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Posts posted by mancunian

  1. Very envious.   We have sailed with Silversea before though not on Spirit though we have got three cruises on her next year, in February, April and July.  That sounds over the top but one was booked three years ago, one is a cancelled cruise from this summer and one was pure greed on my part when we saw the one in April on special offer.  We really liked Silversea on previous trips and Spirit looks even better.  Look for Visit with us on You Tube.  They have seven videos about her.  They are enough to sell her to me as they look even nicer than Silver Shadow.   What I particularly like about her is the outdoor sitting areas with proper seating to have coffee or drinks.


    The cabins (suites) on Silversea are lovely and despite wondering what we were going to do with a butler we really enjoyed ours.  Do have your dinner in your cabin one evening.  It is not like room service.  Coffee table converts to proper dining table, white tablecloth and your Butler brings the courses at times specified by you.  It is from the dining room and their menu.


     The food is also very good.  I personally prefer the food to that on Viking, though that too is good.  Enjoy.

  2. les we arrived on  Viking in the Caribbean even later than you and were very impressed with the bottle of wine, plate of tiny sandwiches and plate of mini cakes.  This was after midnight.    I think that if there are a. few of you they will have made arrangements to feed you.

    4 hours ago, les37b said:


    I unfortunately saw the BA flight had gone and rather foolishly waited for Viking to contact..... and then it was too late - and there were no places left on your Air Malta flight. (I actually was offered that first off when I booked and said I wanted earlier!) So we will miss lunch and dinner on the first day!!! (Not impressed with that - but not pointing fingers at Viking either.)


    I expect even if it is required for Croatia, it may be fine to do it from the ship and be within any time constraints - but I 100% agree, I like to plan things and know exactly what is needed. Sorting this I have found exceptionally taxing all round.


    My PCR kits arrived today from Randox. I took Vikings advice and booked a pre flight one (as well as the 2 day) purely because Id kick myself if Malta changed a day or 2 before flying leaving us unable to travel. At least its here. If they do not change, I shalt be doing the test and sending. As stated, I honestly don't want to risk a false positive and unable to fly as a result when its a test I don't need to take!


    Hopefully see you on board..... I think we will ideally be in the Aquait Terrace sipping on a cooling cocktail and removing all the stress! lol


  3. Very envious of your interest in the Silver Spirit cruise in September.  We have three cruises booked on her next year.  I guess we like Silversea most with Oceania second and HAL and Viking joint third.


    The thing we liked most on Star was the ship itself.  We liked the musicians  around the ship but hated the music in the theatre.   It is a wonder we have eardrums left.


    I guess we did not like the food as much as on Silversea and Oceania, and indeed HAL.  Having said that we liked Manfredis and Mamsens very much.  We thought that for us there was really too little vegetables with main courses and having simple tastes had trouble making choices on occasion.


    There we have it.  Horses for courses and all that.  I do not say we would never go with them again just that it is not as likely as the others.


    We were desperate to go on a cruise and did not mind the restrictions too much.   We used the main terminal both arriving and leaving.. We did enjoy the rest

    6 hours ago, Staffordshirecruiser said:

    Hi Mancunian


    I am so pleased it went well. I had been worrying about you on the gangplank.  I thought the crew would be very attentive to help you though, to give your hubby time to rest his arm until it is fully recovered. I am sure other passengers will also be ready to help when they see someone struggling.  We’re you ok with the checking in ‘tent’ or were you able to us the port building itself.  What did you like most about the cruise?  I keep looking at the Sep Silversea Southampton sailing, 


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  4. Hi Staffordshirecruiser

    It went well.  We took your advice and Peter dropped me at the terminal with the luggage and then went to park the car and in reverse today.   I think the assistance   on the ship was good compared to previous trip on Sea to the Caribbean in that they took my rollator up and down the gangplank and i walked up.   They were also helpful in the dining room.  We personally do not need assistance as Peter will carry the rollator but following complex surgery on his arm it is currently difficult.  It does worry me though for people on their own or where their partner is unable to assist.   

