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Cigar King

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Posts posted by Cigar King

  1. We are in Tortola right now. Ship is fine. We have heard no official report on the engines, so everyone is still assuming that one is still not completely fixed. We arrived here a few minutes early. The trip over was perfect. The crew is great, and we're having a lot of fun. They raised the OBC for balconies and above to 300 dollars. FWIW, I have looked at our wake a few times, and there was no noticable difference between the two engines. Anyway, things couldn't be better. If you're on the up coming sailing, I wouldn't worry.

  2. It's not really a scam...it's sort of like a time share. FWIW, we went a couple of months ago, because we thought we might be able to get a better deal on cruises than we are currently getting. They did offer some cruises, but, their prices weren't anything you couldn't also find online, and you had to pay to join their club. When we left we got out free cruise, we figured that would cost several hundred dollars and it was not clear we could pick the dates. I doubt we will us it, it's just sitting there.

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