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Posts posted by MoreMouse

  1. We are thinking of taking a Disney cruise next year. I'm worried that there don't be enough activities for them. We have a 6 yr old too and we know that won't be the issue, but on our other cruises I felt the older "kids" were left out. I know Disney does well with the little ones. What do they do for the Tweens?


    My son was 11 on our first DCL and 13 on the next. He seemed to have a better time at 11, but he made friends and was "MIA" for both cruises. He's a Disney nut too, so it could just be our family. LOL ;)

  2. Castaway Cay is a foreign port, in The Bahamas.


    Very true ilove.


    I was told by the state department and DCL that I could cruise with my BC, but if anything happened while I was in a foreign port you can't leave by air. I just feel much more secure traveling WITH my passport. :)

  3. Question ... if port of call is St Maarten is there enough time to take a ferry and spend the day in St Barth's instead?


    Yes. We took a jet boat over to SB. I think it takes about 30 minutes each way. We took a van tour of the island, walked around in the shops at the pier, and had lunch. The yachts that were in port were huge! We asked some of the crews of the ships and found a couple famous people were visiting. ;) The views are awesome. You should go. Well worth it.

  4. Agree with most of the above. Forgery is a strong word, but do agree that Park West is less than reputable.


    I would prefer that in some venues the volume of the music be lowered.


    More space between the tables in the MDRs would be welcome.


    Carnival can be a little too glitzy sometimes so toning it down might be nice.


    The "Bacon Police" are annoying and usually grouchy.




    Oh how I HATE the bacon police. I only really eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. That's it. So when I ask for extra bacon PLEASE give me extra bacon... not one tiny strip. I cross my heart, promise, that I'm gonna eat it. Bacon should be a food group of its own. ;)

  5. I've read previous threads there is often a spa discount while the ship is port. Is this always the case for every port and ship on Carnival? And what is the average discount?


    Thanks in advance for you help!


    Oh, one last question - If and when there is a spa discount while in port, do you have to wait until the morning of to make the appt? :)


    Every ship I've ever been on has had special prices on port days. Prices obviously vary because there are so many services. They usually let you know prior to a port day, and on the day itself. They even give out flyers as your leaving the ship while at port. Trust me, they'll make themselves known. ;) When in doubt, hit the spa services desk. :D

  6. During our 2/13 Fantasy sailing, we saw maybe 20 other doors decorated. We had to look for them though. Their were lots of doors with fish extenders though. We don't usually do that.


    Ours was pretty covered. I had fun making them, and we don't even have any kids. :D

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