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Posts posted by sczcardfan

  1. I've read in several places that the only complimentary beers offered are Bud, Bud Light and Becks. Pretty appalling list, if you ask me. Does anyone have a list of premium beers offered?


    Yes. Yes it is an appalling list. Equally appalling is that the premium beer list (which you can buy individually, or a beer package for, https://www.azamaraclubcruises.com/booked-guests/onboard-packages/beverage-packages) is full of similarly blah beers. I can think of no rationale for having 20+ blah beers. You could eliminate half (or more) of those and no one would care. If you're going to bother having that many beers, at least have a selection that includes some more interesting beers (many of which are available at a similar price point).


    Does anyone know what the "house" pours are for gin, whiskey, vodka?
    Don't know what they use if you don't request, but the complimentary spirits include: Beefeater gin & Gordon's gin, Finlandia vodka & Smirnoff vodka, Cutty Sark scotch whisky & Jim Beam bourbon & Seagram's Seven Crown whisky.


    But at least I can flavor the complimentary spirits...

  2. For the AzAmazing Evening in Hvar, most people walked. But for those for whom the 10-15 minute walk was a difficulty, Azamara provided shuttle vans to get those people to/from the event. Not something I would worry about, fully expect Azamara will do their best to get anyone interested in the Evenings to the event.

  3. On my two cruises on Azamara involving Venice (one on Journey, one on Quest), they have docked at San Basilio. Very convenient, with a vaporetto (water bus) stop a few steps away from the terminal, or if you feel like walking an easy enough (20'ish minute) walk to St. Mark's Square.


    Wondering which dock is used by Journey in Venice.

    San Basilio Pier which smaller ships use, or the Main Cruise Port?

  4. As others have noted, there is steak available in the main dining room every day. As for the pasta, you can order a 2nd entree if you want, but I've also had them quickly offer to serve me a pasta dish in appetizer/side dish portion sizes when I've asked.

  5. I wasn't looking for n-a beers the last time I was cruising on Azamara, and I probably won't remember to check and report back after my September cruise, but per the website (which means the information does need to be taken with several grains of salt) Azamara offers O'Douls and Buckler as non-alcoholic beer options.

  6. Cheryl does your card get swiped every time so you see what you consumed? Sounds like a good deal for 10 days.




    Not Cheryl, but purchased the premium package for my recent cruise.


    My experience was yes they did swipe my card every time. Not so easy to see exactly what you consumed however. You get a printout detailing all the charges to your seapass, but it just line-items the bar that charged you and the charge (zero), but did not include information on what you ordered and were charged for.

  7. While I was on the Equinox and not the Solstice, I am posting this here as it seems to be providing information useful to all Solstice Class ships and not just the Solstice.


    Ship: Equinox


    Deck: Deck 11


    Cabin #: 1559


    Cabin Class: Aqua Class


    Side of ship: port side


    Bed near: bed near bathroom


    Quiet cabin?: yes, cabin was quiet, no noise disturbances noticed, only noise that was heard was when on the balcony during the day and even then it was definitely not excessive noise


    Balcony view: no obstructions, although with the location between the two "humps" could not see the bow or stern of the ship, but even it wasn't it felt close enough to a full 180-degree view to have no complaints.


    Balcony size: normal


    Wind: no wind issues, the balcony felt very sheltered from the wind, on one sea day the wind made the ship's pool deck (and other outside areas) unenjoyable but this balcony was perfectly calm and lovely


    Aft soot: n/a (not an aft cabin)


    Problems with cabin: none (other than limited clothes storage options, but that is not specific to this cabin)


    Other comments: Would prefer a cabin closer to the main bank of elevators (and preferably on the hump for a larger balcony), but the walk to either bank of elevators was not an issue. Shower in aqua class cabin was fantastic. Comfort of balcony chairs (with foot stools) and lack of wind on balcony were fantastic. Balcony was shaded (which I liked).

  8. Hi all, sorry if this obvious question has been answered before...but....


    if I buy one drinks package, can both myself and husband get drink at same time e.g. 2 cokes, 2 coffees, 2 glasses of wine?




    Sorry, but Celebrity specifically states that drink packages cannot be shared. So if you both want drinks you would need to buy two packages, or one package and pay for 2nd drinks as-you-go, or (obviously) not get a package and just pay-as-you-go.

  9. Celebrity have obviously noticed the error on the website and have therefore changed it over the last 21-24 hours as it no longer says that you will receive the glasses.


    For the few of us who have purchased this BEFORE the website change it will be interested how they play this out once onboard.


    I like many others have printed out both the initial web splash page and the confirmation email which clearly states that you receive the glasses.


    Now we don't sail for another 4 weeks so i expect them to either


    a) send us an email explaining the error before we sail (and possibly give us the option of canceling)

    b) mention the error when we speak to either guest services of the sommelier (it is requested that we do this on our confirmation email) and to do this on the day of embarkation - again giving us the option to cancel.

    c) Say nothing and once we have done the class and ask for the glasses they then tell us it was a mistake.


