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Posts posted by SOLIVITA LADY

  1. Unfortunately, the casino discount and this promotion are not combinable... but I got such a great deal, I can't complain!


    We got that casino price too and after checking with our TA found out our price is more than $500 less for the cabin than the promotion price, so looks like we will be paying for our own drinks.




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  2. We got off Regal Princess on April 12 and after looking at the MDR menu ate 3 nights in Alfredos, one night in the Buffet and one night in Crown. Only ate in MDR first night and the last night because the cake my grandson made at the Jr. Chef class was to be delivered to our table. We hated the new menus which had too many Carribbean items in the entree category each and every night.




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  3. Pam... I'm glad to hear this comment. I've read your posts for a long time on cc and appreciate your advice. We'll be on the ship when you return. I followed your roll call for tips since this will be our first cruise to Hawaii and first time on the Grand! Almost wish I hadn't read this thread but I will keep an open mind and plan to have a fantastic time!


    Marilyn :)




    I've been reading this thread too but figure " it is what it is" and I certainly won't be looking for issues. We have a great bunch on our roll call and I'm sure we will have a lot of fun.


    See you at the hotel or on board the ship.



  4. I remember it being mentioned back when Regal Princess was initially set to debut, that since Royal Princess had already been out for about a year, and that all of the "design faults" were well known by then, that future cruisers on this class of ship should be and would be well aware of them, and if they were still booked, and they still decided to go anyways, that they really didn't have room to complain once they returned.


    While I tend to agree with that, I don't disagree with those who have not sailed this class of ship, know what's important to them in what makes a cruise most pleasurable, and therefore decide not to book a cruise on either Royal Princess or Regal Princess.


    I have stated, that for me, these two new ships are about as close to perfection in what I need to be happy on a cruise.


    But, for those who have been around this forum for the past couple of years, you will also know that there are certain people who do not like these new ships because there are aspects in this new design - features that are very important to them - that are not present: a space for actual, formal ballroom dancing; aft facing, spacious public lounges with magnificent views of the wake; and what has been termed a "proper promenade", in which they can take a long evening stroll protected from the elements. I can live without those features just as easily as I can live without creme brûlée (which I really hate, by the way). But I'm not going to pass judgment on those who simply can't and won't cruise without those features that are a prerequisite to cruising their way.


    And each persons actual shipboard experience, and how they deal with and view it, is going to be different; whether you are 6' 4" or 5' 3"; 285 pounds or 160 pounds; 'high society' or 'common folk'; eat regularly at McDonalds or Morton's; drive a Bentley or an 'old beater'; cruise several times a year or only once in a lifetime; live in a studio apartment or a seven-figure stately manor; are use to Crystal Cruises and Cunard or NCL and CCL; or something in between all of that. Those factors are important with how those who have sailed Royal Princess and Regal Princess anticipated, built their expectations, and actually experienced these ships based on their own daily lives and what they are accustomed to. They either fit, or don't fit. But it seems that there are still a good number of people who knew/know of those "design faults" going in, and still went, or are still cruising them in the future, despite that fact.


    For the past two years I have been providing factual information on the Royal-class ships to the best of my ability without trying to be an obvious cheerleader. And I would hope that this was the way that it came across, or at least successful to some degree in that matter. But I am also not a fan of the Grand-class - they are the 'creme brûlée' of my cruising experience; heck, I'd rather cruise Carnival Cruise Line again than set one foot back on Ruby Princess or the like (please, no hate mail). However I don't populate every thread about that class of ship with my opinion and attitudes based on my experience.


    If you had a horrible time on these new ships - I'm sorry. If you had a great time - ME TOO! If you're on the fence and 50/50 with your experience - well, no ship is exactly perfect for everyone, and maybe you'll have better luck next time on whatever ship you pick.


    But, I am wondering just how much longer it's going to be before the 'two sides' of this debate realize that there is no 'right or wrong side', but let those who have decided that the Royal-class ships are not for them do so without waging a war of words, and then having it deteriorate into a contest on whomever can post the most with their pom-poms, pitchforks, or facetious nasty comments and opinions.




    Dave, nicely said. I really appreciated the information on the Royal and Regal you provided. We have been on the Royal twice and will be on the Regal in April. I love the new builds but also appreciate the other ships in the Princess lineup. We are on the Grand for a Hawaii cruise in March.




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  5. Does Princess have EZ check at the end of cruises out of San Pedro? If so, do they print your boarding pass also. Does American Airlines participate? We are on Grand Princess March 4th and debark on March 19 with a 10:30 PM flight.





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  6. I'm very prone to sea sickness but prefer aft cabins. I use Bonine, starting a couple of days before the cruise and each night thereafter before bed. I also have ginger capsules with me as well as the electronic sea sickness bands and regular sea bands just in case but haven't had to use them. The one time I did feel ill I was in Skywalkers way on top of the ship leaving Pt. Everglades for our M&G.


    Good luck with whatever you choose.




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  7. I guess that I'm fortunate not to have been on the Island prior to its makeover so I won't miss what isn't there when we do our Grand Med cruise next September. Having said that, it will be odd to be on a Princess ship without an aft lounge of some kind.


    Of course, they're doing it to make money :rolleyes:, they are a business after all. With the closure of Venice to all larger ships they either have change the itineraries to skip using Venice as a embarkation/disembarkation port, modify the smaller ships to make them cost effective for the existing itineraries, or shell out the money (not to mention the time it would take) to build a new cruise port near enough to Venice to be practical.


    Princess execs probably figure that the risk of changing the Island to be more profitable is the least risky plan at this point. Would you do a Grand Med tour if you couldn't take extra time at the beginning or end to spend more time in Venice?


    Completely agree. We have not been on Island Princess before so won't miss what was there before. The thing I will miss is the IC but we will make do as we have such a port intensive cruise and will use the dining room on sea days. We try to stay out of the buffet as much as possible when cruising.


    Anyway, we will enjoy our Grand Med cruise in October. It's the ports that are the stars of this cruise not the ships.





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  8. Loved your trip report. Now that you mentioned getting a taxi to and from the Borghese Museum I will plan on getting tickets before we leave. Thank you for a very interesting and fascinating review. I'll be looking to have one of those artichokes as I love them and have noted what restaurants you ate at.




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  9. I love Bonine! The scopolomine patches worked great too, but you need a rx. I take Bonine a couple of days before the cruise, and always at night so I don't feel any side effects.I never cruised until I was 35 because of my motion-sickness, but have gone on 3 without any issues. Good Luck!:)


    I do the same thing. Always start taking it a couple of days prior and then continue throughout the cruise. Take at night before bed so no side effects felt.




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  10. I'm loving the review and can't wait to see your pictures in Rome. I've planned three nights there after our cruise and hope to get to see some of the things we missed on our other trips to Rome. You were my inspiration for booking the Island Princess from Venice to Rome in 2015. Keep the pictures and commentary coming.




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  11. We have three cruises booked to the Caribbean and just this weekend booked a Venice to Rome cruise that includes Turkey. Will keep hands washed and away from face, bring mosquito spray for the Caribbean, book a Princess tour in Turkey in case port is cancelled and always have trip insurance in case cruise is cut short or whatever may happen.


    One could just as easily get hit by a car crossing the street. So, the answer to the OP's question is NO.




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