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Posts posted by popcan

  1. One unfortunate thing about the timing of our cruise is that the Olympics begin just a few days after we embark.


    I'm ok with simple updates for most of it - but being die-hard Canadian Hockey fans, DW and I are wondering if we will be able to view any of the games on board. Particularly the medal rounds!


    Do you think we might be able to tune in via the TV in our room, or at one of the bars?

  2. [quote name='Vict0riann']As far as I know, the second leg has only 40 so far - better remind people to sign up - it's at a time I like 4:30 p.m., Happy Hour! :D[/QUOTE]

    NOW we are at 67. If the second leg has 40 or so NEW people, and the first leg all show up, we could be over 100 at the second meet and greet. That seems like a lot!
  3. How 'bout two empty Chef Boyardee cans with a string attached to them? :cool:



    I am reliably informed that the Chef-Boyardee cans do not have the optimum wall thickness or surface area required to effectively transmit normal voice frequency/vibration.

    Better to use the larger coffee cans after removing the paper cover, if any. The thinner metal offers a much clearer range of tone.


    No worries about losing these: when not in use, just put them on your head like a hat.

  4. Our first cruise was aboard the Volendam, to Alaska, inside passage RT Vancouver.


    It's funny (now) because we were such noob's that when we were offered an upsell to a Neptune Suite, we turned it down because we were happy with our cabin. Then we were offered it again at a lower price, and we decided to ask on here if we should do it. By the time all the encouragement from you good people had us convinced we should go for it, a third offer came at an even lower price! We took it quickly that time!


    Been spoiled ever since, and we love the Volendam.


    We'll be back aboard her in Feb 2014!


    <a href=P1010276.jpg' alt='P1010276.jpg'>

  5. Just got to wondering, how do people pick their CC names.

    Mine is an anagram from when I used to work for P&O Ports (Canada).


    In short form, that became "POPCAN". Probably not what most people think when they see the name. :)




    (P&O Ports in Canada were eventually bought by Dubai Ports World, but "DUPWOR" didn't have the same cache, so I kept my old name. :rolleyes: )


    What's the story behind your CC name?

  6. At the end of the day this is entirely a HAL management issue.



    Well, maybe not entirely.


    There is some social responsibility, common sense, and respect for others to be bourne by each of us as well, don't you think?


    Not to put too fine a point on it, but when you read the guidelines for dress during formal dinner nights, and deliberately choose not to follow them, isn't that saying something about you? I'm guessing HAL management did not pack your suitcase.


    I am reminded of the old adage;

    Never try to teach a pig to whistle.

    It's a waste of your time, plus it annoys the pig.


    As the world changes, sometimes we don't know which we are: the whistler or the pig.


    I include myself in there too - If I'm not willing to change with the times, maybe I become the pig! lol.

  7. JMHO but HAL is going to go with what makes money. The trend in society is moving to more casual attire. More and more, people don't want to dress up on vacation, particularly the younger generations. Let's face it. Statistically, *most* retirees are on a fixed income and probably spend less than those still working. As these younger generations become the money-makers and spenders, the cruise lines are going to change their rules to fit their demands, or the new spenders are going to take their money elsewhere. I think the relaxing of the current guidelines is just the beginning of this change. It may be a slow erosion at this point, but it's coming because it's what the majority want and it's easier to change the rules gradually than all of a sudden. The change in the wine rule is a very good example of that. Again JMHO



    Just for the record, I think you are correct.


    However; statistically, more than 12,000 people are turning 65 every day in the USA alone. That trend continues for a bit yet, as the Boomers gradually call it a day. HAL understands the numbers far better than you or I, and they will walk on the edge as long as they can, collecting the cash from young and old like, until they are compelled to commit by the paying customer.


    Who knows, it may become fashionable to dress up again. We see so many of the fads from the 60's, 70's, and 80's being recycled today!

  8. Quote:

    yes...we are dumbing down daily...at a record pace




    I get it that attitudes are drifting more and more towards "doing your own thing".

    This is not new; we see it everywhere, not just on cruise ships.

    Examples of "me first", entitlement, and instant gratification abound. It's (sadly) a large part of the world we live in now. I suppose my values are too Old School.

    I just think that there is a time and place to make a statement about your individuality....and perhaps formal night is not the time.


    I lay much of the blame for the whole issue on Hal. If they would uniformly enforce the rules, whatever they may be, then we don't have this.

    In the meantime, we rely upon consideration and mutual respect for each other.


    The debate continues.......

  9. We have been reading about this debate on and off ever since joining CC.

    The topic never seems to lose traction!

    One of the most common refrains seems to be along these lines:



    Originally Posted by Richie2pies

    I don't understand why people even care what other people wear. If you're comfortable with what YOU wear, why worry about other people.


    Our thoughts: We adhere to the dress guidelines, which appear to be an attempt to hang on to the Old World Style and Comfort of shipboard life, which (we think) is the essence of HAL ships. We are happy with our choice and generally enjoy the formal nights.


    If nothing else, at the very least it seems the polite and considerate thing to do for our fellow passengers who are enjoying a formal night dinner.

    Is it really so difficult? We're not comfortable with the attitude of "it's all about me, and never mind what others think".


    But that's just us.

    If for some reason we don't wish to dress for dinner, we will eat in the Lido or maybe one day we will try a dinner in our cabin.

  10. Thanks for that info Scapel - very informative. I checked with Siska and she said no one is allowed off the ship's tender without a guided tour.


    Sounds like everyone had a great day - but I guess it comes down to whether you can/want to pay the prices for any of the tour options on this day. For us it's just too steep considering we are a family and there are many other stops where we would like to do tours. Also we are not keen on seeing the dragons so the price to go to the beach and the village just isn't worth it for us.




    You should go see the Dragons!

    You only truly regret the things in life that you did NOT do....



    Maybe see if you can get a squad of Marines to go in your group.

    The Indonesian Marines are tough as nails. :)

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