    I agree that those are how I see the options playing out, although if they don't take 'Option A' then I would be be unhappy with how they handle this.


    If they know enough to fix the website, they should at least be acknowledging those that booked under a different description.


    Yep, they must have a record of everyone who booked this online at $15, and their email address where they sent confirmation. This should be a simple process to address this issue...whether or not they manage it properly remains to be seen though.

  10. We have booked at £9.30 plus service charge and I'm quite happy with this, it's obviously only for the wine tasting, how could it be anything else.

    I'm looking forward to the experience and if we like the glasses we can always buy some once we're home. :)


    At the price, I can understand why people would not expect the tasting to include the glasses. But as to why it could be something else, it's because the description of what you're purchasing indicates that it is, and the confirmation which you receive indicates that it is.


    A company offers to sell something at a price, provides you confirmation of what you bought at that price...I don't feel like I'm too far out on a limb to feel that they might actually be offering to provide what they say they will.


    And I understand mistakes happen. But if you make a mistake, figure it out and fix it. Solve the problem before it's actually a problem. If Celebrity didn't mean to sell what they said they're selling, then a batch email to everyone who purchased the tasting at $15 would handle it (at least to my satisfaction). Ignoring the problem and assuming that I know what you meant to sell me...well, that's just not good business...

  11. Celebrity is part of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Between the two of us, I know which of us can be more appropriately described as a "poor human". ;)



    Can you explain yourself here?


    When I said a mistake was made by some poor human, it was whomever was working on Celebrity's website.


    Sorry, I did understand that you were referring to whomever entered the information on the website. And I did not mean to imply a judgement about either of us (and apologize if you felt I was taking a shot at you, as that was not my intent, but now fear that it could be read that way :().


    I was trying to be humerous, and suggest that I was also a poor human, and definitely poorer than Celebrity (i.e. the comparison was supposed to be between me and Celebrity). As is too often the case with me, I'm afraid, my attempt at a joke appears to have misfired. :o Sorry.

  12. BBM

    Man are you wayyyyyyyyy off base with that statement when it concerns me. This is my first Celebrity sailing.


    And if Celebrity tells you that the $15.00 dollar price is only for the wine tasting, what will you do? Bring out the little paper that states that glasses on included, when you just admitted that you know that the glasses are much more than the $15.00? How about a call to Celebrity from you asking what the $15.00 will get you so there are no surprises when you get on the ship? And you don't believe that you are taking advantage of a mistake that some poor HUMAN made on part of a web site?


    I told my husband about what is going on and about the workshop since he is a wine lover. He told me to check with Celebrity as to the pricing since there are CONFLICTING pricing posted. He wants to know what the $15.00 package offers and what the $82.00 package offers.


    You may have conflicting pricing posted. However, I don't have pricing options, I'm only being offered to be sold a $15 package which (per Celebrity) includes glasses. There is no $82 option online for my sailing.


    Why is it my responsibility to contact a business to see if they're planning on fulfilling what they sold? As I said, if the $15 price (with glasses) is a mistake, Celebrity should realize this, fix their website, and contact people who have paid that price to correct the situation (even if the correction is simply a notification that the tasting no longer includes glasses, and a reminder that I have cancelation options if I no longer want to participate). How is that unreasonable on my part? :confused:


    As for what I will do onboard, I'm not going to get in a shouting match with someone on the ship. I recognize that *if* this pricing is an error it isn't the onboard rep's fault. I will point out the problem though, because it is a major screwup for a company to not provide what they promised. And at the least I would expect an apology, and to not just be blown off and told that the mistake was mine.


    Celebrity is part of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Between the two of us, I know which of us can be more appropriately described as a "poor human". ;)

  13. People have called Celebrity and have posted what was told to them. Do you not think it is strange that at one place on their web site that it states prices STARTING at $15.00? You KNOW that the price of the glasses are higher than $15.00 if purchased but yet you insist that the company MIGHT be giving a special deal or since someone screwed up, Celebrity better give me those glasses for the sum of 15.00, because if not, it will ruin their reputation.


    People here are well aware of the original price of the workshop which includes glasses, was/is $82.00pp but hey someone made a mistake, tough luck Celebrity.




    I love how some, who seem to believe Celebrity can do no wrong, are ignoring the fact that Celebrity is selling something at a price that they may or may not be planning on fullfilling. I really don't understand what a splash screen note about starting prices has to do with it at all?? :confused:


    Okay, their starting price is $15. Guess what, they told me that my final price was $15. And they told me it included glasses at that price!


    Is that quote wrong? I'm willing to believe that it quite possibly is. But if it is, then Celebrity bears the responsibility of correcting it. How can anyone not agree with that?? :confused: If they've screwed up, then they should be dealing with it proactively. And if they're not planning on including the glasses to people purchasing at $15, then they have screwed up. They are currently confirming that service at that price. The important item is not the intro screen (why would that absolve them of any responsibility??), we're talking confirmed orders with specifics.


