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Posts posted by ingo_e

  1. A-Rosa tried to tend to a more younger crowd and therefore there are much more activity excursions. They also do have bikes onboard. Also very nice is that most of the cabins are available for triple occupation.


    I saw a documentary about an A-Rosa foodie cruise on the Rhone / Saone. More or less they had the same age structure as everyone else :)

  2. Ok, that last email was rather hasty before I had to go to work: If cruise lines do not disembark after free time, they usually offer a shuttle bus to the center. But as you have said, the busses are used for the city tour first, so if you don't want to attend the city tour, you'll need a bus / taxi to go to the center right away.

  3. The 2013 closure is most likely from


    Begin: 2013 April 08th

    End: 2013 April 24th

    Thats what the german authorities told me. But be aware: Sometimes maintenance can take longer than expected, like 2010 where a lock gate had to be replaced and Hilpoltstein Lock was not working for an extra week.

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