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Everything posted by Sleep7

  1. OTP was hopping at 3:30am. As I have said in the past.. airports are like hospitals.. busy 24 hours a day. A small lounge on the second floor.. not too much to offer but they did have nice coffee machines a lot of yogurt. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  2. At around 3:30 our tour was winding down and the bus took us to the JW Marriott which was very near the Palace of Parliament. The Viking Desk was set up and had our keys ready to go and paperwork for the next morning. The Hotel was was a true palace in itself! We have never stayed in such a lavish Marriott before.. I actually took video of the bathroom and sent it to our daughters. Felt like the Beverly Hillbillies in a fancy hotel for the first time!๐Ÿ˜† Too tired to walk back to the Old Town for dinner we ate at the hotel. They had a great assortment of restaurants.. a steakhouse, an Italian restaurant, and a sports bar. We chose the Italian one (very delicious pizza and eggplant parm) and saw a few friends from our cruise.. we greet each other so warmly and were grateful for the opportunity to hug goodbye. It was short night's sleep as we were up at 2:00am and in the lobby at 3:00am for the bus transfer to the airport. Our Air France flight to Paris was at 6:20am.
  3. Our guide also showed us this landmark restaurant called Caru cu bere. It's built like a church but instead of worshiping a g-d it worshiped beer! Such a cool interior.. added it onto my list of things to see and do when we come back to Bucharest in the future.
  4. Bucharest was the first city in the world to have street lights that were illuminated by kerosene lamps.
  5. Very reasonable prices too.. This beer was about $2 for happy hour. Our group enjoyed a delicious al fresco lunch of soup, ground meat kebabs and potatoes and black forest cake for dessert.
  6. After the tour was over our guide and bus picked us up out front. We drove over to the Old Town area for a short walking tour and lunch. Bucharest is a vibrant bustling city and I loved it! The Old Town area was leafy and lovely.
  7. I am trying but unfortunately I can't really fully convey the massive scale of the hallways and the rooms in pictures. Some rooms also doubled as a catering hall! Nadia Comaneci and Bart Connor were married here in 1996. The current Romanian Parliament meets in this room.
  8. There was airport type security to get in and you had to show your passport. A lot of class trips arriving going on that day too. First stop for every tour it seemed was a picture on the grand staircase.
  9. Our sweet and knowledgeable guide was very chatty and told us a lot about Romanian history during our 3 hour drive. Once we got to Bucharest our first stop was the main attraction of the tour.. The Palace of the Parliament. What can you say about a 3.54 million square foot building built by a megalomaniac dictator? It's a lot of bathrooms to clean and rugs to shampoo.๐Ÿคจ Here is an interesting link about the building. https://passportsymphony.com/heaviest-building-in-the-world/
  10. It was a L O N G and bumpy drive to Bucharest. There was major road work and it really slowed things down and bumped things up! We did stop at 2 gas stations for rest stops and snacks along the way.
  11. Our last dinner on the ship. Only snapped the fried cheese.. totally forgot about the rest of the meal!๐Ÿซฃ
  12. After lunch we walked around Nikopol a little.. very little. As Sam aptly said.. "It was the city that always sleeps.." Really deserted.๐Ÿ˜ They did have the famous sign though!๐Ÿ˜Š And 3 ships all moored together.. I guess none of them could get thru to Bucharest.
  13. After the museum we had about an hour to walk around the town of Pleven. These type of signs seem to be very popular.. see next town.๐Ÿ˜ Ghoulish purple roses for sale.. just right for Halloween!
  14. It's one of a handful of 360 panorama paintings in the world. There is one just like it in Gettysburg, PA that we actually just happened to visit in July. Also interesting is that the United States manufactured the "best" weapons so many of the guns the soldiers used were made in the USA and shipped to Bulgaria. Remington rifles. The first machine gun.. it shot 300 rounds in one minutes. A lot of period artwork too.
  15. From Wikipedia.. Eleven Russian and two Bulgarian artists painted and constructed the panoramic painting which includes a 115ร—15-meter main canvas and 12-meter foreground. The goal of Ovetchkin and the artists who created the panorama was to create a feeling of empathy for the battle that was fought on the site as well as a feeling of authenticity of the events that occurred on 11 September 1877. The panorama opened to the public on 10 December 1977, 100 years to the day that Field Marshal Osman Pasha surrendered to Colonel Mihail Cerchez, ending the Pleven Epope.
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