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Everything posted by Scrapnana

  1. Day 4 of Solitary Confinement - Monday, October 17 I ordered the full breakfast to try something different but was not impressed. The scrambled eggs were runny and the hash brown patty was inedible. On the other hand, the bacon was delicious and I even ate one of the sausages even though I am not a big fan of them. After some knitting and crocheting it was time for lunch (my day revolves around food while in captivity). I started calling at 1:30 and was on hold for half an hour. By the time I got through, I was too late for the lunch menu so went to my standbys - cheese quesadilla and the chocolate layer cake. So much better than breakfast! I received a number of phone calls during the day. The one person I did not hear from was the nurse who calls every day to see if I have developed any symptoms. I know I mentioned this before, but the outpouring of friendship has been amazing. I hear from people who I know and have cruised with before (Janet, Judy(Lee), and Judy(Bob)) but I have also had calls from people that I only know through the roll call. I had a long talk with Mary Anne who is the only other person I know also in captivity about what our situations are like (more about that later). I have also had calls from Margaret, Sylvia (who brought me one of the craft kits), and Susan who was nice enough to bring me a sweet treat from Texas! I also received a pretty hand-painted card from my table-mates, Judy and Bob (not the same Judy and Bob from previous cruises for those of you who are keeping track). Two major events happened in the afternoon. The Captain became very popular on board when he announced that masks were no longer mandatory. They were encouraged, especially in crowds, but not required. I heard from one of my friends who was in the Ocean Bar that when he broadcast the news there was cheering. The second was not as monumental except for me. The water in my shower was getting cooler as the days progressed until I only had about 10 seconds of warm water every once in a while. I called Guest Services and expected they would put me on a list since I had been told no one was supposed to enter my cabin. To my surprise, a little while later the plumber knocked on the door. I opened it and then moved away so he could enter and he fixed it in a few minutes. I had a lovely, lengthy, warm shower after that. Good news (maybe). When I was talking to Mary Anne, she told me that we were going to be tested on the 19th instead of the morning of the 20th (which I had been told twice). That was confirmed with one of the nurses who said someone would be coming around during the day and giving us another test and then they would call with the results. That's where the good news becomes a maybe. Current CDC policy is that if you have no symptoms you can end isolation after Day 5 and wear a mask through Day 10 - with no mention of a negative test being needed. The question is: Does HAL follow these guidelines or do they have their own, possibly more stringent, ones? Do they make you stay in isolation until you test negative? I took one of the at-home tests I brought with me this evening and it is still showing positive. I will take another on Tuesday night and then have HAL's test on Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed that Wednesday could be my last day of incarceration! During the afternoon I put together the tiger's eye necklace and earrings. I had my favorite French Onion Soup, fettuccini, and creme caramel for dinner. I tried to watch the movie "Aloha" with Bradley Cooper but it did not hold my attention so I gave up after about 25 minutes. I did watch the next movie, "Sing 2". I always knit or crochet while I am watching TV. I should finish the socks I am working on tomorrow. Since I had only had about six hours of sleep on Sunday night, I expected to fall right asleep. 45 minutes later I gave up trying, took a sleeping pill, and changed the time on all my devices because we were losing another hour overnight. Another day crossed off my countdown board. And then an update from Tuesday... A Very Depressing Update Mary Anne found out HAL’s policy and it is not the CDC’s. They will test on Wednesday. If you are negative, you are free. If you are positive, you stay in your cabin. They will return each day until you test negative or until the 10th day on which you are set free regardless. This means today might only be the halfway point. I am really depressed.
  2. No open window. I don't know if they moved people but I wouldn't have wanted to pack all my things. I do miss fresh air.
  3. I feel fine except for the cabin fever.😉
  4. Obviously, I lied when I said I would not be posting every day. I figured some day (far in the future) I would want to look back and remember what this time was like, so I am keeping up my blog. Day 3 of Solitary Confinement - Sunday, October 16 I have gotten into the bad habit of eating breakfast. This morning I ordered the bread pudding (I don't really consider it breakfast food but it is on the breakfast menu every day). Normally, I don't care for HAL's bread pudding. It is served in the Lido and is usually set out and becomes dry. But, I decided to give it another try and I am glad I did. It was delicious - still warm with plenty of that creamy stuff they pour over it. Not only was it good but it really filled me up and I had no desire for lunch (what, me?). With my lack of sleep last night, I did something else I seldom do - take a nap. It felt good at the time but played havoc with my sleep (more about that later). I am walking while listening to my playlist on my phone (and singing along - apologies to anyone passing my cabin while I am singing). I usually walk to 2 or 3 songs and that gets me about 500 steps. I only made 4.25 miles today. Dinner was also tasty - crab/shrimp cocktail, Chicken Cordon Bleu, and a sticky toffee pudding. Throughout the day I alternated my usual reading, knitting/crocheting, and working/playing on the computer. In the evening I watched two movies - Sonic, the Hedgehog and Onward. I have now watched more movies in three days as I've watched in the last three years. The last time I was in a theater was on a ship (Amsterdam) on the 2018 World Voyage. No idea when I was last in a theater on land. I went to bed at 12:15 and fell asleep somewhere after 1:10 and slept for about 3 hours before waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. Fell asleep again around 6 and slept till 9:45.
