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Everything posted by juanarcin

  1. TA finally reached out to us on their own. Still havent responded to our actual request for a callback. Since we couldnt get ahold of them we rebooked the same rooms with Carnival directly. So today TA calls us and appologizes because our rooms "have been lost" they want to help us rebook our cruise but unfortunately can't be in the rooms we originally chose (they still didn't know that WE WERE THE ONES THAT REBOOKED THEM!) This whole thing was a mess. We told them we were still in those rooms and at this point we just wanted to understand why we were cancelled. This is the reason, in case it happens to anyone else: We booked our cruise before the pandemic. When it was cancelled due to the pandemic, we were offered cruise credit (amount included our deposit). the issue was that TA used that credit as our deposit, but carnival wanted actual cash as deposit. Apparently they had some back and forth between them and never included us. Carnival gave a deadline for us to put actual cash down on our cruise, TA figured we met that because our account had cash in it (from previous credit) so everyone just sat back and did nothing (including contact us to let us know). eventually the clock ran out and we were just cancelled. Oh well. now things are fixed so who cares, on with the fun!
  2. I have a cruise booked on the Panorama for Dec 10th. I booked several rooms for me and my wife's family, it will be a group of 14. Today while trying to log onto my account it said it was cancelled. I called Carnival and they said my travel agent cancelled it! Said I had to get information from them. Turns out all our rooms are cancelled and refunded, I have no idea why. We purchased through a popular CRUISE website, which I'm sure I can't name but all they do is CRUISE related sales... I've used them for every cruise I've ever had, and never had issues. However, everytime I call them they are experiencing higher than usual call volumes (yeah right), and say I can leave a call back number, then they call me back about a day or two later. I just did that but a day or two is a long time to wait while freaking out. wondering if anyone has had this happen? We set up this cruise pre pandemic, then it got cancelled, now we had a certain amount of time to use our credit or get it refunded with penalties. So we rebooked. I'm really concerned that they cancelled it and will give us back our money minus penalty fees. I'm also concerned that not everyone will go on this cruise if given the option again. it went from an exciting trip for everyone to a nightmare of not knowing if we would get our money back (during pandemic), to a very unenthusiastic "fine lets go before we loose the credit". My wife and I are super excited, but everyone else is a first timer and it just hasnt been an easy vacation planning experience for them. Now I'm just venting. hope this is a mistake as I havent seen the money refunded into our account, but I guess I have to wait a day or two to find out.
  3. I was on the Oasis a week ago, it was my first time on this size ship and I loved it! However the app was more of a headache, maybe I was doing something wrong? There were many minor issues, such as my phone not always working to open the door, no biggie. incorrect times for restaurants openning/closing...no biggie. Passing by bars / lounges and seeing activities that arent on the app...somewhat of a biggie. I found myself not looking at the printed version of the daily schedule because I was relying on the app, so it sucked to see, days into the cruise, that I had been missing things. For example I marked all the karaoke events in my reminders, I believe their were like 3. But almost every time I passed the karaoke lounge, there was karaoke happening...but not shown in the app! A basic issue...why would it give you every single thing happening on the ship for the entire week, but not have the itinerary! Everytime we wanted to remind ourselves what time we docked or how long we would be in port, or where we would be on what day, we would have to ask someone because it isnt on the app! sure you can go through the calendar and scroll through all the events until you see something like "All aboard" under 7pm. but that means I have to scroll through 5, 5:30, 6, 6:30, and finally 7...oh ok we leave at 7. Instead of just having a calendar of ports and times. Another big issue for me (and many guests) was that it allowed people to rsvp stuff for multiple days, preventing others from enjoying them. Main example, the comedy club. 2 comedy shows every night, and we learned it's the SAME comedy show every night. So some people rsvp both shows for every night. go to the first show, then the second...realize its the same and just stop going. But now each show is full and we all have to wait in the non rsvp line until 5 min before the show, and that line starts forming an hour before the event, only to walk into an empty room. But my biggest issue with the app was that it seems to block your calendar if you already have something set. so on the first day of the cruise, I went through all the events and added a LOT of things to my calendar. trivia, live music, games, etc. My week was practically booked. I figured I'd get the reminder and decide if I wanted to go or not, but at least I would know somethign Im interested in is happening. But now for the rest of the cruise, if we wanted to rsvp a dinner or anything, we would get an error saying that we already have something scheduled for that time. so I found myself having to constantly go back and forth cancelling multiple things in order to plan dinners. It got old real quick. I love the idea of the app and hope it improves because the things that did work, made our cruise a better experience, but the things that didnt made us feel like we missed out on things or added some frustration. If it werent for that vacation happiness we felt the entire time, this would have been a bigger issue! lol, but wondering what everyone elses thoughts are on the app?
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