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Posts posted by Blondie008

  1. Being a NOLA native, of course I go with the Pearl. SuiteTraveller, that is a great pre-cruise itinerary! I would also add the WW II museum, it is truly an unexpected treat. If the weather is nice a street car ride down St. CHarles Avenue is great. Get off at Wahington Street and have lunch at Commanders Palace and stroll through one of the famous cemeteries just across the street. Order a gin fizz or a milk punch. If you ride further down you will pass Tulane and Loyola Universities. Loyola is the home of "touchdown Jesus". Where St Charles curves into Carrolton you can dine at the Camillia Grill, a NO classic diner. The car will turn around and take you back to Canal Street.


    NCL doesn't usually return to NOLA until mid November so check your dates.

    As sad before, New Orleans is a place everyone should visit at least once.


    What/where is NOLA? I would love to know more? I would love to go to New Orleans one day. Which cruises go from there. Which international airport would one fly into from the UK? Hubby and I do a special cruise once every 5 years for our anniversary, we cruise twice per year in between - but every 5 - aim for a bucket list check - Can you tell me more please? Thanks :)

  2. I'm no Columbo - just wanted to wish you and your family a great cruise -

    My only thoughts are that PERHAPS the port authority opened the bags to check and omitted to put ALL back in - hopefully they are still at the port? Is that a possibility?

    Whatever - they have gone walkabouts somehow - so hope they are returned and, a member of NCL can, on the next trip, get them to the clinic who need them.

    I own a busy tourism facility, you would not believe how many pairs of glasses are left with us each year in our café. Beats me why people don't phone to check if we have them. Anyway, we collect them and at the end of each season, anything unclaimed, goes to charity.

    I also wondered about smashed glass? Could that have been a possibility? Although would seem odd that only the new reading glasses would be the damaged ones. But if a couple of pairs were damaged in that bag, then perhaps they would need to hold the bag back to go through it all - who knows - IF some low life HAS stolen them - then may karma haunt them and believe you me - it will!

    Have a fabulous cruise - and try not to let the incident "suck the life" out of your enjoyment, What will be will be - there is nothing you can do to change it.

    I do however think you should make an appointment to see the Hotel Director - and alert his/her attention to the fact that security have not come back to you as yet with a satisfactory explanation.

    Best of luck and wishing you precious memories to make! That's a beautiful family moment photograph you have there!!

    B <3

  3. Edinburgh lady called Morag is at the cocktail bar on the QM2. She meets up with Agnes, from Glasgow - who won her cruise on the Maryhill bingo.

    "I am hee-aaaaa-rrgh" says Morag with that snooty Morningside accent - "Because my husband, you kneowwww, wwarks Fawr Cuoooooooonard"..

    Agnes pipes up - "Hoi - ma husband works hard an' aw ye know but ther's nae need to swear aboot it!" :eek:

  4. I wore mine on both NCL and Celebrity. Saw loads on NCL - not so many on Celebrity but I even wore mine on one of their "Evening Chic" nights with a really glam top and heels -

    Its all about the "all over look" - I think what the ships dont want is that "rapper style builders bum" look - Fashionable is fine! Ignore the naysayers and wear what makes you feel good!

    You will be fine - go for it!

  5. Had to laugh at this thread still being "alive".:D

    It came to mind to me however, when in January this year, I was on a British Airways flight, wearing - a really nice pair of those "magisculpt" stretchy jeans -which are my travel "to go" comfort jeans and actually, I can no longer find them online,.I love them - guess they are more of a jegging than a jean, but they are great for travelling and comfy especially on night flights when I like to curl up. They are supposed to "uplift" etc - not sure that they do,but I love(d) them anyway!

    My seat on the BA flight was damaged. I stood up, and heard a rriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip - yup - karma hahaha - my lovely jeans were ripped right along the back of my calve..

    Now had they been ripped at the front I might have got away with it - but I had this ridiculous flap of denim hanging down the back of my leg....

    I felt like a total twit walking through the airport in Grand Cayman :eek:

    And yes, over a month later I am still waiting on BA to cough up for said ripped jeans!

    I did cut them into a pair of cycling shorts btw - at least I still get use out of them ;)

  6. Harris WOW thank you - this is amazing information thank you so much for taking the time to go into such detail for me.

    I absolutely will "take heed"!

    Cannot thank you enough, so kind of you!


    I think I can cope with the backward roll. It took me a full 25 minutes in 2015 to take the "giant stride" off the boat during my DSD. I am now known forevermore in Little Cayman as the "girl who took 25 minutes to get off the boat!",,

    I have watched some youtubes (maybe a bad idea!) - your input is so valuable and very much appreciated.

