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Posts posted by milling73

  1. We are on the 3 night Prague extension for Viking river cruise. First of all, I highly recommend visiting Prague, it must be one of the most interesting, beautifully full of old-world charm cities of Europe. The old center is very walkable, albeit tennis shoes are highly recommended, and nearly everyone wears them, as most streets and sidewalks are cobblestone. 
    On hotels, Viking uses several. We are in the Hilton, and I urge anyone to stay in a different hotel - closer to the Old Quarter!  The Hilton while beautiful, is more in the business district, there is nothing of tourist interest nearby, and only 1 good restaurant, outside of the hotel itself.  It is quite a distance to walk to Old Town areas and it is very easy to loose one’s way in a mish-mash of street junctions, and street names that do not appear on tourist maps. 
    Also while fairly easy to take a taxi to the Old Town, it is very difficult to find a taxi from Old Town. There are no taxi stands near the Square, nor at the Prague Castle that we saw. 

  2. We are on the Prague pre-trip start of the Grand European. We will bus to Budapest today, and we just received notice from Viking that due to current low water levels, our boat, the Vili, could not make it. We will be meeting the Mimir in Budapest instead. 
    The notice did not give any further information, other than they hoped to maintain schedule for optional tours, etc. 

    I will give updates as we travel. Rain has been in daily forecasts these last 3 days in Prague, but no rain received here. Mostly Sunny with temps in low 80’s. 

  3. We are on the 3 night Prague extension for Viking river cruise. First of all, I highly recommend visiting Prague, it must be one of the most interesting, beautifully full of old-world charm cities of Europe. The old center is very walkable, albeit tennis shoes are highly recommended, and nearly everyone wears them, as most streets and sidewalks are cobblestone. 
    On hotels, Viking uses several. We are in the Hilton, and I urge anyone to stay in a different hotel - closer to the Old Quarter!  The Hilton while beautiful, is more in the business district, there is nothing of tourist interest nearby, and only 1 good restaurant, outside of the hotel itself.  It is quite a distance to walk to Old Town areas and it is very easy to loose one’s way in a mish-mash of street junctions, and street names that do not appear on tourist maps. 
    Also while fairly easy to take a taxi to the Old Town, it is very difficult to find a taxi from Old Town. There are no taxi stands near the Square, nor at the Prague Castle that we saw. 

  4. Yes Ive been reading water level sites etc. but best info comes first hand from passengers. As noted, CS centers have no clue as to sailing conditions. 
    We fly Monday for Prague extension, if Luthansa manages to find plane / crew. So far that is hit/miss. In checking our reservations daily, finding schedule changes / cancellations with no notification. Thanks for heads up Luthansa!!  
    Heat, fires, now drought…Seriously the  Travel industry and Travelers could All use a break!

  5. Life everyone else, I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Thank you for the effort and time it must have taken!  We take this trip in 8 days, from the opposite direction, with the 3 day Prague extension added to the start.  

    We are flying  Lufthansa from Orlando International to Frankfurt, for a connecting flight onto Prague.  Checking today on Lufthansa's website, I see that our scheduled connecting flight to Prague has been cancelled, and we are now on a flight 5 hours later.  Thanks for the heads-up notification on the flight change, Lufthansa!!! (Not...no email, no text, not even a red flag of the change when  logged into their website and viewing our flight itinerary.)  Viking was not aware either for the airport / hotel transfer.  


    This doesn't exactly inspire confidence that all will go well with that later flight to Prague, as in looking back at the new flight history - it has also been cancelled 3 times in the last 7 days.   I have already checked out train connections from Frankfurt to Prague, or alternative airlines.


    There are stories of flight delays, flight cancellations, lost luggage all over travel sites right now.  Lack of staffing, strikes, equipment failures, etc..  After 2 years of pretty much travel lock-down...the travel industry just wasn't prepared for the mass of travelers hitting them as soon as the gates opened.


     Travelers:  As the saying goes "Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst" 


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  6. I sympathize with your vaccination issues, and I sort of agree that when you booked the cruise originally, none of these COVID rules were in effect, and the "medical inoculations" clause is at best a vague catch-all.  COVID rules are relaxing, and many countries are not asking for vaccine records.  However, every cruise line is at this time, requiring proof of vaccinations.  

