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Te Aroha

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Posts posted by Te Aroha

  1. On 12/20/2023 at 8:49 AM, juniper berries said:

    The reason you can not pre oder water is that water from the ship is not allowed in New zeland due to bio security rules.  The first port in New Zeland they check your bags before you are allowed to leave the ship. This happened pre covid  so not sure if it still what happens. We just got water once we where in New Zealand.

    Sure not what happens...lol Seriously you don't want to mess with the bio security guys the fines hurt the pocket good. That said don't be surprised if there are security dogs around they smell all contraband and can't be fooled.


    Bottled water at the local supermarket is approx. NZ$11 for 24 600ml bottles which you can pick up at any port and take back onto the ship.

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  2. On 10/20/2023 at 10:21 AM, cbcb said:

    We will be arriving in Auckland on March 5, 2024 on the Majestic Princess.  We are interested in going to the thermal wonderland.  Does anyone know if/how we can do that on our own?  Also, has anyone done the cruise on Lake Rotomahana while visiting the wonderland?

    Just wanted to say we often pick up cruise buddies from the port in Tauranga and my favorite place to take them is Wai-O-Tapu. It is in my opinion the best thermal area for color and easy access.

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  3. Hi, jajsmom


    I live in Matamata, AKA Hobbiton and thought that this may help you to see what is available. This is the official Hobbiton site and has links to arrange tours with other operators from both Auckland and Tauranga. Some cruise lines also run tours.


    Tour Information






    Enjoy your visit 🙂

    • Like 1
  4. Advised today that my refund has been received by my TA. Deposit paid NZ$3324. Full refund with TA being transferred to my bank account now.


    Cruise was cancelled by myself on 25th March and later cancelled by Princess. 100 days total wait time for refund.


    Regal Princess sailing from Southampton on 7th October to Sydney.


    For those keeping track this is a Friday here in New Zealand.

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  5. On 5/26/2020 at 4:14 AM, nini said:

    Hello to All of our friends "Down Under"-


    We are scheduled on Princess, for a cruise in late March 2021. It is roundtrip

    from Sydney and all of the ports are in New Zealand.


    Please offer your thoughts as to when you think things may open up

    in Australia and New Zealand. What also surprises me is that I see

    that Princess is still offering cruises for these itineraries this coming

    October and November. Will they be welcomed?


    Thanks and Be Well!

    Hi nini,


    Welcome from New Zealand 🙂 Sadly I don't feel you will be cruising New Zealand for some time to come. Our PM has stated many times that until a reliable vaccine is in place International travel is off the cards both for us travelling and for visitors arriving.


    We currently have 13 days without a case of Covid here in New Zealand and hopefully next week will be returning to a Level 1 situation here. Basically normal life but with strict border control.


    Talk here is of a possible trans Tasman bubble opening in September but not any sooner, this of course is only if the government believe it is safe to do so and will require no quarantine between the two countries. I cannot see that either government would risk international visitors here without quarantine within the next year.


    The hope you can hang onto is that a reliable vaccine is found and that would be the game changer for international travel. So asking if cruising will resume for International travelers is really dependent on a vaccine in my opinion.


    I hope at a future date you do get to come and visit our beautiful country and people.


    Kia kaha



  6. 5 hours ago, Thrak said:

    We're wondering what the situation will be for Australia and New Zealand.... We're booked for November/December.

    In New Zealand we are being told our borders will remain closed until a reliable vaccine is available, the best guess is for at least the next year/18 months so I can't see any cruising being allowed here before that happens. We as citizens are being told no international travel for this year for sure. 


    Sadly I cannot see you being able to cruise here in the near future. Hope this video helps you to see what we have here and we will see you in the future.



    • Thanks 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Aus Traveller said:

    I am not accusing the Ministers of lying. I am saying the same thing might have happened in NZ as appeared to happen here. The NSW Health Minister said the Captain of the ship had lied, but when the emails were revealed, suddenly he went quiet. One TV reporter challenged him to resign. However, the Minister was simply repeating what he had been told. That is what I mean - public servants protecting their jobs by not admitting how they had 'stuffed up'.

    So do you know for a fact that the correct health information was given to authorities on docking of the Ruby Princess in Napier? We sure don't know that for a fact here and that is why legal advice is being sort. Under reporting of health issues is the issue here nothing else.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Aus Traveller said:

    It isn't really 'politics' it is the public servants not telling the Minister everything.