    I will be there May 7th - for sure I will come back and let you know how it goes. Hopefully with some photos too!

    Navigation for me would be great - I am not sure how I passed my compass skills - think I winged it and got lucky! Hey - I know what a lubber line is now hah!

    I will go to the PADI centre in Scotland and see what they have to offer which doesn't involve getting into the Lochs or sea - Its just too cold and grey here -

    I live in the southern coast and there is a local BSAC club - but I really don't feel ready for that kind of thing yet - or if ever, we shall see.

    Thank you for everything - so much appreciated!

    B :)

  7. How deep is that dive Harris? Okay for a novice?


    I am only OW certified so 60feet I think is my max? Although with an instructer am I right in saying I can go further?

    I so love it - I am on a high just now - cannot calm down - my whole being wants to get back in the water again!

    I am being cautious however and am making sure the dive company know that I am only just certified - my last dive was ALL fun - well aside from removal of all my gear and replace (that was a doddle!) my last dive was just 100% thrill - It was a bit like learning to drive ( a manual!!) where all of a sudden everything just falls into place, and everything works - But that's the only one dive I had without skills etc. Every dive beforehand was my certification skills completion. So I am a total novice - but so proud of that wee card!!

    ALL these years, I have been all over the world - and missed out. Many years in Egypt and Africa - where it is now not safe to return to - and all those times I have seen people going diving and thought "nah not for me". Also many years as a Sandals vacations guest, where two dives per day were free - I want to rewind the clock lol!!

  8. Harris thank you!!

    I communicated with one of the dive companies FB page yesterday - as I was concerned about water temps. But they say in May its around 20 degrees and they have 7mm wetsuits -

    I have only just been certified (in caymans in January so I am buzzing !!) - and they have told me that's fine, they will adapt the dive for me accordingly

    I think the only thing I am concerned about is the dive boats all seem to be small boats? Was that your experience? I haven't done a "backward roll" - although hey - whats the worse can happen - I blunder it and end up in the water lol?

    I wont dive here in Scotland - I just don't fancy the dry suit diving with all that seaweed and grey - But there is a PADI centre in the city so I am going to go there probably at least once every 8 weeks - just to keep myself active and my skills sharp.

    Thanks for the lead - perhaps the same company that I have communicated with.

    If the company you have gone diving with is only a short walk away makes sense to go with them!


  9. My daughter and I did a 4 day on the "ScabbySky" as we "lovingly affectionately" call her.

    Its a boozeCruise - a ferry around the Bahamas. In fact - we have seen more class in the truckers' mini cruise ferry from Newcastle to Zeebrugge and that's saying something

    We love NCL - but a 3 day - is a 3 day. I am saying no more.

    Take the Enchantment - I am not a big Royal fan - but the odds are in favour of the Enchantment being a less traumatic experience :eek:

  10. Hi

    Specifically aimed at UK cruisers who have booked a fly cruise package flying into Miami - and cruising ex- Miami

    Which hotel did they choose for you?

    Still none the wiser around 70 days in....

    Also - how is the time scale arriving into Miami these days (by air) - Is immigration still as endless as ever on welcoming we Brits into the USA? Past experiences have been three hours standing, which after flying into Heathrow, and then on to Miami - is just the last thing we need.. Its been a while since I flew INTO Miami. (I avoid it like the plague!). We have flown out of Miami plenty times, but been a while since we have flown in.

    Trying to make some plans - and wondering what our time scales are?

    Thanks folks!

  11. While I don't disagree with you; if the resort offers a day pass option, someone will use it. Why shouldn't the OP be that someone.



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    Have been to Sandals many many times. Ochi is indeed vast. A coach load of visitors would never even remotely be noticed - you are 100% correct - OP should go for it - I doubt anyone has ever noticed day trippers - Its impossible to see everything in the resort in a week let alone a day - it is one very very big piece of Sandals real estate!

    I think Sandals see it as selling future vacation space - nice way to offer a sneak preview.

  12. Brilliant! Thanks for the info. I think I'll do the same and take a European adapter - but leave the hairdryer at home, or at least get a small, less powerful one!


    I take one US adapter and one EU adapter (I always forget which one works best so take both) -and I plug in a UK four strip extension cable. I use this for charging everything.

