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Posts posted by CoronaCRZR

  1. Doug, between all the pics & stories You've set me up to have a great start on my first NCL cruise leaving on the Bliss next Thursday (PC run). Thanks for all the updates.


    Can't wait to give Heidi a try..... (lol)


    Enjoy your last day on board, and please leave us a little beer.



  2. I am on the May cruise from Miami to LA. When I do the online check-in they offer Specialty dining packages from 2 to 15 days.

    Will these work in all the special restaurants? The note with most restaurants say "

    Items on menu are individually priced. An 20% gratuity and specialty service charge will be charged at time of payment."

    How does this work when you have prepaid and the menu is individually priced?

  3. I am trying to reconcile this with the ship traveling at ~6 knots for the last two days.


    Is the speed simply the result of an abundance of caution? Or is there damage that suggests a cautious speed is warranted?


    I don't think heavy seas by themselves would dictate such a slow speed.


    Any suggestions of possible reasons?


    I agree. I just do not understand the slow speed, unless something may be wrong.

  4. Have absolutely no technical or marine experience whatsoever, but would the clearance of the bridge and the tides have anything to do with the slow speed in order to time it right.


    If there was anything mechanically wrong would they not have some sort of coastguard escort or are they still too far out.


    I doubt that would have anything to do with it, as these are the times the ships usually leave port.

  5. I just don't understand the time it is taking the ship to get back to port?

    cruising at a mere 6-7 Knots?


    Just to continue the speculations, I think there may be something wrong with the propulsion system.

    At first they said the ship would arrive at 6AM, but perhaps they got issues with the pods and are only able to go that fast, so the time got moved up by 12+hrs.


    Don't know this for a fact, but like everyone else, just speculating.....

  6. This will be our first Celebrity cruise and are looking forward to spending a week on Silhouette.

    We got the Go Best package with premium bev package, unlimited internet, prepaid grats etc.


    When I check my reservation online Celebrity does not show any of the options, as a matter of fact they still are asking if I would like to purchase a beverage package or internet time??


    How will I know that I will have received all of the benefits once onboard?

  7. Our reservation is in a Sky suite and the information from our TA shows dining preference as Celebrity Select.


    Would I need to have that changed to Luminae if we want to dine in the Lunimae restaurant?

  8. Paul

    Very nice job on the edit job on WC29. What I liked a lot was your way of narrating and showing the things you were talking about at the same time.

    Very clever edits.

    Hope to be able to do a WC at some point once I retire.





    I agree, Ted, about the 37 seconds being too short. But, of course, we will never determine the exact length that is best. My guide is to please myself. I'm the one doing the work. It slows the whole process down for me to show it to anyone and ask an opinion. Generally now, I don't show it until I'm pleased with it.


    On the other hand, your comment about your wife being "unofficial" editor reminded me of my longest project to date - our World Cruise in 2008. I did 44 episodes. As I finished each episode I would show it to my wife. She almost always had helpful comments. Generally I'd rework the episode and then release it, via Vimeo, to shipmates we had befriended along the way. In that case, there was an audience beyond our family. Each episode was released as I finished it. It took a year and a half to complete all 44 episodes. I can't imagine anyone, even me, viewing the entire 6 1/2 hours at once. I don't think I could have ever have done it except I knew an audience of our World Cruise friends was waiting for each new episode. It really motivated me as I kept seeing things through their eyes. I know it's too long -- but it worked for those of us who made the journey.


    I think your estimate of 5-7 min per day is a good one for immediate family or friends who made the journey.


    If you have the time, here's an episode (World Cruise #29) that covers a few days of the World Cruise. You'll notice, if you see it all, that at the end I included a "teaser" for the next episode to come.


  9. Paul,


    First I find your cut up version of 37 seconds to be to fast and takes away from the experience too much. The viewer barely gets an idea what you are trying to show.

    Liked the longer version much better.


    On my cruise videos we always have a group of people and therefore more 'talent' for the show, and I seem to be doing approx. 5 - 7 min of edited footage per day.


    I also make my wife the unofficial editor and ask her if certain parts are too long (or too short).


    You do not want to go too short as you may miss or leave out the shots that are best.



  10. To me the purpose of this thread is quite clear and I believe it is accomplishing it very well.


    The thread is showing clearly that many (if not most) pax are not really bothered by other pax smoking on balconies. Only a very vocal minority of individuals on Cruise Critic are objecting to it and trying to make it seem as if almost all pax are bothered by it.


    I personally am not bothered by it in the least and it seems as though I am in the majority.


    Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion but not to force that opinion on anyone else.


    Scott & Karen



    Well said.


    I used to enjoy a smoke along with a nice cocktail out on my balcony. But 3 years ago I managed to quit cigarettes completely with the help of e-cigarettes.


    In the many years of cruising, I have never had any complaints regarding smoking on my veranda, nor have heard anyone discuss it during our many trips.

    To all smokers, I would recommend trying to switch to e-cigs.

    To all the smoking haters, give the guy/gal with an e-cig a break, they really do not hurt anybody....



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