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Posts posted by JohnM65

  1. Well, I found out how my walker would be handled as baggage! 

    We flew from Sioux Falls, SD to LAX (probably the supreme test) our connection was through Denver then to LAX. We were to arrive at LAX at 9:30 AM. Well, the pilot came on with the first announcement. There was a problem with the fuel gauge in the right wing and he was unable to read the total fuel level. He called Chicago, but They didn't respond. He then called the maintenance person at Sioux Falls, and he was busy. 2 hours later he finally came and checked and determined that the wing tank(s) were full and also fixed the fuel gauge (with a large hammer) Now we had to go to the de-icing, which the pilot said only took 10 minutes. Well, that's not true. But anyway, we left three hours late for Denver. We arrived in Denver. We'd already missed the original flight and I had scheduled us on a new flight to LAX. The aircraft was the same aircraft we had just landed on, and it was going to LA. How could you lose bags that way? Anyway, we arrived in LA. I guess what? My Walker came off unscathed. Our bag was not on the plane, and it was delivered the following morning. So much for changing clothes.

    When we left LAX, we flew back through Denver to Sioux Falls, SD. And amazingly our bag and Walker came off unscathed. So that was the first Test. The next one will probably be in September for our Trip to Alaska and then Japan.

    Our carrier was United Airlines. They removed all the bags in Denver, scanned them, and reloaded them onto our aircraft. After takeoff from Denver, I noticed on the United App, one of our bags was not with us… O well!

  2. On 2/6/2023 at 3:04 PM, Pcardad said:

    ... Your luggage is in the hands of someone who just doesn't care...    I don't think all the baggage handlers are noncaring. Some just have super bad days.


    On 2/6/2023 at 3:05 PM, Pcardad said:

    You can actually walk the walker to the door of the airplane and give it to them there.


    Thanks for all the comments. the idea of walking to the gate and checking there is a good idea. the issue I may is my ability to walk to the gate is somewhat limited as my legs don't hold up for a long distance and I must stop then start walking. However, you have given me an idea! My wife can use the walker and put her roller bag on the seat, and I can use the wheelchair. Normally my carry-on will fit under the seat. Well, it is something to ponder. 

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  3. When we travel by air, I can dissemble my walker (Medline) and pack it in our large suitcase. I also use a wheelchair in the terminal; I can walk but a limited distance with my cane. Also, I have a Nitro walker which will collapse but will not fit in a suitcase. It can be secured so it does not open. inadvertently. The Medline weighs 25 lbs., and the Nitro is 18 lbs. I was wondering what experiences other flyers have had if they check one in baggage (Nitro). I realize it is almost a crap shoot. But checking the walker in baggage would make some things a little easier. I understand that the baggage handlers will make the difference. 

    Just curious. 

    We always fly first class (our financial manager says "if we don't our kids will).




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  4. My wife and I were on this cruise and it was our understanding that the hull was cleaned prior to entering Australian waters within the 30 days permitted. However, New Zealand said that they didn't recognize the cleaning company and we had to have the hull recleaned. From what I understand Regent may not have performed due diligence in selecting the cleaning company, but I am not sure if that is the case.  We sailed into a Bay in Australian waters and the cleaning crew that was recommended by New Zealand took two days to clean the hull and all was OK, we then proceeded to Auckland where we disembarked. As far as I'm concerned Regent complied with new Zealand's requirements with the cleaning crew they authorize. 


    Regent did refund that portion of the cruise so we will apply it to the next cruise in September. I am sure Regent is going to take a lot of heat for this action, but I think we ought to wait until all the facts are in before we make our own admonishments. Regent will still be our primary/only cruising company.

    • Like 3
  5. On 3/3/2020 at 11:09 PM, Pcardad said:

    When we book a long cruise, we ask Regent for a PDF file of the excursions. Then we note the ones we want and call them in. Regent books them while on the phone with us. Yes, it would be nicer if Regent had enough server resources to load their website pages faster but I can't fix that. Perhaps the PDF idea will help someone.


    On 3/4/2020 at 6:45 AM, GrJ Berks said:

    Exactly this is the way to do this, I have posted on this topic on many occasions. Phone in and talk to a human do not rely on online methods, it always works well.


    On 3/4/2020 at 12:07 PM, 1982CruzStart said:

    This happened to me months ago when i tried to book our excursions for our 8/28 cruise (January 1). It seems it still hasn't been fixed. I got my excursions booked with an agent over the phone. Not really as handy as online when it is working. As well we missed out on one of the excursions we wanted and they weren't taking waitlists for that particular excursion. 


    It is hard for me to believe that they can't get something this straightforward fixed. The process worked in the past don't know how they managed to screw it up when they launched the new website. 


    I have not had trouble before this, so it was not necessary for me to search for solutions. I am glad that is another option which we will use on our 2021 cruise. All is well now.

