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Posts posted by Rob-Bob

  1. I am not sure about the different tests but I was on-line chatting with a NCL person and they said that NCL was not offering PCR tests which are required for re-entering the U.S.  I asked what I need to do and their reply was I needed to stay at the city of disembarkation until I get the test.  


    Getting conflicting answers and starting to get nervous.  To be denied boarding on return flight would be disastrous.

  2. We are from the U.S. and are traveling to Greece for the 7/25 Greek Isle cruise on the NCL Jade.  It looks like we need a negative COVID test to fly into Greece and fly back to the U.S. within 24 or 72 hours (confusing) depending on the test.  We are trying to figure out how to get the test on our return when we are on the cruise, get off and head to the airport.  NCL has no answers except "contact the airlines".  The airlines have no clue what the requirements are.  We are very concerned.    w e are fully vaccinated.


    Does anyone have these answers or any suggestions on logistics and requirements?  Thanks.

  3. We are from the U.S. and are traveling to Greece for the 7/25 Greek Isle cruise on the NCL Jade.  It looks like we need a negative COVID test to fly into Greece and fly back to the U.S. within 24 or 72 hours (confusing) depending on the test.  We are trying to figure out how to get the test on our return when we are on the cruise, get off and head to the airport.  NCL has no answers except "contact the airlines".  The airlines have no clue what the requirements are.  We are very concerned.    w e are fully vaccinated.


    Does anyone have these answers or any suggestions on logistics and requirements?  Thanks.

  4. We are from the U.S. and are traveling to Greece for the 7/25 Greek Isle cruise on the NCL Jade.  It looks like we need a negative COVID test to fly into Greece and fly back to the U.S. within 24 or 72 hours (confusing) depending on the test.  We are trying to figure out how to get the test on our return when we are on the cruise, get off and head to the airport.  NCL has no answers except "contact the airlines".  The airlines have no clue what the requirements are.  We are very concerned.


    Does anyone have these answers or any suggestions on logistics and requirements?  Thanks.

  5. On 5/18/2021 at 4:36 PM, jas283a said:

    How funny my wife and I also flying out a day early, too.  Are you on the NCL Jade?  If so, maybe we'll see each other in Athens or on the ship.  Maybe I'll fill out that form, just in case.  It seems like every time I turn around, the rules and requirements keep changing, so I'm just not stressing...

    We are on the Jade leaving out of Athens on July 25th.  We are also flying out a day early.  Couple from Ohio.

  6. Does anyone have any firsthand information on whether or not there is pickleball on the Jewel?  I was looking at a video and when it panned over the sports court it did look like it was lined for pickleball.  The net of course was a sagging tennis net but wondering if I should bring my PB gear.


    Heading to Panama in March 2022 aboard the Jewel.

  7. Thanks for the replies.  We board at Fuerte Amador and get off at Colon.  I am very unfamiliar with both of these.  I have never been to Panama City.  I did put in a fare estimator in one site and it showed $50 to Amador and $105 back from Colon.  $155 total round trip for 2 so I guess NCL's $200 round trip for 2 is not too bad.  Might be good for the piece of mind.


    We are getting the airfare through NCL as well.  This is a first for us.  We have always done all transportation on our own.  It is always an adventure getting everything to go smoothly.

  8. We are booked on the Jewel in March 2022.  We fly into Panama City and NCL is providing us with bus transfers for $100 each for round trip - airport to ship.  This seems pretty pricy.  Does anyone know what the best way to do the ride to the ship (and back) and what other prices might look like (Uber, taxi, shuttle etc.).


    The bus rides are not my favorite thing to do anyhow.  Waiting in line, time consuming getting everyone in and off the bus, crowded.  Private car is usually a lot better alternative. Just wondering how available and at what cost.


    Thanks for any advice you can give me. 

  9. I sailed on the Divina and the Seaside.  I was scheduled on the Meraviglia in March but got cancelled.  We were not in the Yacht club so I can not address the differences there.  We liked the rooms better on the Divina.  Bigger, more storage.  Entertainment on both were top notch.  Overall ship flow and public areas goes to Seaside.  Food was great on both (again non Yacht Club). 


    We had a great time on both ships and would not hesitate booking either again.  If the price was the same I would chose the better itinerary.   It seems like Divina stays overnight at OC so that has me looking hard at her again.

  10. This is why I am not interested in risking $396.  It will not break me if it were to happen but I am still not interested in throwing away $396.  I have actually gone through the booking process right up to where MSC asks for the down payment.  I then stop and back out.  I do not see any way to see what the deposit will be until you go through the whole booking process and get to the payment page.  


    Of course most of what they appear to offer in perks really doesn't translate to the actual booking.  Frustrating.  I have gone on 2 MSC cruises and had my 3rd cancelled by MSC in March 2020.  I really enjoyed the cruises and experience and looked forward to OC.  This is a tough company to navigate through.