    Why is the mistake my responsibility and not Celebrity's? If it is a mistake, they made it, not me. What do I expect? I expect that either they honor what they sold me, or they have at least enough of a clue that they figure out an error was made and contact me ahead of time to discuss how I would like to handle a correction. If you're not selling what you said you were, explain the mistake to me and then we can work out how to proceed that's fair to everyone. I'm sorry, but you seem to think that Celebrity should be able to just let people show up and then provide a different service than what they sold! :eek:

  14. How can anyone sincerely get mad over the fact that they may not get the glasses for this price? You know the glasses are worth way more than this right?


    Prices STARTS at 15.00. Is everyone printing that little line out also?


    How do I know what arrangement Celebrity has with Riedel? Yes, at this price getting the glasses included would be a good deal, but good deals happen sometimes.


    As for the "Starting from: $15.00 USD Per Package", so what?? If you click through, you can make payment at $15 (plus service charge) per person, and get a confirmation at that price with the note that "a coupon to redeem your Riedel Tasting Set on-line through our Celebrity Vineyards website" will be in your stateroom upon embarkation.


    As I said previously, if this pricing is in error (and/or the glasses are not included at this price), then Celebrity really needs to correct their website. Because in that case, they would be taking payment for something that they have advertised, sold, and confirmed but are not planning on delivering -- a very bad business practice!

  15. Nope, but I'm told you won't be getting any glasses for $17.25. Per Celebrity, this is a new "tasting only" option. The package with the glasses is (or will be) $89 and can only be booked on board.


    (I am just conveying what I was told. If it turns out to be wrong, well, it wouldn't be the first time.! :))


    From the pricing, that was what I was thinking they might be doing. However, if so they really need to update/correct their website. I find the lack of clarity on Celebrity's website annoying at times, but that is significantly different that misstating what you're selling. Changing the price of something, but not updating the item's description to reflect the cost-saving reductions, is wrong.

  16. Would like to add my thanks as well. :) I'd been thinking about this, but at $80+ it wasn't something I was ready to commit to. At $17.25 it seems like a steal. While the description still mentions that "participants receive a set of Riedel stemware to take or ship home", I'm actually wondering if they're changing this (as I can't see how they can price the workshop at $17.25 with that included).


    I do wish that it would tell me when the workshop is going to be. At what feels like a price discount, I'm willing to give away flexibility, but not knowing my other options for a time was part of what had kept me for purchasing this earlier (that and the price...;)).

  17. Your Qsine experience seemed "interesting", kind of, maybe. Some of the items seemed a little "OUT THERE". You were wise to note to order a little wider range of different different items in order to "pick and choose" what would actually work. Some of the presentations seemed very creative, but maybe a little too much for my more traditional tastes and styles. Your video and pictures gave a good preview in order to prepare and plan accordingly.


    THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


    Recently back from a June 7-19 Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 28,853 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



    But surely "out there" is what Qsine is going for. And while I wouldn't want to eat like that every night, I wish there was a Qsine on the Equinox so I could try it out. Something I'd definitely like to experience.

  18. Thanks man! At least somebody on this board agrees me. Be careful though -- you are going to upset a lot of people on this board who think they are perfect and have never broken a rule or a law at one point in their life.


    The $25 corkage fee is practically stealing, but that is perfectly OK with the people on this board as long as Celebrity is the one doing the cheating.


    I accept that I'm not perfect, and I do not deny that I have broken rules in my life. Most of us seem to believe the difference is not bragging about breaking rules, and advising people that it is appropriate behavior. That I am flawed, doesn't mean that other people should try and emulate (or exceed) my failures.


    And I definitely have a different view of the world from anyone who believes that a corkage fee is practically stealing. There are pros and cons to corkage fees in restaurants, but it's a standard industry concept that is generally known and understood before it's charged.


    Returning to the original purpose of this thread, if anyone has and could post current (mid-2011) beverage prices it would be greatly appreciated. Just wondering how much things have changed from mid-2010 when this thread started. In particular I'm interested in prices that are being charged on Mediterranean sailings this summer. Thanks.

  19. Our family was not the only one doing this. Every family we came across purchased one or two drink packages and passed along drinks to other family members. Do you really think a family of 4 or 5 are really going to get 5 beverage packages?


    And by reading some of the posts about Celebrity on this board and how they can treat customers, do you really care if Celebrity gets cheated out of a few drinks?


    If I were to give anyone advice on the beverage packages, I would say share them -- or you can give Celebrity another few hundred bucks, unnecessarily.


    You rationalize it however you want. Other people doing it doesn't make it right. If you want to game the system, I can't stop you but I do disagree with you.


    And yes, if I was cruising with my family, everyone would buy a separate beverage package.

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