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Everything posted by glojo

  1. Would a passenger have access to company policy? Without a shadow of a doubt the LAST THING the Maitre d would do is be confrontational but... this person will have the full backing of the captain and if any passenger were to threaten, argue with or simply create a disturbance on our beautiful cruise ship, then I can see a passenger being 'shown the gangway'. Something a captain would not hesitate to do. My own thoughts are why would anyone spend a lot of money on a cruise with Cunard and then once aboard try to go into the main restaurant on a formal night and not be dressed accordingly?
  2. Thank you both very much for the very informative replies. We are going on just a nineteen day cruise so a bottle of rum might last two or three hours. If however I want to enjoy this cruise and not be carried off in an alcoholic stupor, then just the one bottle will be more than adequate. I remember once when dining at the captain's table, I asked for a glass of Guinness, the other guests looked at me in total disbelief. Their eyes all looked like mini ping pong balls, the captain however looked at me with a big grin and said.... ,Finally, finally I can enjoy my favourite beer' 😊 The rest of the evening was a huge success, our table was the last to leave having taken a hint from the waiters who were all resetting the tables for breakfast but I confess this was pre covid .
  3. Hi I would like to know the latest Cunard Queens Grille policy regarding complimentary drinks please. Is it two bottles of wine per cruise or possibly be two per day. I am not a great wine drinker and much prefer a Guinness followed by a glass of rum 😑 Thanks very much John
  4. Am I missing something? What else could the Restaurant Manager do? Surely if the person had managed to sit at their table, then quite simply refuse to serve them any food!! They KNOW the rules and if they opt to act like a spoilt child, then that is their choice. Do not be rude just simply insist that this is company policy. Do NOT allow folks to do whatever they want. If I drove a car in America on the correct side of the road, would that be allowed purely because I come from England?
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