    We are not the same political system as is elsewhere in the world, you are also accusing ministers here of lying or of withholding information but you will not accept that possibly Ruby Princess staff (Medical Officer /Captain) did the same? Deflecting this into a political argument is wrong as I stated this is not about politics it is about under reporting of health issues on board the ship. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Aus Traveller said:

    Politicians are at the mercy of their staff who will often not give them the whole story, sometimes trying to save their own backsides. (In a long ago other life, I worked in a Ministerial Office and saw the 'spin' that was put on information going to the Minister and comments "Oh, we can't tell the Minister that!.) In Aust I felt sorry for the NSW Premier who was left looking a bit foolish after more details came out. I don't know what your Prime Minister was told.

    Think what you will about politicians that is not what the problem is here. Under reporting of health issues on board the ship is the issue not politics. 

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Aus Traveller said:

    The day before the Ruby Princess docked in Napier, they were in Wellington (14th March). The medical centre had COVID-19 tests done ashore on swabs they took on the ship from passengers with respiratory symptoms. These people were obviously ill and I don't think they became totally well overnight. 🙂 Therefore, NZ medical authorities knew there were people on board with these symptoms.🙂 After the negative tests done in Wellington, everyone believed they weren't COVID-19.

    I understand your total belief in Princess as a cruise line but in reality we have to accept that some under reporting has been done. New Zealand only knew about what they were told was happening on board the Ruby Princess. What was reported in Wellington was investigated. Do you seriously believe that PM Arden would be looking at this from a legal point of view if she thought there was not a possible case to answer? 


    You are well aware of our bio security rules and reporting of health issues here. Maybe they thought they were clear but was it their call to make? Shouldn't we have been told of other issues of respiratory illness? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Aus Traveller said:

    The emails between the ship and NSW Health prove that the ship reported their correct status of illness aboard the ship - as far as they knew. Without testing kits and a lab that could process them, the medical centre on the ship did not know they had COVID on board. After the negative tests were returned four days earlier in Wellington, I think it was reasonable for the officers on the ship to believe they were free of COVID-19. We now know they weren't.


    I wish, I wish, I wish, that NSW Health had delayed the disembarkation until they had conducted the tests on swabs supplied by the medical centre of the ship. From memory, there were four or five positive cases out of 15 swabs. Once COVID was detected on board, the ship and its passengers would have been treated differently. All passengers who were not ill would have been placed in quarantine.

    PM Arden here stated this afternoon that New Zealand is taking legal advice regarding the Ruby Princess visit to Napier where we have a cluster of cases of Covid 19 directly linked to interaction with passengers from the Ruby Princess. The legal advice being sort is with regard to total disclosure by the cruise ship operator of any illness on board at the time of docking. Whether they knew they had Covid 19 or not is not in dispute but they did not report illness on board which is clearly not the case. This stop was after Wellington and Ruby Princess left NZ waters immediately after this visit.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Austravels said:

    Golden has departed Akaroa and is heading directly to Melbourne.  If test is positive will be interesting to see how all pax and crew are quarantined.  

    Thanks for the information it will be interesting as Australia has banned all cruise ships as well as NZ. I did see the Ruby leave and also heading back over the ditch.


    Information to hand is the test was negative.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, MMDown Under said:

    Later Post 2206 David said they were going to hospital. 

    David posted on His Book of Face after that..they are being taken to a hostel he is not happy and I don't blame him.


    David Abel
    1 hr · 

    4pm 18th: Frankly i think this is a setup! We are NOT being taken to a hospital but a hostel. That’s where partners are sent waiting out there quarantine.
    No phone, no wi-fi and no medical facilities. I really am smelling a very big rat here! Waiting for the transfer now. xx

    • Like 2
  14. 13 minutes ago, MMDown Under said:

    Thanks for confirming David and Sally have been confirmed positive and are leaving for hospital.  So sad for them both, as well as all passengers confirmed positive.  Wishing them all a speedy recovery. 

    Sadly they are not going to hospital they are being taken to a hostel, no wifi, no phone and no medical on site. They are not currently showing any symptoms.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Pushka said:

    David’s last report said they were being taken to a hostel and not a hospital. I would be asking for a copy of the test results. 

    I have no doubt they have tested positive but Japan has run out of hospital beds and only those who are ill are being hospitalized.


    This could also explain why the vents to their room were taped over earlier today as David reported in his video.


    I am hoping his family can now create a lot of noise to get them better treatment, I have a real worry for David and his required diet.

    • Like 4
  16. 1 minute ago, Pushka said:

    Another 99 positives today. 85 passengers and 14 crew. That’s 454 people. I cannot see people being allowed to simply walk off. On another note there’s been nothing from David Abel since first thing this morning on FB or YouTube. 😞. They were tested two days ago. 

     David Abel was just live he knows about 90+ positive but nothing for him and Sally so far for results.

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