOBY3015                               mid-Michigan

    Fergie33972                                  Virginia

    TravelerK           Karen                   originally Butler, PA, now Alexandria, VA

    belkin                                              Fort Myers, FL

    LuvtoCruise50    Tad & Angie          Georgia

    Bily                 Allen & Bev             Southern Alberta, Canada

    Repogirl49          ulieG                  Texas

    Bluejays29                                    Ontario

    maryann2                                       Vancouver, B,C,

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince         Seattle area

    redrn13                                 Cedar Springs, MI

    JoseyP                                  New York City

    Movingimages                                   Laredo, TX

    Edam               Ed & Pam           Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Lyttleone1977                           SW middle part of the “mitten”

    4iCX                                     Baltimore, MD

    Njsonja                                 The Villages, FL

    RoadTravelled                           Dallas, TX

    Varnar                                         Kentucky


    nmarsh             Nancy              Oakland, ME

    Jim02351                               Murrells Inlet, SC

    MNM1011                               Central Illinois

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny        New York City


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta          Hamilton, ON

    Froufie      Janet                      Ottowa, Canada

    gortfamily                               NC

    abodom68                               Statesboro, GA



    avd79                                   Toronto, Canada

    Debiwood                                Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott                       Colorado

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon              Ocala, FL

    Gbaladad                                Carson, CA


    Jazzybaz                                Saskatchewan, Canada

    JeriB                                    Minnesota

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence  Georgia

    cruisedivas          Linda               Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    cruisinhabsfan                           Montreal

    tonythewop                              Montreal

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera          Celina, TX

    freezincold                              Ottowa

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim          Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    Little Dog                               Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry                     Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

    Jeffruit     Jeff & Leesa  6241                Cortland Manor, NY (40 mi n of Pier 88)

    sunshine002        Karen                         NYC

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. Thanks for the updates.............if I missed some, please let me know.......



    SCOOBY3015                    mid-Michigan

    Fergie33972                      Virginia

    TravelerK           Karen        originally Butler, PA, now Alexandria, VA

    belkin                            Fort Myers, FL

    LuvtoCruise50                    Georgia

    Bily                               Alberta, Canada

    Repogirl49          ulieG         Texas

    Bluejays29                       Ontario

    maryann2                         Vancouver, B,C,

    nwcruiselover    Nancy & Vince  Seattle area

    redrn13                          Cedar Springs, MI

    JoseyP                           New York City

    Movingimages                            Laredo, TX

    Edam               Ed & Pam    Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Lyttleone1977                    SW middle part of the “mitten”

    4iCX                              Baltimore, MD

    Njsonja                          The Villages, FL

    RoadTravelled                    Dallas, TX

    Varnar                                  Kentucky


    nmarsh             Nancy       Oakland, ME

    Jim02351                        Murrells Inlet, SC

    MNM1011                        Central Illinois

    DKNYC        Denise aka Denny New York City


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta   Hamilton, ON

    Froufie      Janet               Ottowa, Canada

    gortfamily                        NC

    abodom68                        Statesboro, GA



    avd79                            Toronto, Canada

    Debiwood                         Orlando, FL

    DoeCO      Deb & Scott           Colorado

    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon       Ocala, FL

    Gbaladad                         Carson, CA


    Jazzybaz                         Saskatchewan, Canada

    JeriB                             Minnesota

    SabrinaSmith45  Sabrina & Lawrence  Georgia

    cruisedivas          Linda        Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    cruisinhabsfan                    Montreal

    tonythewop                       Montreal

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera   Celina, TX

    freezincold                       Ottowa

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim   Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    Little Dog                        Canada

    gentlehyena  Tere & Larry              Buckhead (near Hot-lanta), GA

  11. Soooooooooooooooooo I just put a list together; please correct me if I messed anyone up ~  I'll do my best to keep the list current...........



    SCOOBY3015                           mid-Michigan

    Fergie33972                              Virginia

    TravelerK           Karen             originally Butler, PA, now Alexandria, VA

    belkin                                         Fort Myers, FL

    LuvtoCruise50                          Georgia

    Bily                                             Alberta, Canada

    Repogirl49          JulieG           Texas

    Bluejays29                                Ontario

    maryann2                                 Vancouver, B,C,

    nwcruiselover    Nancy           Seattle area

    redrn13                                     Cedar Springs, MI

    JoseyP                                      New York City

    Movingimages                          Laredo, TX

    Edam            Ed & Pam             Orlando & Asheville, NC

    Lyttleone1977                            SW middle part of the “mitten”

    4iCX                                             Baltimore, MD

    Njsonja                                       The Villages, FL

    RoadTravelled                            Dallas, TX

    Varnar                                          Kentucky


    nmarsh             Nancy                  Oakland, ME

    Jim02351                                      Murrells Inlet, SC

    MNM1011                                      Central Illinois

    DKNYC    Denise aka Denny       New York City


    Lettienets   Lettie or Loretta         Hamilton, ON

    Froufie                                            Ottowa, Canada

    gortfamily                                       NC

    abodom68                                      Statesboro, GA



    avd79                                              Toronto, Canada

    Debiwood                                       Orlando, FL


    SKNG Cruisers   Steve & Sharon   Ocala, FL

    Gbaladad                                        Carson, CA


    Jazzybaz                                        Saskatchewan, Canada

    JeriB                                               Minnesota

    SabrinaSmith45                            Georgia

    cruisedivas          Linda                Glen Dale, MD, NY & DC

    cruisinhabsfan                             Montreal

    tonythewop                                  Montreal

    Dtredennick     Bill & Debera      Celina, TX

    freezincold                                   Ottowa

    cruising forever    Pris & Jim      Columbia, SC & Denver, CO

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. Hi from South Carolina (he's from Denver) ~ we booked this a few weeks ago; got our Cove balcony and intend to keep it; love those 😉   Still struggling with Barcelona hotel (wanted near Las Ramblas) and excursions, but imagine it will come together eventually.   Any tours still have openings?  Details?