  5. The original came with no tokens - who knew??? Thanks for the trivia!
  6. Wow! I thought I was high with 100 million pounds. The only reason I knew the rockfish is because my favorite restaurant serves it and I asked what it was.
  7. The Captain just announced (and it was even piped into the cabins) that masks were no longer required but encouraged. This makes me think that the number of Covid cases was not high enough to worry the powers-that-be.
  8. 1 and 3 are wild guesses, I think 2 is right. 100 million pounds rockfish tuna
  9. I think the thimble, boot, and iron were original. Not sure about the others.
  10. Believe it or not, those magnets were marked something to the effect of "heavy duty" at Dollar Tree.
  11. They are still there but don't function. There is a regular hair dryer in the desk drawer.
  12. Her is my latest update on my captivity. Day 2 of Solitary Confinement - Saturday, October 15 A couple of things from yesterday... I forgot that I also watched the movie Encanto There were a couple of comments about my tea - I threw in a package of cold brew tea bags at the last minute. I can easily make that and I can get all the ice I want. Now, on to Day 2 which was just about the same as Day 1 - same activities. I was able to walk five miles with numerous short walks. The movie I watched was Clifford, the Big Red Dog. The TV has two action movies, two comedies, and two dramas that repeat through the day. The vast majority are ones that I have never heard of. I am not into action movies and don't want a depressing drama so I stick to the comedies. I think I am starting to adjust to captivity. It doesn't seem as daunting as it did yesterday. Many of my friends onboard have been calling when they find out my situation. It's nice to know I have been missed. Other than my morning call from the Medical Centre to see how I am feeling, there is no communication from them. I assume when it comes to day 6 they will let me know about testing (or I will call them). The food is excellent and I actually had breakfast (which I very seldom eat). For dinner I had French onion soup, "Petite Beef tender" with mashed leeks and potatoes, and a strawberry tart. I crossed off Day 2 on my board but had a terrible time going to sleep and with the time change (lost another hour), I didn't get to sleep until after 4am (had gone to bed at 3).
  13. I have not heard of France being the hexagon. I feel great. More trivia, please!
  14. 1 and 2 are wild guesses but 3 I know. 1. Poland 2. supernova 3. Cu
  15. I agree. On a former cruise I ordered it but it was a totally different chocolate cake and I was so disappointed. I ordered it my first night in captivity, and it was as wonderful as I remembered. I find the cake on ships often to be dry but the chocolate layer cake is moist and delicious.
  16. I read on facebook that the medical center told one lady that there were 25 quarantined rooms. Another person posted that she had walked all the halls and had only seen 13 of the red/pink dots on the doors.
  17. Most rooms still have the old TVs and the DVD player but I heard they don't have DVDs anymore (but I have not checked that). I can get anything from the regular room service menu as well as a special menu that is given out a few hours in advance. Today I got the actual dining room dinner menu.
  18. I had a long talk with Sheri a few days ago at the pool. Today's movie choices are three I have never heard of - Luca, Charming the Hearts of Men, and Finding Altamira, and Clifford, the Big Red Dog. I will probably watch Clifford later.
  19. I have had two boosters. I had the new variant one on September 8.
  20. Summary of my first day in quarantine... I read, knitted, watched MSNBC, watched the movie "Encanto", ate, visited numerous websites, watched BBC, and played games on the computer. I was able to get my four miles in but by the time I leave isolation they may need to replace the rug! Surprisingly, I was able to get to sleep quickly and slept well. I was afraid that the inactivity of the day might leave me sleepless. I have a countdown board where I cross off each day. I will be very disappointed if I don't test negative on day 7. The captain announced at noon that there were a few positive cases but did not mention how many. He did say that the mask mandate would remain in effect for the first seven days as previously announced. They will decide then whether to lift it or not.
  21. I received a copy of the test results during the afternoon signed by the doctor. I took one of my own tests that I had brought with me before I called in the results. It was positive as well, so I am fairly confident that the results are correct. If they had been different, I would have requested a PCR test. I don't think I have ever spent so much time on the computer in one day before! The stated reason for the test was to see if the mask mandate could be lifted. The real reason might be that it was required by HAL and the mask mandate made it more palatable.
  22. You are right. I called and they said I would be tested again on the morning of the 20th.
  23. A quick update (or maybe I should type very slowly to kill time). On this morning’s Covid test, I tested positive. I made it 2 1/2 years without it and somehow in the last week, I get it. At least I did not test positive last Friday which would have meant I couldn’t have gone on the cruise at all. I have no symptoms. Five days in my cabin sounds like a life sentence. Luckily, I have a number of knitting and crocheting projects, 10 books, games on my computer, and internet. I will get my steps in by walking back and forth from my door to the window (12 steps, BTW). I can stand at the window and watch the free people walk the promenade deck. And then there is always eating. I eat when I am bored. I’m afraid I will gain ten pounds in five days. Our first port is my fifth day, so I will miss Funchal. Hopefully, when they test me again, it will be negative. I have three home tests and they gave us two this morning, so I will probably test myself on Sunday and Monday. I will not be posting daily unless something exciting happens (no idea what that might be). Basically, my day is going to be knit, read, eat, use the computer, knit, read, eat, etc. which does not make for interesting reading. So far, two nurses have come to my cabin to double check the test (not sure how you could misread two lines) and I got a call asking for my medical history. I wonder if they put a big scarlet letter “C” on my door to warn others away??? All for now.
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