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Posts posted by Roe95695

  1. 2 minutes ago, ZoeyVictoria said:

    The Carnival Kitchen is on the Mardi Gras and Celebration. I am pretty sure the classes can be found and booked under specialty dining, but the website is down and I can’t verify that. There are a number of classes - pizza, pasta, tailgate party, pie, cupcakes, etc, with around 12 stations of two people each.   They are now $40 each (used to be $35).  They last around ninety minutes and you can eat whatever you cook, but are not allowed to leave with it. You will receive a spatula and copies of the recipes to take home. We enjoyed Pasta Masters, learned a few things, and even bought the picture (we never buy pictures any more, but made an exception since we enjoyed the class so much).

    Thank you for sharing the info.  We are cruising on the Horizon but will need to watch for the other ships sometime and join in on the fun.  


  2. thank you for the post and for all the great answers.  My DH has some mobility issues and distance can be a problem for him, we always use wheelchair at the airport and love the service.  I was going to reach out to Carnival regarding assistance with embarkation/debarkation.  Now I have the information needed.  Thanks again all!!!

    • Like 2
  3. Hey Everyone!!


    Was off on vacation last week over on the Oregon Coast - Salmon fishing and Crabbing.. We had a great time. Labor Day weekend is filled with all the family about 50 of us. The following week is usually about 10 of us.. I love it!!! We caught no salmon however on Saturday night we had a crab feed with about 64 crab.


    We always have the TV set up so we can watch our beloved Ducks play...




    I was happy to read most everyone is healthy and well.

  4. Happy Monday Breeze Buddies....


    Sounds like most had a good weekend and most some what productive..


    Sue - the smoke from the fires were really bad here Friday - I actually did some research to see if we had another fire closer because it was really bad. However we did get some rain Saturday morning and our beautiful blue sky has come back. it was not a pretty week.


    One of my favorite things about living here is our wild life that we can just sit back on the porch and enjoy - Saturday evening we had 3 momma dear and their fawns come for a visit, we keep a few apples round for feeding when they visit. They are so gentle and beautiful to watch. The fawns were playing what looked like tag to us, what a treat when it happens.


    Wishing you all a great day!!

  5. Happy Sunday everyone,


    Renee - that cake sounds amazing - going to have to try it..


    Sue - good luck with the branding today, definately sounds like a busy day at the ranch today. The cake sounds very yummy as well. We have had the smoke here from fire the past two days, my eyes burn when I go out. I can't imagine how bad it is there. Good luck on the branding today..


    We have been having a quiet weekend. I have been working on my paper for my Native Americans in the Law class I have taken this summer it is the only paper this course and is 50% or our grade, not to mention it is only anything we want to write on so it make it a bit more difficult. If all goes well I will be finished today.

  6. Hey everyone!!!


    Welcome Lisa.. If you are like me you will be hooked after your first cruise..


    Sounds like everyone is doing well for the most part - sorry about the A/C Heidi...


    Made it home safe and sound and am missing the family already. We had a great time even if it went by to fast. I will get to see them again in a month after baby Lily is born, I am so looking forward to this.


    Congrats on the award Rick and Kay - sounds like a great program..

  7. Good evening breeze buddies. It has been so busy since july 1 for us, I haven't been home a weekend in so long... Back in eugene with.the.family as my nephew and his family.are here and.I haven't gotten to see them for to long..we had.a great day just hanging out. Tomorrow we are going.to the lake I think so that will help with.the.temps.outside. although I am enjoying my time here I keep thinking once we get home on wednesday I get to relax until labor day when we go camping for a week over in florence for crabing and salmon fishing. Our high today was 101 which is HOT for here.


    Enjoy your weekend everyone..

  8. Yes we did on one of the rooms the other decided to wait. Please add Jan Ray and Tracy Bachmeier to the list.



    Hello Cupid's!


    Donna, sorry about your Mother. I know it is hard even if it is expected. I still have my Mother, but my Dad died 23 years ago after heart surgery. We were told he wouldn't live, but it was still hard a week or so later when he died.


    Rene, good luck on the job. Glad you got booked. If you want, hopefully you can upgrade with the full deposit without losing the group benefits.


    Robin, looks like your group also got in under the wire.


    I bet Erin has been busy the last few days getting bookings for the last minute group cruises before the July 31 deadline.