    Our first Transatlantic (currently on a 35 day cruise in the South Pacific), but been to Barcelona 3 times already and love it there!

    • Like 2
  13. I have never sailed out of Long Beach, CA so I don't have a clue.................would a 12:55 PM flight out of LAX be too early for a cruise docking in Long Beach on a Saturday in mid-December? I'm thinking that would be plenty of time, but wanted to ask someone who knows the situation there. Also, does anyone know the cut-off time for flights to use the cruise line shuttle from Long Beach pier to LAX (Carnival)?

  14. I guess it's time once again to post my standard answer:


    There is a very limited area of Long Beach in which you want to stay...and, therefore, a limited number of hotels.


    "A" List: The BEST places to stay are the Hyatt, Westin, Renaissance and Hyatt Centric (also known as Hyatt at the Pike) …These put you right in the heart of the tourist area with very convenient walks to restaurants, shops and attractions and easy access to the free "Passport" shuttle...and those ARE the nicest hotels in town. Doesn't necessarily mean they are higher priced, though...and you can often get a real deal via Priceline...










    "B" List: Slightly further away, but still in decent walking distance, is the Hilton. Just across the bridge (on the same side of the channel as the Carnival Pier) are the Marriott Residence Inn Downtown and the Maya Doubletree...








    "C" List: Slightly outside the prime area and/or not necessarily the nicest hotels for one reason or another, but options if all else fails are the Marriott Courtyard and the Best Western Long Beach Convention Center...The Queen Mary is across the bridge ...and right next to the Carnival Terminal...however, I am not a big fan of the Queen Mary--unless you are on there for nostalgia's sake...It's not exactly a first class hotel by today's standards--the rooms are small, condition questionable, etc. And note, you may even want to completely scratch the Queen Mary off this list considering recent reports of needed major maintenance just to keep the thing afloat--literally, that is!








    Getting to ANY of these hotels from LAX, you'd either have to take a taxi, car service or a shuttle...Try Super Shuttle or Prime Time Shuttle or Super Shuttle's Execucar...From hotel to pier, some of these hotels may have free shuttles, but policies change time to time, so I would check individually with the hotel...All would be a very short taxi ride from the Carnival Pier...From the Maya Doubletree, Residence Inn Downtown or Queen Mary, one could even walk...LAX is 20 miles from the San Pedro World Cruise Center, 23 miles from the Carnival Terminal in Long Beach…could take anywhere from a half an hour to an hour depending on day, time and traffic…


    One word of warning: Do NOT go looking for bargains outside of this short list of hotels...Long Beach is a BIG city...there are lots of different areas, some better, some worse...some not so close to the port or the tourist areas...That bargain hotel MAY tell you it's near the Convention Center or near the port...but it may not be...it may be in an undesirable area or location. You want to have a pleasant stay--stick to this list.


    This area of Long Beach means you will have a large choice of restaurants nearby, you will have nice shops and picturesque scenery and places to walk and enjoy...You will be close to sites like the Aquarium and the Queen Mary if you want to have a little sightseeing... One word of warning: Do NOT go looking for bargains outside of this short list of hotels...Long Beach is a BIG city...there are lots of different areas, some better, some worse...some not so close to the port or the tourist areas...That bargain hotel MAY tell you it's near the Convention Center or near the port...but it may not be...it may be in an undesirable area or location. You want to have a pleasant stay--stick to this list.


    This area of Long Beach means you will have a large choice of restaurants nearby, you will have nice shops and picturesque scenery and places to walk and enjoy...You will be close to sites like the Aquarium and the Queen Mary if you want to have a little sightseeing...Long Beach runs a free shuttle service called the "Passport" which will take you all over the Downtown area:






    Thank you so much for compiling this through list of recommended hotels. Sadly, for the 2 days we will be there, I'm unable to match up with any of these........I did find a Best Western at 1725 Long Beach Boulevard that did have decent recommendations from others so I wondered if you knew anything about that property? The closest Marriott I can get is in Alamitos or Torrance (special program for me) and most of the nearby Hilton properties are sold out for my dates. Thanks for your help!

  15. btw if you stay at Marriott, AC Hotel Bella Sky or Crowne Plaza you could use their shuttlebus to and from the pier.


    YAY!!!!!!!!!! Looking at staying at AC Hotel Bella Sky ~ nice to know they have a shuttle to the pier.........do they happen to pick up at the airport as well? Is the location near any of the touristy stuff (planning to come in for a 2 night stay). Thanks so much!

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