    I totally agree with 1982Cruz.... it appears to me that regent's developers do not adhere to "best practices" I.e. regression testing! I wonder if they are rejects from Boeing. 😮


  6. Cruise ID EXP200921A

    Southampton to Venice


    I have been trying to book free tours on this cruse but unfortunately the process does not work, for me. Off and on for the last 3 weeks I have been trying to use the booking procedure. I select the tour and the time then select “add to cart”. I made the mistake of assuming it was recorded. I then select additional tours after 4 selections I noticed that the number of “excursions” selected was zero (0). I went to “check out” and sure enough no excursions were present. I did this several times over the past weeks, each time with the same results. My patience finally wore out (I can’t believe it took this long🙁) and I called RSSC when I explained this to the “advisor”, his solution was that I write down all the tours that I wanted (with multiple selections) for each port. I am assuming he had the itinerary in front of him since I gave him our booking number. There 24 ports that we visit, and I was astonished that the {expletive deleted} wanted me to identify the tours and write them down along with alternate selections and send them to him he would record them for me. I unceremoniously told him to report this foul up and get it fixed, then hung up.

    I posted this in the roll call first. I want to see what a broader audience would bring posting here.

    Now I am using Windows 10 on a Surface platform with EDGE. I used Ccleaner and remove internet Cache and Internet history, and cookies (not the ones I use). For good measure I rebooted. The results were the same I could not save the tours I wanted. It was suggested I use Google Chrome and I did and use the same process. I received the identical results.


    I then used our Dell desktop applying the same procedures and there were no differences in the outcomes!


    I finally contacted my TA and explained my issues. Well he tried and received the same problems, the tour requests were not recorded!  Well he has a contact at RSSC and the she suggested he compiled a list of the tour codes and times and send them to her. That only took us about 45 minutes; so we will see what happens. You know have a great TA when he will take the time to go the extra mile.😀

    I cannot understand how RSSC can market a great product and have such a poor WEB presence🤬. It almost makes me want to use a different cruise line not really, but I wish they would get there act together .

  7. 4 hours ago, drib said:


    Use the selectors to find your cruise, then at the bottom, click the "CD" link in red. You can also press "L" on your keyboard to get a direct link to that same page which you can bookmark.
    And if you want something very generic, here's a different countdown:
    Well thank you very much. A few things have changed since I last tried to enter new information and I did not think it was that long ago.


  8. 20 hours ago, Travelcat2 said:


    We have stayed in 700.  Now I'm even more anxious to learn what issues you had.

    As you requested travelcat2 (i am old I forgot your name...LOL)

    The Master Bedroom (MB); 2 sinks 1 open to the bedroom area next to the tub with a curtain to separate bed from tub area. The other sink in the bathroom area which had the shower, undersized commode and, bidet. The bidet was larger than the commode. If a person is over 6 feet tall knees would bump up against the shower side. Limited counter and storage area in both bathrooms. Walk in closet was adequate. At the foot of the bed, there were five sets of drawers (double stack) about 24 inches off the floor. This did make for a large shelf to store some of our items. The doors to MB were glass and somewhat difficult to open, so my wife left them open unless one of us used the sink or the second bathroom. The top of the wall in MB/living room was glass, it did not aide in helping reduce the sound into the MB.

    The second bedroom was in keeping with Voyager standard of a  useless long hallway like walking into a cave. Only outside lighting came from a vertical window. The bed covered most of the bedroom area with scarcely enough room to walk around. The bathroom was the size of a single-wide trailer about the same as a bathroom in an inside cabin on larger ships. Part of the available storage space was taken up by a second (unnecessary) refrigerator. Very, very small wardrobe closet with 4 small drawers.

    The living room was acceptable although the TV’s were smaller than we are used to. The living room couches had very soft cushions which made it difficult for me to get up. I normally used one of the dining room chairs.

    Not to leave out the deck as it would only accommodate 3 people. The view from the deck was obscured by part of the ship’s hull.  

    Our entrance door was adjacent to the crew entrance and the accompanying traffic noise.

    Bottom line is the space available at this location was not appropriate for a Regent master suite and pales in comparison to the master suites on the 11th floor or other master suites we have stayed in. This Suite did not justify the price we paid.  

  9. On ‎12‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 10:10 AM, Portolan said:

    In general, to this point a very good, but not great cruise.


    I agree with you Wendy, but we are glad we visited Cuba. I have a minor mobility issue so a walking tour was out. I do use a walker, but I was not sure of the terrain. We enjoyed seeing Andy and Tammy as they make the entertainment special. Our biggest disappointment was our suite. It was not close to the master suites we have enjoyed on Mariner and other cruise lines. More about cruise later.



  10. If this thread is no longer being maintained, let's unpin it, shall we?


    I would like to see this thread continued. I believe there is a way to see the posted comments on a particular ship.

    If you read the first post and select the ship you can review the cabins posted. SinceBill is only one person I can understand why the suite information is not posted in real time.