    As I see it, you have the option of:  1) rolling your trip another year and see if the vaccine requirement is dropped;  2) takes the 50% refund, or  3) try to change the name on your package and sell it to someone else.  (I am not 100% sure Viking allows this, but I think they do allow the reservation to be transferred to another party - probably for a fee)

    If you trip is fully paid, and I am assuming it is, because Viking requires that soon after the booking, I would probably suggest rolling it until mid-late 2023.  Once on board, you don't have to book optional tours or really buy anything.  Except for tips to the crew, their cruises are pretty much all-inclusive.  You don't have to spend much more to go, especially if you included air in your package.

    Hope you get it resolved.  Viking really is a wonderful company to travel with.




  7. Can u give info of Viking laundry prices? We take this trip in 10 days and are reading horror stories of checked luggage not making Frankfurt Germany transfers,  and their tracking tag system not working.

    An Considering options of making carry-on suffice and using Viking laundry service. But we cant find pricing information or if it is even offered now. 
    Luggage Forward service is $350 bag 

    Thanks for assist. Your blog is wonderful. 

  8. We have taken several Viking river cruises in Europe and China. Most of your questions can be answered on cruise line websites, or reading this site more thoroughly, but here is what we can tell you briefly about Viking River Cruises: 

    First off, if you are an ocean cruiser seeking all day activities on board, dancing, and unlimited dining choices, this is not for you. There are no casinos, no children, no pool, no all day dining, no bar playing the latest /loudest hits. 

    What a river cruise does offer is genuine sightseeing. Civilization rose along rivers in Europe, and unlike an ocean cruise, there are always upclose scenic views when sailing.  On average enough time is allowed at each port to do their included tour, and/or one of your own. And it takes just a minute to walk on/off. 

    Age - Honestly I would not even include Passenger Age  in my “should I take a river cruise?” consideration. It is hardly a nursing home setting. Most passengers will be well-traveled, mature, congenial, and very interesting to talk to. The cruise lines are offering more physical options in their itinerary stops, such as biking / hiking to appeal to the younger and more active. And you free to join any of their itineraries or go off on your own. 


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  9. Norman P --- Just out of curiosity, when you were put off boat into a hotel --- was the hotel and meals at your expense?  Or did Viking cover?  Was the Paris airport the return airport for your trip?  While many have posted about people testing positive and being removed, no one has said what happened following that, as to hotel, meals, how they reached  end of trip airport, or if a new flight was arranged, etc.  

    The cost of all of that would be substantial.


    I know the policy has since been rescinded, but it also just as quickly be re-instated, and Viking's website is vague on how those details or expenses would be handled.


    Thanks..and hope you had a quick recovery.

  10. As a side note - it helps to work with one agent in bookings. Note who you talked to, and their extension, and email. 

    I am not sure if they work off commission. I am assuming they do; but regardless using same person in bookings has helped us in more personalized attention and advance notices, and sorting out any issues. 

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  11. Viking air is very flexible. You are allowed days either side, you just have to let agent know when booking trip.

    You also have option of Air Plus - picking your own flights for an extra fee of $100 pp, plus any price difference between what fare they can get via their contracts with carriers, and route/carrier you choose. 
    I have found their air department to be very efficient - normally they pick flights I would have chosen as well. And if not, are willing to work with me, and sometimes waiving the Air Plus fee to move me to a specific flight. (Probably depending on how you get, and how you ask.)

  12. Viking included excursions are normally a walking tour with local guides. If not docked close to town center, or attraction, there will  be buses to meet guides. Guides walk at different paces — “slow, “moderate, and “faster” - and you sign up for your mobility level or pace preference.  They all try to cover same sights if time and pace allows. 

    On evening dining if you opt for the main dining room with waiters, be prepared for the European  style 2-3 hr meal, delays between courses to encourage conversation and savor the experience. A faster, more casual, option is upstairs at a buffet, usually serving same dishes. It is passenger choice - no sign up for either. Guests normally dress nicer for main dining room. (Dress, skirt, pants/top — business casual for men) 

    Evening Entertainment is often a guest speaker or local singer. We have found most to be very good.


