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Posts posted by Mikesa1721

  1. So very, very true and I find that MSC prices offer incredible value for money. I would hate to see the quality diluted for the sake of a few extra € or, in your case, $.


    Couldn't have said it better myself!!!

  2. Sorry, M, I should have noticed it was you - of course embarkation for YC is different (can't wait for Aug 30 LOL)!!


    I was just trying to illustrate that what can be a benefit today may not be tomorrow.


    So far MSC haven't changed the % discounts but it's hard to see how they can continue to offer the levels of benefits as more and more members climb the levels.


    I can see that happening Beam. You see a decrease in perks with all of the mass market lines now. I would assume as MSC creates a larger loyalty base here in the states, either fares will increase or loyalty benefits will decrease. As long as the experience onboard doesn't decrease, I'm ok with anything else, after all, we cruise for the experience, not the freebies.

  3. Sorry to rain on your expectations, but, having been through it, I understand how you feel.


    From experience, I've learned to check before each sailing to see what the benefits are at that time. For example, one time I arrived at the embarkation port smugly expecting priority boarding as this had been a benefit of being a club member, only to be told that it was only for Black card holders! It had been removed from the lower levels.

    I had also done the online check-in which turned out to be irrelevant! As it turns out, because my father needs assistance when boarding, we get priority treatment, anyway LOL


    We normally book Yacht Club so priority boarding isn't an issue for us. The discounts are what entices us. I would hate to see those lowered.

  4. I think you could be right based on how the Black Card level impacted on the lower levels. And just as I was getting so close to Black, too :mad:


    I hope not,,I should hit silver after our second sailing in August, and hoping to hit Gold by the End of 2015.:(

  5. We will be sailing on Divina with DD who will be 3 (she is potty trained). I've read 1 review that talks about the children's programs, but not much other information. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the children's programs? Are there any suggestions/insights anyone can offer? Also, is there a minimum age or height for the water slide?


    I already asked on the Family Board, but got no responses.


    When are you sailing flhokie? We'll be onboard Divina August 23rd and will have our 3 and a half year old nephew with us. Our cousins will be looking to get him into the kids programs as well, so I can report back with the information, unless of course you are sailing before us.

  6. What time do they start boarding on the Divina? We like to arrive early so we can get familar with the ship layout. Our info pack says 4:00 pm that cannot be correct I hope.


    MarkE,,depending on the time they clear the ship, you can usually start embarking the ship between 11:00am and 12:00pm. Unless you are sailing in the Yacht Club, you may want to arrive to the pier an hour or so before then to avoid the long check-in lines.:)

  7. The offer is still up on the MSC website but the fine print says it expired yesterday.



    Only 5 left!!! I think MSC will extend the sale just to sell those last 5. That's such a great deal I can see why 495 of them sold in 3 days.

  8. The Ireland market is so tiny it's practically irrelevant. On the other hand, the US market is so huge MSC are prepared to offer all sorts of inducements to get a foothold there.


    Funny thing about that message "from Head Office" stating YC3 cabins are for triple occupancy - they omit this little nugget of info from the website.


    I received a call from my PVC last night asking me if I would like to upgrade our cousins stateroom to a Yacht Club stateroom for $900.00. They are currently booked in a B2 balcony stateroom. I decided to do a mock booking for 3 persons in a YC1 stateroom and the price for our dates came out to just over $4,600.00. If they decide to take the upgrade, they would be paying just a little over half the price of the published fare.

  9. It wasn't you who had responded to me on the "Yacht Club" thread - it was Shippy and related to my inability to book a YC3 as there is just the two of us. Here's what MSC sent to my Travel Agent:


    Dear all,


    Head office have advised it is only open for triple’s.


    Hope this clarifies all,


    Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further assistance.


    Kind Regards





    Call Centre Supervisor


    I don't understand this. Why are YC3 staterooms only available to parties of 3 or more in the UK, but here in the states we have the option to book them as a double? Is it because MSC's market share is stronger in the UK so they can afford to put such restrictions on those staterooms? Don't get me wrong,,I'm happy that we are able to book them aboard Divina but also could see why there might be a sense of frustration with UK travelers trying to do the same. Maybe MSC should hire a Public Relations firm to solve a lot of these on-land issues instead of building new ships? They need to get this part fixed first, customer service is paramount.

  10. We stayed at LaConcha back in March when we sailed on the Valor. Loved the hotel and especially the high fiving Felix!!!! We'll be back in San Juan in August just for the day and plan on stopping by LaConcha to pick up some of the hot sauce they use in their Bloody Mary's. We can't find it here in Florida anywhere so we'll be stocking up this time.