    9 hours ago, Staffordshirecruiser said:

    Hi Mancunian


    Just wondered how you got on on Star?  I think you will have disembarked by now and be on your way home?


    We enjoyed the cruise particularly the Scilly and the Channel Islands but pity about the weather on other days particularly Portland.


    We think in view of the uncertainty on international rules we are going to cancel our Malta trip the first week in October and transfer to a river cruise early 2023.  Next year is getting overbooked due to replacements for booked cruises and we have three Silversea cruises booked.

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  5. We are on the Star in the UK at present.


    Slightly disturbed by Viking’s attitude.  On a coach trip yesterday the guide began by spelling out Viking’s rules, face masks all the time on and off coach, and at our short stop for bathroom and photos of St Michael’s Mount we could not go into the shop or cafe.  At said stop she repeated it all.  A couple promptly set off purposely to the cafe or shop (next door to each other) and she had to race after them and persuade them to return or she had to report them.  Coming back the man sitting diagonally to us had his face mask round his chin.  Don’t know about others on the coach


    My husband talked to the guide at the stop and sympathised with her.  She said it was awful and that the previous week one couple arrived ready to break all rules and though she hated doing so she had reported them. and they were confined to their cabins.  


    We did not feel Viking should expect a tour guide to act as policeman.  If Viking want their rules obeyed they should put a crew member on the coach.  Actually on Silversea, Oceania and Holland America they always put a crew member on in any case.   It seems to me that with a crew member onboard the coach passengers may be a little deterred by the consequences but will have  even less respect for a guide.


    Even more puzzled today, as yesterday seats had notices on them and we all had to sit in alternate rows with two rows clear between driver and guide row and passengers.  Today no social distancing and this was with a Viking person on the coach just at loading time, who said sit where you like and no notices on seats.







  6. Message to Esther.  We are on Star in the Uk and a different experience to Sea in Caribbean last year.   There is hope you can perhaps sail after all.   In the terminal after our hand luggage went through XRay I was putting our stuff together {husband otherwise detained explaining the metal rod in his arm to XRay staff) when a Star officer came up and said could she help.  I said no thanks I am fine and she said I will stay with you anyway.   When I got off the little bus from the terminal to the boat someone stationed at the foot of the gangway rushed over to help get the rollator up and I walked up.   In Liverpool today there was a steep road bridge up to the buses and Viking said it had hired mini buses to get anyone up who might have difficulty.  So perhaps things are, changing and perhaps they might even read the boards.   I think from what you have said the gangplank would be your only problem so I would phone Viking to ask if this attitude was on all their ships and that you can manage everything else independently.


    The other change was in the restaurant and Manfredis.  When taken to your table the waiter has said each time I will take your rollator to park it and just tell someone when you want to leave and they will fetch it.  We have not actually done this as when we are ready to go Peter goes and fetches it.   This is much more like service on other lines.  I do hope you can now come.


    The only way you can possibly disturb other non understanding passengers is being a little slower on the gangplank, but they could reassess their attitude and think there but for the grace of God go I.  And they will go.  I do not wear these comments on having to change holidays.  They love cruises and Viking and cruising really is the best holiday when you get problems.


    Perhaps, who knows they will try to find an easy excursion in each port too when planning itineraries.  If not I am not too bothered, can either go for a quiet wander, arrange something private or just stay onboard.


    I did say I would not come on this thread again but I really wanted to share this with others who are getting older.


    Thanks too to Cher and people who have been supportive.




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  7. Thanks Staffordshire for the info.  We will as you suggest drop the luggage (plus me) off first before Peter goes to park the car.  I am sure we will manage the rest.  Peter can carry my rollator folded with his good arm up the gangplank and I will manage with my stick.  But thank you so much for drawing our attention to the change in parking,   Getting really excited now.  If only we are allowed ashore alone it would be perfect.