  11. I posted this picture on another thread and then realized that there will likely be several more photos over the next couple of weeks so here is a thread on which to post them. Here is the first one:




    We got off the Mariner in Barcellano last week. Our butler will be in charge of one of the 12 person crews (there are 2) who will be removing the carpet from all the suites and common areas on the ship. That is an awful lot of carpet to remove but he did not seem daunted by the task. Another crew of professional carpet layers will complete the carpet installation. I am sure for each suite the dimensions for the carpet are preset and pre-cut. Also, I believe he said all the wallpaper would be replaced.

    We were in the Master suite on deck 9 and although the suite was large and beautiful you could see it needed upgrading.

    He also said the Wy-Fi was to be upgraded and some streaming would be added but since I could not download small videos anything would be a help. They are also doing some work on decks 1 & 2 but I do not know how much that entails. Just bring the ship into drydock would lead me to believe it will be extensive. It will be nice seeing how things progress.


    I will post some comments about our cruise later. Jackie, Capitan Serina is wonderful and engaging. We had an opportunity to have dinner with her and 4 other guests. The conversation was fluid, entertaining, educational and dinner went by too fast. Also, whenever Captian Serina walked passed you on the ship she always had a minute to stop and say hi. She is an asset to Regent and from our perspective the face of Regent.







  12. First, thanks to Cruiseforme and Bellaggio Cruisers (Sheila) for all the information. Here is the story. I contacted Delta, downloaded the form filled it out, sent it back and 2 hours later I received a positive response (Kool). Then I contacted Lufthansa. Not only did I need to provide the information I had to have my doctor fill out the prescription information and sign the document. I put my cell number on the form and when Lufthansa called I did not have it with me. After a day I called, and Lufthansa called back. It was then I learned that I had to have 150% backup. The doctor had set the 2 to 3 liters. Well at that rate the batteries would last about 2.5 to 3.5 hours and I would need 4.5 to 5 batteries and at $300.00 each that was not going to happen.:evilsmile: I have 2, fortunately, the medical supply loaned me a battery. I tried to explain. That I did not use the POC all the time and when I did use it was set to 1. She also said that I could not use the 110ac on the plane because it could blow out the fuses and cause issues with the plane! (BS). I cannot fathom a reason why they are concerned about POC, etc, after all, they don't seem concerned about laptops and other electronic devices. I am only plugging a low voltage charger. She finally relented with a stern warning about not being allowed to fly!


    First note on my flight from Sioux Falls, SD to Rio I did not need the POC. On our return flight from Barcelona to Sioux Falls, I did not require the POC???? Go figure! I have my annual visit with my pulmonary doctor on Monday and try to make sense out of this. In a few weeks, my regular doctor will see me and will figure out how to change.


    Second note, while on the ship I met a couple (husband and wife (captains)) who recently retired from British Airways. They flew 767, 777, 747 plus other equipment. I asked the question about the 110ac in first/business blowing fuses and what effect it would have on the performance of the aircraft. I did receive a ‘what looks’ from and after explaining what I was told by Lufthansa and assuring them that I only had one margarita, they stopped laughing.:rolleyes: Neither of them could remember that happening. If it did, they would reset the circuit breaker and if it happened again they would check the seats covered by the breaker and try to determine the cause or just leave the breaker in the off position.


    Last I have friends/engineers who are very familiar with lithium batteries and I will see what they can configure.


    Again thanks all.

  13. My mom tells me that “gettin’ old ain’t for sissies.” But of course, it beats the alternative!


    Glad you’re still able to cruise - I’d rather take some easier excursions than not cruise at all. :D


    I’m not sure about O2 on a plane - I think my wife flew with an O2 concentrator once, not a tank, so I can’t help you there.


    You cannot bring an oxygen tank onboard a plane, nor do they rent O2 anymore.


    First, let me thank all who responded. Travelcat I remembered reading that post before... just old and forgetful.


    I had a prescription for OX I check Delta and Lufthansa and they e-mailed me the information to submit. I decided to check with our medical supply store. The technician showed me a compact a POC, it is an over shoulder unit. Then she mentioned 2 others an I said do they have wheels, she replied yes and I said no. She tested me on the POC and all worked well. Oxygen does make things easier.:D So now I have a POC the paperwork will be submitted Monday and we will be on our way Friday. Also, I don't need to wear the POC all the time, Just above 7k feet and walking a lot.


    Again many thanks for your help... to say the least, I was in panicville! :loudcry: but all is well. (y):ship::cocktail:

  14. Well, fellow travelers age has attacked me. It seems that my COPD has gotten a little worse but no effect on our trip next week or future trips. It will, however, hamper a few tours but alas we will need to refine our tour selection. I will be OK walking on the ship, but any distance may be problematic. I have been relegated to a walker if I want to walk any distance, I can do 1.3 miles on a treadmill but that is holding on. Fortunately, my walker will fit in a suitcase:), so we will not worry about it while traveling. The next thing is I use a little oxygen (small tank) and I am curious about 2 things: (I am researching this on my own) do the airlines have an issue with oxygen carry on; and if needed, do any of you have experience with getting a refill at some ports? Like I said I am researching this but, I am wondering about other traveler’s experiences.


    An old friend quoted “if I’d known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself”.

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