    IlCruzr,,Dunkin Donuts is just across the street,,,a 2 minute walk, and Starbucks is about the same distance just up the street a little bit.

  11. Yes, I was aware that you had searched for availability (I've read quite a lot of your posts) and I envy your ability to book for only 2 person occupancy. If I'm not mistaken, you've responded to one of mine where I was indicating that MSC won't allow me to book a YC3 on a Splendida sailing as they say they are only for 3 person occupancy.


    Different markets receive different treatment with MSC which, if it wasn't for the fact that I love the onboard experience, I would have gone elsewhere long before now!


    Beam,,I agree,,we love the onboard experience as well, especially the Yacht Club, but there is definitely no cohesiveness between the markets MSC serves.

  12. MSC are seriously going all-out to woo the US market. The only time we get offers like that are for the Med in Winter!


    MSC Divina currently has a Groupon offer as well,,$239.00,, seven nights in an inside stateroom.

  13. It's no harm keeping an eye on your account especially if you're a repeat customer.


    You've been very fortunate in your future bookings in YC3 - best of luck and enjoy.


    Not really Beam. We like to stay in a YC3 and chose those weeks only because the stateroom was available. There have been plenty of weeks we would have liked to book, but a YC3 wasn't available. We have a 10 day booked on Divina in November 2015 and a YC3 wasn't available, so we chose a YC1, 16009, which was the stateroom we had on our first sailing with MSC. It hold a certain place in our hearts so we were happy to sail in that stateroom again.:)

  14. I'd like to know were you get 50 dollars a night? Maybe that's what you paid I paid a lot more .


    Just one of the promotions aboard Divina now:


    <a href=10474503_10152604442569892_4904170060451

  15. This is a particular bugbear of mine with MSC. From having to chase them to send the cards as the different levels are attained to ensuring they're adding points accumulated to your account.


    After my Feb cruise I had to chase them up for my onboard spend qualifying points (I attained Gold level then so it was important to me to have them added at that time).


    A few weeks after I returned from my May outing, I checked my account and found they had added the points for the onboard spend but not for the cruise itself!


    I wonder how many people are missing out on points due to them assuming MSC automatically add them to their account.


    Luckily the points I acquired after our last cruise were correct. I'm looking at obtaining 17 points after our trip in August so I will be keeping the receipt for my onboard spending just in case. I still have the receipt from our last cruise,,just a souvenir now.

  16. I went on my first MSC cruise is May - really enjoyed it so decided to fill the club form onboard still waiting on a reply. 2 weeks ago i emailed MSC and guess what i'm still waiting on a reply.



    Now to me thats telling me they arent really interested in loyalty



    I know exactly where you are coming from. I talked to my PVC a couple of months ago regarding an excursion for our upcoming cruise in August. While we were talking he mentioned to me that he had talked with the people over in the MSC Club membership department and that they would be sending our cards out and I will have them before August. Well,,it's been over two months now, and we have yet to receive them. So,, I called my PVC this past week regarding the cards and again, he spoke with the people in the membership department and again assured me we would have our cards before we sail in 4 weeks. It seems as though there is a disconnect between departments.:mad:

  17. Hello all. Been doing my research for our January 2015 sailing. With all the new ships coming online its getting harder to choose (we like to try new ships). A friend told me about MSC Divina. We just got off NCL Getaway, stayed in The Haven. Looks like the one major difference between Yacht Club and Haven is that most beverages are included in your cruise price in The Yacht Club. Don't spend much time in our suite so the extra space isn't a deal breaker. Would love some input from cruiser's that have sailed both. Thanks :)


    Miataman19,,We've never sailed with NCL so I'm sorry I can't compare the two.

    We love the Yacht Club aboard Divina,,,,great food, incredible service,,all inclusive drinks and mini bar within any Yacht Club venue,,and the entertainment is spectacular. Here are a few links to introduce you to Divina:









  18. I've never been on MSC, but like this itinerary out of Miami to Bermuda. Also love the photos of this ship, a very elegant décor and like the fact it's a few years old.


    This is a great cruise since it's a roundtrip out of Miami, where I live. There aren't that many lines that will do this cruise.


    I also had been on the Celebrity Horizon about 10 years ago and loved Bermuda. We were lucky back then to have docked in Hamilton and St. George's. But the Wharf is fine, just get the ferry bus pass.