  9. HappyThursday everyone - missed out yesturday was just to busy at work after a long night of little sleep...


    Sue - Yeah for the Baler parts finally getting here - hopefully the reassembly goes smooth and the rain stays away. I am taking a Native American Law class at KCC I really enjoy it.


    Dave - Welcome home flying can be so tiresome these days - glad you are home safe.


    Char - I currenlty live in Oregon but am from Carmichael - hubby and I still have our house there and are just renting it for the time being. Enjoy your BBQ, family time is the best.


    jreichow1972 - welcome nice to meet you. I have family in the Ohio area - Columbus, Toledo, Berky. As a matter of fact my Aunt Pam flew in last night froom Columbus.


    Char - They do have the shipmate app for android as this is what I have. I found it before out last cruise on the Facination last November and always go to it when I am dreaming of a cruise.


    feeling much better today - left work early yesturday and went home and slept.. Gotta get through today and school tomorrow morning then I am off to Bend for my nephews wedding this weekend then off to Anacortes, Wa for training next week. I may not be around much so everyone have a great weekend and a great week. Just think when I return we will be 1 week closer to our Breeze Cruise..

  10. Happy Tuesday Breeze Buds!!!


    I have gotten so I can't wait to read our thread and see what everyone is up too. Today is a work day for me. I am tired, we have been out of town the past 3 weekends and am looking at 3 more ahead of me till I get a weekend at home. My house is a mess.. ugg. I think to night when I get home is time to get a deep clean done, but then I have home work too so we will see which one wins out.


    I hope you all have a great Tuesday!!!


    Robin ~ we love Eugene! Our boys both graduated from U of O and we are huge Duck football fans, we have season tickets for Duck football (and our kids too). We spend a LOT of time in Eugene in the Fall. GO DUCKS! :D Glad to hear your mom's yard sale was a success.


    Char ~ that app sounds cool, but I don't have an iphone. Wonder if there is one for Android...I will have to search and see if I can find one. Enjoy the BBQ! Sounds like fun...always love to see family whenever we can.





    We are also huge DUCK Fans... I do not have season passes but several of the family members do have.


    As for the Ship mate android app I have one that I believe was free just search shipmate in the app store. It is a fun app found it before our last cruise and I love it..

  12. Donna - Itis never easy when someones life comes to an end. Prayers go out for you and your family in this most difficut time..


    We had gone over to Eugene for the weekend as my mom was having a garage sale and needed some help. Boy was it HOT there. We had a great time - sold lots of stuff an what was left we just put at the curb with a free sign and by the time I left town yesturday afternoon it was almost all gone.


    Happy Monday to all.. I hope you all have a great week.

  13. Asking for prayers from everyone. My 17 year old godson was in an accident Sunday and is in icu. He has severed his spinal cord at c9 in his neck and has no feeling or movement from the chest down. It doesn't sound like he will regain anything. Devastating news for him and his family. I feel so helpless right now.




    Prayers have been said for him, you and family and friends.. What a difficult time for you all..

  14. [quote[


    To my Hells Kitchen buddies - how do like out things are shaping up this season? Not sure who I'm liking this time around. Usually, someone sticks out, but this season, I really don't care for any of them. Still enjoy watching it thought. Actually, I'm enjoying Masterchef a little better.


    Wishing everyone a wonderful, Donna


    DH and I love both of these shows. I am still on the fence as well. Really admire Christine on Masterchef although I will be very surprised if she makes it all the way.

  15. Thank you everyone for the condolences.. He had been ill for quite sometime so it is a blessing he is no longer lost and confused..


    I too am very happy we are grandfathered in as we may have had to cancel too.. So much going on this summer.. So happy we are safe....


    Heidi saying a quick prayer for Eric, that he heals quickly and builds up his immune system, as well as piece of mind for you..


    Sue- sorry about the cost of parts - What a great story about the cow and calf - I loved it!!!

  16. Happy Monday Everyone!!!


    Sounds like everyone had eventful weeks some better then others.. Sorry to read about your mom Dave - Prayers have been sent.


    Sue hopefully the bailer and everything gets repaired and says that way so you all can get the fields in.


    We spend the weekend out of town - Went to my Great Uncles Funeral, followed by a night at Seven Feathers (Indian Casino). We held our own so that is a win to us..


    wishing everyone a cooler week ahead.



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