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Posts posted by 4cats1house

  1. Sorry for the question - but i'm sure my husband is wondering about it so I will find an answer before he worries too much.


    He is always aware of germs - if you use the stingray sailing tours snorkel equipment I'm assuming it would have been sanitized after each use. We do not own our own and have never been snorkeling before so would prefer not to purchase our own just yet if we don't need too.


    and it sounds like you are not required/pushed to snorkel. That you can just relax on the boat if you wish.

  2. Have been watching what I eat but have not been strictly "on the plan" for over 6 weeks.


    I have eaten things I shouldn't so I have to wonder if it has changed my metabolism since I am still loosing weight even when I cheat.


    Down 15.5 since June 1st. 1.55 pounds per week. No complaining here. I just wonder how I would have done without cheating.


    It is time to get serious now since all my summer company is gone.


    Take care all & good luck (it does work if you give it a chance).

  3. C3, Day 9 (total of 43 days)



    Lost 2 pounds so far on C3. Total loss of 15 since June 1st.


    The weight loss has slowed down but I have not been perfect on the plan either. I am just happy I am not gaining.


    I think I will stick to a combination of C1-3 for the summer and then see where I stand come fall.

  4. Almost done with cycle 2, just 4 more days.


    I have lost 5 pounds so far on C2. Total loss of 13 since June 1st.


    It is not just the scale number, but the way my clothes fit (too big). I had to make a few more holes in my belt last weekend because I couldn't get it tight enough (don't think that has ever happened before).


    Have a great weekend all.

  5. Cycle 1, Day 15 - Have been staying the same weight for the last several days. I have noticed that my body is not as “fluffy” in areas. Not sure how the weight loss will be on Cycle 2, but I will give it a try. I seem to eat the same things all the time – I need to expand my menu. Maybe try some new foods.

  6. The first time used the Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar dressing (according to the books measurements) it was way to much vinegar for me. After that I cut it down and seem to like even parts olive oil & vinegar. I just baught a store brand balsamic vinegar and it seems to taste fine when you get the right measurement.


    FYI - after 9 days I am down 6 pounds :):D:eek:

  7. Thanks for the reply.


    I was wondering if that cookie was any good. Now I will have to make it in 11 days. I looked at the recipe and all I need to find is Almond Paste & Flaxseed Oil. Not sure where Almond Paste is found in my stores.


    The first 3 days were the hardest (major withdrawal) but now I am better at planning my meals.

  8. Good job!


    Keep up the good work.


    I found the basic info online, but will not be starting until May 30th. I will be at my mom's next week and the home cooking is so good that I want to enjoy it.


    Have a good weekend and I will check in when I get back.

  9. I have never heard of it so I did some research after reading your post.


    I have cruise coming up mid October and I had good luck on other high protein plans. I will be ordering a copy of the book. I wish you could find alist of what is allowed in phase 1 since I will have to wait a few weeks for my book to come.


    Good luck & keep posting your results here.

  10. Haven't had a chance to read all the posts here but I have been downloading audiobooks from my local library onto my ipod nano.


    I think most states have the audiobook setup thru your local library - all you need is a member card & computer. Add it is FREE.


    I walk to work and the walk goes faster when you get into a book.


    I cruise in 1-1/2 weeks and have my audiobooks all downloaded & ready.

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