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Everything posted by JimmyVWine

  1. Give the people what they want. Top 15 Grossing Movies of All Time, Worldwide. 6 of them from the MCU: 1 Avatar 2 Avengers: Endgame 3 Avatar: The Way of Water 4 Titanic 5 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 6 Avengers: Infinity War 7 Spider-Man: No Way Home 8 Jurassic World 9 The Lion King 10 The Avengers 11 Furious 7 12 Top Gun: Maverick 13 Frozen II 14 Avengers: Age of Ultron 15 Black Panther 900 Downton Abbey Given the statistics above, that is virtually impossible. I think that Iron Man was the first real Marvel movie, and that came out in 2008. So someone who is 60 now was 45 back then. Certainly not "too old" to have gotten interested in the franchise and still sticks with it.
  2. The extra time is associated with designing the exterior of the glass container. It's an arts and crafts project with no real upside.
  3. Princess Patter refreshing morning 10:00-12:00 Movie: Caligula Movies Under the Stars, Deck 16 Midship relaxing afternoon 12:00-2:00 Movie: Midnight Cowboy Movies Under the Stars, Deck 16 Midship 2:00-3:30 Medallion Swap Party Toss your Medallion into a bowl. Pairs of Medallions will then be drawn and the randomly chosen couples can then head to banquets in the Vista Lounge to indulge their wildest fantasies. Meet in Princess Live!, Deck 7 Midship 4:00-5:00 Pickle Ball Tournament Play "Pickle Ball" in a way you never have before! Center Court, Deck 18 Aft
  4. Sapphire uses the pullouts that extend into the cabin area. I assume Diamond is the same.
  5. Not sure how you got to this conclusion. I just re-read the whole thread and there was no differentiation between groupings until post 13 where the word "everyone" was first introduced and has now been addressed and corrected. Nowhere is a question asked about what the atmosphere is like "for adults".
  6. Just adding a bit of information to round out the story. On the Royal Class ships, the sofa is not a "pull-out" but instead converts to a single bed in the same direction as the sofa itself. The occupant sleeps with their head at one "arm" of the sofa with their feet at the other. That way there is no obstruction to the balcony as there is with the pull-out sofa shown in the picture in this and the earlier thread.
  7. I pretty much closed out the browser window when I heard that line.
  8. Just want to make it clear to readers. "Open to everyone" is not the same thing as "open to all adults."
  9. I understand that point and sympathize...to a degree. (A small degree at that.) If all you want is a cup of coffee and you choose to get in a line with 22 people in front of you at an ice cream stand, you get what you deserve. There are plenty of other places on the ship that serve coffee that don't also make time-sucking dessert circuses that one can (and should) go to.
  10. ??? Taken directly from the Princess website: Retreat Pool – Adjacent to The Sanctuary, the Retreat Pool provides an exclusive area for adults to relax and rejuvenate. The Retreat Pool on Royal Princess offers more space and seating than the adult pools on other Princess vessels, plus adds new Retreat Cabanas that can be reserved for an enhanced experience. https://www.princess.com/news/backgrounders_and_fact_sheets/factsheet/Passengers-Can-Enjoy-the-Ultimate-in-Pampering-Aboard-Royal-Princess.html
  11. They could do that. But most people eschew earbuds that have been worn by others. Pretty gross. Better solution is to BYO for an afternoon "silent showing" with a regular showing of the entertainment at night, or an audio showing in the afternoon in the theater. Those without their own listening devices still have an option and are not cut out . The number of people under the age of 60 who I know who do not have BT listening devices can be counted on one hand. When Apple stopped putting the output jack receptacle in its iPhones, people went BT all the way. And when Work From Home became mandatory and people were on Zoom calls and every day, the sales skyrocketed. Princess could provide spare pairs for the 5% of the people who don't have such devices, but I'm not sure those people would want to wear them.
  12. You could lose your choice of cabin. So if you covet the cabin you currently have, you may not want to do this.
  13. But this is a picture of people enjoying a movie UNDER THE STARS with few if any people actually using the pool area as a pool area. 100% in favor of that 100% of the time. But when the staff at the Trident Grill cannot hear me place my order at 1:00 pm because some configuration of Journey with which I am not familiar, (no Steve Perry = no Journey) is blasting from the screen, then that is a problem.
  14. Nice to see them "in person", but man, could she BE any more melodramatic??
  15. A front-facing cabin then would be awesome. You'd have a view something like this:
  16. You are missing the point. I am not arguing in favor of changing the age limit at the Retreat. I am arguing that people who don't qualify to go there are still worthy of and entitled to some peace and quiet every now and then around the main pool area. The main pool area should not be cacophonous at all hours of the day. A Bluetooth transmitter system would go a long way to fixing that. But now that you bring it up, if were up to me it would be 15 and older as long as they are accompanied by an adult.
  17. Both silly and prejudicial. When my daughter was a teenager and we cruised together, we wanted to stay together as a family. The three of us would not have added any noise to the Retreat area when she was 15. But we followed the rules and stuck together at the main pool areas. Pretty obnoxious to think that a family of two parents and a 15 year old can't fit someone's definition of "quiet" or that somehow that family unit is not worthy of or entitled to the same quiet as everyone else.
  18. No. The "Quiet Pool" is only found in the Retreat area and that is not available to everyone.
  19. Falls into the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" category. Failure to show a movie at 11:00 will result in a post here and elsewhere that has as its title: "Just Tried Princess For The First Time And It Was Sooooo Boring!" The rant will refer to the fact that the advertised movies were "non-existent". My solution would be for Princess to install a Bluetooth transmitting sound system around the pool area allowing anyone who wants to use their own Bluetooth enabled earbuds or headphones to connect to that system and listen to whatever is playing on the screen. For everyone else, the pool area is devoid of noise from the screen.
  20. Also missing in the overall "analysis" is a comparison to other cruise lines. Can someone publish a list of cruise lines that work their pricing differently than Princess does? Off hand, I can't think of any.
  21. But you are ignoring the fact that the empty cabins would be filled by offering them at a significant discount. Under this model, it is not an imperative that a cabin sail empty. But even a couple of empty cabins is better than giving people free cruises and having to also adjust their flight arrangements.
  22. Doesn't work that way. It's not a one to one ratio between the "hold out" and the cabin with that one person hoping and expecting to see the price driven down. If 50 people are playing the game waiting for a dirt cheap cabin and there is only one cabin, the cruise line prices that last cabin at rack rate and drops the price $10 a day until it sells. Someone is going to bite at a rate that is lower than rack, but not dirt cheap. It's a reverse auction. The only way to beat that system is if all 50 people are acting in concert and colluding to drive the price down. That will never happen. Also, with a third party running a bidding system now, they could add these cabins to the bid process and get close to rack rate for them.
  23. Date and metrics have gotten so much better over time that I would guess that they can predict full capacity very, very accurately. But it would still be better to miss by 5 cabins "under'' than it would be to be 5 cabins "over." See above. Their system works way, way more than 90%. But financially, it still has to be cheaper to fill 5 empty cabins at a lower rate (or even a "bid on" rate given that they now have a third party running an upgrade bid system) than it is to give 5 people a free cruise.
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