    Viking’s goal on these trips is to entertain, but primarily it is to educate us about history and different cultures. Maybe all the river lines do, I don’t know, we have only taken Viking. But that aspect is why we have stayed with them. 

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  13. Sharkster - agree

    Traveling at any time is an inherent risk — of an accident, or getting sick — that we all accept when booking a trip.  We hope, even assume, it will be a wonderful time, but there was no guarantee of that BEFORE COVID. Life happens - We saw a lady in our group fall down concrete steps on our very first excursion; she got out of hospital to fly home, same day as we did at tour end. 

    As we book trips now, we add “getting Covid” to the list of things that could happen, and continue packing. 


    We do strongly believe Viking needs to quit testing. Every time a passenger leaves that boat, they might pass or be near someone contagious. It is inevitable in a no control situation. All passengers are vaccinated, probably boosters, and that is about the best any of us can do, or are doing living here going out, or to work daily. It serves no point to put people off at every stop, just because they test positive, and may or may not be actually sick. 
    if someone is sick enough to need a doctor,  help them get to one. Just as they did before. An announcement was made and that was it. 

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  14. Viking is good, no doubt. We have enjoyed all of our trips. But I think the reason they get so much business is due to their advertising dept. They are pretty much the only cruise line we see on tv ads, mail catalogs, and travel websites.  
    But pretty much all cruise lines use the same rivers and ports, with similar boats. 

    if not for vouchers we needed to use  - we would have probably moved to Avalon (a Globus company). Prices and itineraies are very similar, and Their booking policy much more fair. 

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  15.  There are not many daily posts of cruising procedures on  this river forum — mostly just questions or general discussions. 

    While policies will / are changing — Its helpful to hear from someone traveling now, or just off. That’s the most accurate information any of us have to go by, and why we come to this site.

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  16. Have heard few hints from our booking Rep  that Viking is relaxing daily testing.  

    Most European counties have dropped  all COVID restrictions or even asking to see immunization records. Viking’s testing policy while a safety plus to some, does discourage or delay many from booking for fear of being put off boat.  From the number of discounts plus free air promotions currently being offered, it appears Viking is trying to woo back customers. And as the only cruise line doing testing,  perhaps they realize they have to stop. (Like the theme parks, when Universal Orlando dropped masks, Disney had to follow, or lose guests.)

     Can anyone currently sailing Grand European or other rivers confirm what the testing/masks actually are on board?



  17. Viking is offering free air on many of their river cruises, and maybe ocean as well. We just booked 2 back to back cruises with them. Flying into Prague July 25, and return from Zurich on Aug 24. And we received awesome flight connections and times from their travel department.  
    With the prices of air right now, (in fact anything right now) that was a welcome savings. 

  18. We took the Paris / Normandy in early/mid April. It was nothing like the song “April in Paris”….Nothing was in bloom, trees were bare, skies gray,  temps from 40-60’s,  and while at Normandy memorial, we walked in icy sleet. Weather is different year to year, ify at anytime, but Spring is especially so, and That was our last April trip.


    I am not sure when the Monet gardens at Giverney open, April or May - but they are worth taking a date that will include them. 

  19. On Viking, We have had the French Balcony, the Veranda, and the lower cabin with half-height window.  Unless we can get the other cabins on sale, we take the lower cabin and the savings of at least $1,000..  With the window being high, it allows good light.  The lower cabin is also slightly larger than French balcony rooms.

    In peak months, boats are rafted when docked, and if so, the curtain will be pulled across sliding doors of the balcony cabins, allowing no view (or light). When sailing, one opts to be in all window lounge, or outside, versus the 6 ft  side view from room glass door.  About the only real benefit from the sliding door is fresh air, and a chance to check weather temps. 

     No matter which cabin chosen,  one is only in the cabin to sleep or change clothes. Without upgrading to suite level, the rooms simply do not have the space or seating for comfortable lounging.

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