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Posts posted by mommabean

  1. You KNOW you will be violating the most important rule in the world....the rule of secrecy about The Quest. For that, banning from the board is a minor punishment......your REAL punishment will come from all of society shunning you and all your family forever.........;)


    Hmmmm...that's what I was afraid of. Some parts were just so funny that I wanted to share. Oh well, my video will remain private. I couldn't bear to be shunned. :rolleyes: :)

  2. Thanks to all for this thread. We are soon to take our first RCCL cruise, and it sounds as if it will be our last. I don't care to associate with people who think this behavior is entertaining. No, my daughter won't be at this show, but she might be at the pool next to the guy who just finished performing, and I doubt his personality will change much. These are situations I try to protect her from. On land you can just leave- on a ship you are stuck with the others on board.


    Not to sound obnoxious here...but.....


    You might just want to stay home for the rest ofyour life. The same guy is probably going to be sitting next to you at the Outback Steakhouse. And McDonalds. In fact, there is a good chance he is passing the offering plate to you at church. Or your kid's teacher at school.


    You are basically just stuck with him on this planet, in this country, in your neighborhood or anywhere. You never know who he is until you see him in action at the quest. :)

  3. Amen! And if I see kids in the solarium, I can PROMISE I will be reporting it to every staff member I see, and demanding they be asked to leave. There are places on board that are kids only, it's only fair we get an adults only space too.


    I'd probably say something to scare the kid out. Like, "hey, see that sign? That means you." They'd get embarassed and crawl away. Ok, so I've never really done that. Remember? I'm the one who rarely sees kids on ships. But I just might say that if give the opportunity. :D

  4. When I was on Majesty last weekend I thought the asst. cruise director in charge of quest was very aware of what was going on and took control without hesitation.


    The men were asked what they like to do in their spare time - just before they each took their turn at "modeling". I can't remember exactly what the one guy said - but I think It was "I like to swallow" (might have been "suck") but before he could fit in another word, which I don't think he intended to do anyway, she immediately grabbed the microphone back so he could go no further.


    The line of the night though went to the guy who told what he likes to do...."This is close". Sweet and simple and had everyone laughing to the point of tears. People can be funny, make implications without being gross and have a good time. It wouldn't have mattered if there were kids there too young to get it. And if they were old enough to get it, nothing happened that wasn't just good silly fun.


    I'd have walked out if there was a topless lap dance. I'd have taken a picture first though and filed a complaint - Becky or no Becky. If this is indeed true - she made a big mistake since they really aren't restricting anyone by age. Yes, they could card people at the door - their sea pass makes it obvious if they are adults or not.


    The link to my cruise compass only says it's suggested for adults - no mention of adults being 18 or 21. But it sure doesn't say PG13. If they are going to allow border line porno, they need to card the audience.


    I still don't know that I believe it was as bad as the OP states. And it seems there would have been enough people with photographic evidence if it happened. Maybe even some CC people. People were lined up with cameras, as I was, taking photos on Majesty.

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