  11. Please MSC can you go to low or no deposits to book a cruise during the next 9 months.  There is too much unknown out there to tie up $396 and then try to get it back if the cruise doesn't go.  If we didn't need to put down any cash I would book one.  If I book one in February 2021 and there is no sailing I do not want the hassle of trying to get money back from MSC. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, Life Buoy said:

    Phoenix Dream is correct. Wearing a mask tends to protect others more than you. If you sneeze without a mask the particulates can travel 24 feet. Wearing a mask limits the spread. A cloth mask has been proven more effective than a paper one. There have been many tests on masks and results are very consistent.

    I am not trying to be a wise guy but let me ask:  If you are wearing a mask and you need to sneeze you recommend just keeping the mask on and sneezing into it?  That sounds kind of gross.  Do you then change your mask right away thus keeping a supply of mask on you at all times?  Or if you feel a sneeze coming on do you remove your mask and sneeze into your arm or tissue.  If you do the second thing you can do that while not wearing a mask thus limiting the amount of feet of traveling particles (which we have been instructed to do since we were children).


    If someone is not wearing a mask and sneezes and the particles travel the 24 feet if you are wearing your mask aren't you still protected?  It does not seem like you should be breathing it in if you are masked even if it has traveled 24 feet.


    I get that masking up will help.  I also get that common sense may help even more.  If I am sitting alone on the deck in a corner of the ship a mask may not be necessary especially if I am not going to sneeze or cough (feeling perfectly healthy).  Requiring me to wear one at that time might be unnecessary.  On the other hand if I am in a crowd I should do what I can to protect me and others.  If I have been sneezing and coughing I should not go to a crowded theater, casino or dinning facility.


    Stay safe and hopefully we all be back cruising soon.

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  13. 34 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

    I certainly believe in washing your hands.  But as all of the scientists out there now will tell you, most people do not catch the virus from touching something and then touching their face/eyes, etc..  Yes, that is one possible way to catch the virus but by far not the primary way of catching it.  The primary way is through breathing in the particles in the air containing the virus.  So yes, washing your hands is important, and will protect against more viruses than just Covid-19, but it is most definitely not the most important thing.  I only wish it was.

    I guess if what you are saying is accurate you can prevent yourself from getting it by wearing a mask.  It really doesn't seem necessary for others to wear a mask.  If you always have your mask on and social distance you can not breath in someone else's  particles in the air.  


    So maybe it is a matter of choice.  Am I missing something?  If you have a mask on you can not breath in the bad stuff.  So if someone else is not wearing a mask how is that putting your life in danger?  Seems like they may be risking their own health but not yours.

  14. This is the most current info from the WHO website:


    "To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID-19, do the following:

    • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
    • Maintain at least 1 metre distance between you and people coughing or sneezing.
    • Avoid touching your face.
    • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
    • Stay home if you feel unwell.
    • Refrain from smoking and other activities that weaken the lungs.
    • Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying away from large groups of people."

    I do not see any reference to mask wearing at all.  I am just wondering?

  15. Wow.  Lots of opinions.  Most about other people protecting you from them (mask wearing).  Why not look out for yourself.  Wash your hands often.  If you are touching things wash you hands immediately after.  Do not touch your face, mouth, eyes, etc. unless your hands are sanitized.


    If we all keep our hands clean that will be a huge help in stopping the spread and will help with a number of other illness's as well.  People that don't wash their hands but wear a mask are not your allies.


    I am not going to live in fear.  I am going to keep my hands clean and do my best at social distancing. 


    Stay safe, go to work, go to play, enjoy your family and live your lives.  Most importantly wash your hands. 

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  16. Interesting.  I have been on 18 cruises and never has any of the staff discussed tips with me.  Not how much they receive, how much they have been ripped off, how much they did or didn't make.  I wonder how they pick guests that they share their details with?

  17. Looks like those that applied for refund on 3/15 are receiving money dated 5/19 (although posted later 5/28 or5/29).  Some showed up on 5/19 and disappeared 3 or 4 days later and then reappeared on 5/28 or 5/29. 


    Looks like they are really happening so those applying in late March should start seeing their money if it continues like it started.  Good luck all.  Hope to see you on a cruise one day and we can reminisce over a cocktail!

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  18. My credit from MSC that appeared and then dropped off is now back again.  Dated May 19 which was the original date.  I do not know why they just didn't tell me it would be done today when speaking to me yesterday.  Well maybe I really have the full credit now.  


    This was really a bad way for MSC to handle refunds.  It is a bad situation and they are making it way worse.  Cash flow problems or not they are going to need to refund the money.  They have no revenue  coming in so they either have the money for refunds or they don't.  I can't believe they are receiving many deposits for new cruises and if they are getting any it is probably only $99.


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  19. Also I applied for a refund yesterday on our cancelled June cruise with Celebrity.  I received an immediate response that said we would receive credit back on our credit card in 30-45 days.  We will see if they are good for their word.  If so they have a leg up on MSC for my repeat business.  Day 74 with MSC.

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