  8. Many thanks Amelia.  I had no problem reading it and found looking at the lectures and music really interesting and canno wait to be there.  


    Please cam you answer the important question as to whether we are allowed on shore to do our own thing.


    Many thanks


  9. Good to hear she has arrived.   Have a great trip.


    If you have time let us know if you have any problems embarking and if we are to be allowed on shore alone!


    If you pass us anywhere on the 14th cruise do say hello.  You can’t miss me as I walk with a rollator.


    Angela and Peter


    hope you all have safe journey to Portsmouth and a great cruise all you 7th August cruisers.  Cannot believe that it is only a week away for us.


    If you have time can you drop a line on here to let us know the position of the bubble or whether we can go ashore by ourselves.


    Many thanks

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  11. I remember a copy of a bar menu on Iceland live and am pretty sure it said Gordon’s, Bombay Sapphire and Hendricks.  Probably inspired my husband to agree to packages for the last two.  He would probably not like the modern flavoured ones!

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  12. First of all you have no problem with the aircraft.  If you ask Viking they arrange this and you will be taken to the door of the aircraft.  Occasionally the aircraft will be on the apron away from the gate.  In this case the airport staff will ask if you can walk up the steps.  If not you enter the aircraft by a hydraulic lift to a door in the aircraft but on the other side.


    I used for a few years be in a wheelchair, but after neurosurgery have progressed to a rollator (push along).  I do not need assistance to board because my husband will carry the rollator up the gangplank and I can walk slowly up.  I feel for others though who are alone or their partner is unable to carry or push.


    Totally spoilt by HAL.  Two helpers on the gangplank to get people in wheelchairs up and down.  They would not let my husband carry the rollator when I had progressed from the wheelchair, One carried the rollator and the second one insisted on my taking his arm and escorting me.  In the dining room as I got out of the lift the supervisor on the desk sent a waiter to push the wheelchair and at the end of the meal when my husband stood up someone rushed to get the wheelchair or rollator.   Few years ago (in wheelchair days) I had a letter from HAL to tell me that one lifeboat on each ship was being adapted.  You went off through a crew door and a ramp lifted you and the wheelchair on to the tender.  They really care.


    The other thing I find difficult with Viking is their excursion descriptions.   Very few easy ones and the moderates according to the blurb all seem to say walking and standing one and a half to three hours and also seem to  predict steps, cobblestones slopes etc etc.  I feel they are trying to discourage you.   Whether one is in a wheelchair or use a rollator there are many,many people on Viking who are elderly, or have bad knees, hips or backs.   I think they should always have an excursion suitable.


    Good luck to you and hope you get a satisfactory outcome

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  13. Gosh that is good.  So much for me to think they may be trying to avoid that.  My apologies to them.   We would not actually ask for that as I have just explained although we really wanted to go there we just want to be on a ship.


    I had not realised you were doing it twice so if they do cancel it on ours as well you would be doubly disappointed.  Let us know what you decide.  Did they comment about the 14th sailing

  14. 53 minutes ago, Alsun said:

    Guess we won’t know for certain until we are actually tendering in Scilly!


    It will be a disappointment if we don’t stop there (as it is the only excursion that we signed up for) but we are still planning to enjoy the cruise and to find out what Viking has to offer.

    No I think that may be true.  On the other hand it is my guess that it is the most important stop for most guests as is most difficult to access.  I do wonder if it was announced last week when it was just too late for the 7 August people to transfer, and in which case we will be told  during this week.   I admit to being disappointed but in many ways not too bothered.  My husband has had a complex op on the top of his arm having been strapped up for two yearsand is only just able to drive again and I have had two cataract ops in last three months, one last week so this year has not been great.  

    If we don’t get off the ship that is fine, just resting will be good and looking at the sea.  We used to live in Cheshire so we were near Liverpool and know it well though we now live in Derby.  We are in Falmouth for a holiday before we get on the ship which was booked many moons ago, and we have caravaned in Dorset in the past.  We will probably do the trip in Portland.