    Hair dryers - I own a USA dryer but when cruising Norwegian, don't need it -the hairdryers which are located below the mirror in the cabin vanity table area - are "salon style" and excellent. They are not the "hoover hose style" .. But if your ship doesn't have this - (I'm not sure what's on your ship but even Jade which was an old ship had the good hairdryers) - then you will find loads of travel dryers like Babyliss which is 110/220V and yet 2000 watts of power - Its the foldable one - amazon around £12. Just search Babyliss travel dryer 2000

    I also take Cloud travel straighteners, again they work with 110v. I plug those into the 4 strip. I also plug in our ipod and speakers - all work on there no problem.

    All of our other appliances charged no problem on the 4 strip.

  13. Those of us who are Platinum and above already know the benefit of purchasing the CruiseNext certificates. We have been using them for years! We love to get the discounted certificate to book our next cruise, so the individual sales pitch really isn't necessary.




    Too right!!! I am still trying to get my head around this one:

    Remember - the £ just now is at rock bottom - and we for sure noticed the difference when buying dollars for our cruise last November..

    We bought the $1000 = 4 x cruise deposits

    Next day the $500 was applied to our account

    Total cost $500

    Came home and went into our "My NCL" -

    We had 4 x cruise deposits - each valued at £206.

    For $500 we got £824 !!! (and we had bought OBC at our original rate of exchange so won on that too!)

    I have used two already :)

    To add to that - for UK cruisers - if we book a cruise that starts and ends in Europe (ie not a transatlantic) - you can apply two of your cruise deposits to the booking - not just one.

    That aside, here in the UK remember our cruise deposits are non refundable. Normally, when we book, we have to put down £200 per person deposit, and If we change our mind, that's what we lose. With cruise deposit, one single cruise credit per cruise (not per person) is all that is required up front. Its fantastic! The worst scenario now for us, if we cannot go, is that we have lost $125...


    It really is a no brainer. I think to be honest the only reason we queued at the cruise next desk was to make sure we actually had It right-

    Most often the case is "If it sounds too good to be true it is" -

    Our previous cruise we hadn't spoken to the cruise next desk and had bought only one cruise credit - eh duuuuuuuuuuuuuh......

    But hey - we learned ;)

  14. We've done lots of transatlantics - most of which have been hot weather crossings. Our last one on Jade in October 16, the weather wasn't great - For sure we missed the aspects of having a big ship.

    You realise how limited small ships are - Also, for us SPA cabins or passes are essential on a transatlantic. There again, was a huge difference in the Unisex facilities in the thermal suites of the Jade, compared to Epic. (or other big ships on other cruiselines.)

    We absolutely loved Jade - great wee ship and we still enjoyed the cruise. But if making a choice, if I were you I would choose Breakaway. New York to London will be a chilly one - Take the Breakaway :)

  15. Thanks for your review!

    We cruise X too - and love both NCL and Celebrity for totally different reasons.

    We wont however do Transatlantics any more on Celebrity - booked those with NCL. (right through to November 18) Celebrity was just tooooooooo zzzzzzzzzzzzz sleeeeeeeeepy - NCL albeit we know TA attracts an older crowd, has a bit more life to the party.

    But for short trips such as the Med, or special routes,(we did Alaska last year on Solstice) we would choose Celebrity.

    Aquaclass on Celebrity for example is fab for one reason only = BLU - the SPA on Celebrity is not a patch on NCL - that is a major flaw for us. Much prefer NCL's spa and thermal suites. Celebrity's thermal suites - what a major let down...

    Good points in both - nice to hear your thoughts and opinions - very helpful review!

  16. I haven't sailed MSC but I'm led to believe they are very much used by Italians and Spanish and that English is very much the third language used. I can't even contemplate being on a ship with 2000/3000 Italians. The noise would be deafening.



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    Ive cruised on Costa ships (not MSC but much the same) many times with 2000/3000 Italians - never an issue and English is always the first language spoken on board -

    Although - you aint seen nothing until you''ve seen a ventriloquist act in five languages - a La Costa hahahahaha!

  17. Have done this route twice and no, you def do NOT need a yellow fever jab!

    We had yellow fever jabs years ago, and kept them updated as we went to Kenya a lot, the doctor is Kenya was laughing his head off at us for going to get jabbed. He said he had never seen a case of yellow fever in his entire lifetime - He attended us for a few years in Kenya, and we were in some "dodgy" places in the bush...

    Its a painful jab incidentally, and I have no fear of needles - the after effect is painful during, after, and days after the jab...

    Forget it - for cruising visits - you categorically do not NEED yellow fever immunisation...

    Its a choice - not a "must do".

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