    Can someone tell me what cabin they chose. I like balconies, but I remember the seas going over to Bermuda from NYC were a little rocky. I'm thinking I should do a cabin on Deck 3 mid ship to alleviate any rocking.


    Haven't booked yet, but really thinking about it.


    Cathy,,We're on this sailing and are staying in the Yacht Club, stateroom 16008 which is deck 16 forward. We love this location not only because of the views but also the great nights sleep we seem to get because of the subtle rocking motion of the ship. I guess if your prone to sea sickness, a low, midship stateroom would be best for you.

  19. I posted this on the Roll Call, but I thought this would get a few more reads.


    Well, life has thrown me a curve. I put a deposit down for a honeymoon cruise on the Divina Oct 11. My was to be bride called it off.


    Now trying to figure out what to do. I can keep the reservations and go on my own or book another cruise on a different line. If I stay on the Divina, they don't have any breaks for singles and it will cost me $500 more than if I go with Carnival. Of course, I could go with someone else, but I don't know anyone who would like to go.


    It wouldn't be such a problem, except that the final payment is due July 27.


    Anyone have any suggestions?


    Sorry to hear that Dgshooter,,,I've been turned down before,,long ago I might add so I definitely feel your pain!!:( My suggestion would be to call MSC and speak with a PVC and find out if there are any cancellation penalties. I believe you get a 100% refund so long as you are before the 75 day cutoff but I'm not totally positive. Best of luck to you!!

  20. Hello all. This is my first post and I'm hoping someone can help me.


    I'm contemplating booking a 7 day Eastern Caribbean trip on the MSC Divina. I just have a few questions about MSC as this would be my first cruise aboard any company other than Carnival.

    What's the atmosphere aboard an MSC cruise?

    What's the age of passengers? I'm turning 29 and enjoy the Carnival ambiance. I enjoy the games they play, the deck parties, the excitement, etc.

    Is room service complimentary?

    Is MSC the right cruise line for me? I've been on 5 CCL trips and have enjoyed them all.

    The reason I'm contemplating an MSC cruise is because there is an offer right now on the Divina that would be almost $600 less than the comparative CCL trip I was planning on taking (8 day eastern Caribbean, Breeze).

    Can someone help me with these questions about MSC?




    Crusi3r,,we cruised on Carnival this past March and then took our first trip onboard Divina this past May. I'm sure by looking at my upcoming cruises you can tell that we loved our trip and can't wait to get back onboard again. You won't find hairy chest contests,,mixology contests,,,etc,,etc,,as you will find on Carnival. MSC is not in your face,very few announcements during the day, no dj's blasting music on the pool decks, no waiters walking around trying to sell drinks or photographers taking your picture wherever you go. We love the laid back feel, the subtle elegance that Divina provides. Live music everywhere on the ship as well as a production show in the Pantheon Theatre twice each night, the best shows at sea in our opinion,,here's an example:


    MSC is not for everyone and she may not be right for you, but with the prices being so low, take a chance, Divina may turn you into a loyalist like us:)

  21. Is the messaging on the app private to the person you are sending it to? Or is it more like a huge ship wide chat room?


    On-board app in six languages connects guests to a world of wonders


    26 November 2013. MSC Cruises is dedicated to using the latest technological advancements to continually improve levels of service, making sure that travellers can connect effortlessly with the company at every stage, whether they’re in the process of booking their cruise or fine-tuning the details once on board.


    The latest example of this is the MSC Divina Traveler Web App, a new app designed to enhance the mobile experience of guests enjoying MSC Divina’s Caribbean itineraries.


    Completely free to download and to use on board while the ship is sailing, the app is available in the company’s six official languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) and provides guests with up-to-date information about the ship, route, conditions at sea and in ports of call, promotions in the ship’s various shops and boutiques, as well as activities and special events on board. Travelers can even update their agendas with the events they cannot miss!


    The app also allows users to reserve a wide range of services on board, from booking a table in the ship’s thematic restaurants, Eataly Steakhouse, Ristorante Italia and Galaxy, to saving a seat on popular shore excursions, without having to queue up at the excursion desk.


    Guests can use the app to chat with people they are traveling with, find new friends during their cruise, share their cruise experience with other connected passengers, and check-in and check-out of the various public spaces on board.


    For instant access to a world of information and new connections, and all for free, travelers on board can now connect to MSC Divina Traveler and live their cruise to the full!


    I would like to think you would be able to send a message just to one recipient so long as they have the app running on their phone as well.

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