    Do say hello any of you, if you pass us on the ship.  We can’t really be missed.  I walk with a rollator.


    Angela (and Peter)

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  15. 11 minutes ago, Glenndale said:

    Maybe you should give them a try 🙂 You might be surprised.

    We have given them a try three times.  We have also been on P&O and Fred Olsen.  We have however found we are happiest on a ship with Uk American, Canadian and Australian guests.   It adds to the cruise to meet and chat with people from other countries.  Yes before you tell me this cruise will be all Uk passengers because we transferred from Iceland.  But I prefer Viking to Saga anyway,

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  16. Can I add even more confusion.  Have just gone into Viking site as if to book a cruise.   The 7 Aug is indeed shown in the itinerary as being sailing the Atlantic instead of Tresco, the 14 Aug is still shown as Tresco.  How about that?  Do we believe the advert in the paper or their own site.  I suppose I am being pessimistic but I really do not believe we are going, and no Glendale much as I want to go to Tresco I want to go on Saga even less!

  17. I wonder if the two cancellations is to do with covid.  Both are small islands and wonder if they just do not want us particularly if they have no cases.  I would not have thought Douglas was because of tendering as they have good dock space.  They used to get several ferries in at once.   It is all speculation of course.

  18. Staffordshire, one of our I suppose distant neighbours we live in Derby, it is good news about the kettle.  If you come back from an excursion it is tea you want not coffee and likewise when you wake up in the morning.  Do they swap the coffee pods for teabags?

  19. The excursions are disappointing I agree but of the two it is the dining rooms that infuriate me.   We have done 50+ cruises  on many lines of late mainly HAL, Oceania and Silversea and we have never had problems with bookings.  Possibly some of the lines we go on do allow this but no clue as to which ones as they have obviously got more capacity in those dining rooms.  I know Silversea has not in their chargeable dining rooms but there are plenty of other places to eat.  


    Viking have not got sufficient capacity and yet their  info gives the impression they  have these two. brilliant options available to everyone.  There are no other options except the restaurant - no we do not eat dinner the buffet, although we are not in a top cabin we have paid, to us, a lot for our cabin and we think we want dinner in a restaurant.  We believe it or not are not too fussy about times.  We prefer 6 or 6.30 but are happy up to 8 but no way can either of us eat at 9 as too near bedtime.  I am really sure that with limited restaurant capacity offering 3 bookings to people is unfair if it blocks others completely.


    We will take the later booking as recommended if necessary when we get to the Malta dinner bookings and hope we can change on boarding.   Otherwise as much as we liked Viking we will be going back to Silversea and Oceania but sadly no more HAL as their ships are now took big for us,

  20. I guess the closed nature of these cruises has made it worse than usual. People cannot book other private excursions because of the bubble so they are planning extra excursions than usual.  I think Vikings system is a bit unfair at the best of times, but during these times it is really outrageous.    A more expensive cabin should only get perks with regard to that cabins benefits and service.  All passengers should be able to get slots for excursions and dining.  


    On our first holiday on Viking we generally did not do to badly on excursions but did not try for many as it was the Caribbean where we have been many times.  However we were totally unable to get a booking in Manfredis which was sad.  We were in a V2 cabin.


    When we booked Iceland we upped to a DV4 cabin hoping for better luck.  We got 9 pm for Manfredis much too late for our digestions.  Our top two choices of excursions was also fully booked.    Bizarrely on our Malta cruise on 2 October we got all our excursions but cannot book dining yet and are not holding our breath over Manfredis for third try.

    We then had to transfer our Iceland cruise to a Uk one on the 14 August due to insurance problems.  Because we were transferring to a cheaper cruise we are in a PJS  cabin and of course we were able if we had wanted three bookings in Manfredis and the other special restaurant.


    This is the one thing I hate about Viking and may well drive us back to Silversea and Oceania where we have not encountered these problems.   I know the people in the high grade cabins will be indignant about my view,



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