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Posts posted by travelnap

  1. 47 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

    Well yesterday wasn't the very best - DH had a call first thing in the morning from our doctor (he never calls) to say the tests show that he has a leaking aortic valve and will be looking at a replacement.  The cardiologist's office has been notified, so now we wait to see when it can take place - not sure, as it isn't deemed an emergency yet.  So, having said that, I had to call our lovely TA and cancel the cruise we should have been taking in only 2 weeks time.  I took the countdown off the fridge, emptied the suitcases and put them back downstairs in storage, put all our cruise clothing back in the closets and drawers, and cancelled our FLL hotel.  Sigh.  We have to get DH healthy so I can start all over again, as I not only love cruising, I love the lead-up to it.

    Gerry, Sorry to hear about your DH's valve problem, and the loss of your upcoming cruise, but thank God that they found it before it has gotten worse.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you both for a good surgery and full recovery.

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