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Posts posted by Oz_Steve

  1. Actually it might make substantial difference under European Law. There is substantial difference in how the law addresses the consumer protections based upon the reason for the change. Since these changes are clearly being made so far in advance then the consumer protections come down to the interpretation of significant change and if Celebrities view that a single port does not constitute significant change. A case where the changes are clearly made by the cruise line for competitive reasons is far more likely to find a favorable result for the passengers, then one made for safety reasons. Especially with the cruise line putting out various reasons.


    The issue is not if Celebrity can make the changes, the issue is that they should allow those passengers that booked such cruises prior to the change to be able to cancel without penalty.


    Ironic that the consumer protection laws were written with the intent of preventing this kind of situation where the provider changes or fails to deliver the services based upon the "brochure". The law clearly allows for minor changes outside of the providers control. But this is a change that is clearly in their control.


    This would make for an interesting case in establishing the legal definition of minor vs significant change as far as cruises are concerned which do not really appear to be well defined.


    This is the paragraph from the UK law that indicates why the spend so much time focusing on what makes a significant change in the cruise contract.


    Significant alterations to essential terms


    12. In every contract there are implied terms to the effect that—


    (a)where the organiser is constrained before the departure to alter significantly an essential term of the contract, such as the price (so far as regulation 11 permits him to do so), he will notify the consumer as quickly as possible in order to enable him to take appropriate decisions and in particular to withdraw from the contract without penalty or to accept a rider to the contract specifying the alterations made and their impact on the price; and

    (b)the consumer will inform the organiser or the retailer of his decision as soon as possible.


    Interesting point. I find the email from Celebrity to be rather curious as well. They have now stated publicly that they are cancelling a port for 'safety reasons'. In the future should anyone get hurt in an incident in Belize Celebrity could find themselves on a sticky wicket regarding liability.


    Just because a contract says what it says doesn't mean it is enforceable. It probably just means it hasn't been tested in court by someone with the resources to do so. That is the point of consumer protection laws, to stop companies doing what the hell they like knowing that they can't effectively be challenged because people don't have the resources to do so. If clauses in those contracts were found to be in contravention of statutory protections they would be struck down. Some countries have a government agency that may investigate this for you.

  2. I do recall a thread on here some time ago (may have been RC) that looked at the RCI balance sheet and it appeared quite apparent that the cruise line actually lose money on the straight fares. They make money on the extras such as drinks, casino and shops. So their target market isn't someone who doesn't spend money once on board.


    Their objective will also not be to satisfy as many customers as possible at any cost, some customers just aren't possible to keep happy profitably. Talk to a quant if you want more detail on the maths of all that sort of stuff.

    The stated objective of the new bundling is to raise the average per diem, that is why they won't offer naked fares. Bundling will most likely do that as they would have strong indicators from the 123go etc promotions on the success and profitability of such a move. I suspect that a customer who gets the drink package at say $35 a day effectively (from promo etc) is probably more profitable than someone who spends $20 a day on drinks.


    I think the cruise lines are more profitable by adding amenities/perks to increase sales rather than lower fares. Time will tell if they are successful but I like the drinks package being bundled in. If I didn't like the drinks I could always get the gratuities bundled (assuming that is an option)which effectively makes it a 'naked' fare.


    Sorry for the long winded response.

  3. Just off May Infinity trip, upgraded for $10 pp/pday plus 18?%. AS I posted on another bev pkg thread, 1) pick up a bev pkg flyer at Guest Relations at start of your sailing. This shows brands (Jack Daniels, Jose Cuervo, Beefeaters, etc) available for classic cocktails on board in stock for that sailing.


    2) When asking for your preferred cocktail, specify e.g. J Daniels whiskey sour, Cuervo margarita, etc. If you don't specify your liquor, you can get house brand drink. just like at all bars at home So, just be an informed consumer. I had to show bev-pkg list to bartender for Cazadores tequila when he didn't realize it was classic. Not all bars stocked every liquor brand due to shelf space, popularity volume, etc.


    Personally, 1) I find the class bev pkg a great booking perk and 2) am surprised how much better a premium drink (e.g. Patron and Cointreau margarita) tastes than Cuervo/TripSec. So I find upgrade worth it for sake of avg 5 premium drinks each day. HAPPY CRUISING


    I was going to post this very drink as my example. If you get the upgrade (I always do) then get creative with your drinks. Try the Tanqueray Ten, the Old Fashioned with the best whisky that is covered, try some stuff you wouldn't normally try, get the better wines to try (you never know you may like them more), the expensive Vodka, the San Pellegrino.

  4. They seem to have updated the site and it is worse than ever. I am an aussie that lives in Fiji temporarily but their geocoding will no longer allow me to log in to my profile or Captains Club so that I can complete all the paperwork, look at day trips etc.

    For some reason they do not want to allow people from Fiji to cruise with them.

    It really is beyond pathetic and the new generation of cruisers will look to their web site for everything and based on my experience will look elsewhere.

  5. We did it on the Solstice. As others have said organise it when you get on board. Geoff was the executive chef and Veronica the F&B manager was the host. They were both great and we had a goos time. I mention them as they were moved to the Silhouette not long afterwards so they may still be there. We also have done it on the Century and the Radiance of the Sea. The Radiance one was by far the nest but the others were good and worthwhile (about $90 from memory).

  6. Qasar is the spot for late night dance type music. There is quite often nobody there. When we were on the Solstice we were a group of 10 so we had our own party and often others would join in. They also had theme (70's 80's) nights for a couple of hours which were quite popular. If you are looking for a lte night crowd/buzz you may not find it after about 12.

  7. dont quite see that one steve . [emoji15]


    however the X on Cel X boats is even more similar to part of the label on a bottle of Dos Equis . Staying on topic , is it safe to brush my teeth with Dos Equis if Tanq 10 not available [emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482]



    Take off the first two and last two letters and add an e to the end. :eek:


    No excuses for not having Tang 10 available.

  8. Right lets get back to the topic of teeth brushing.


    Some people need to realise that CelX are ' monitoring ' this thread and have admitted so.



    Cel X have made a statement that the water (?) is safe on their rather large yachts / boats / dinghys. Fine


    We need them to answer some serious points



    1. Do they accept any responsibility / or claim performing rights for /. incy wincy teeny weeny polka dot hats in cabins ?


    2. Now molecular bar gone ( Cel X or J M Responsible ? ). there is no alternative to the ginger mojito as a combined tooth pate and mouth wash available on the premium alco package .


    3. The new Suite Class has no publicised ankle swelling protection features. Should I have luminae lunch daily what guarantees are there regarding my ankles


    4. Dress Code. Is my polka dot hat allowed in MDR on formal nights.


    Looking forward to an early response[emoji23][emoji636]


    Has anyone else noticed that the spelling of Luminae is very similar very similar to illuminati? The X on Celebrity is also very similar to their sign.


    Just saying.

  9. Superficially Suva isn't the most attractive place but if you look past its shabby appearance there is quite a bit of charm to the place. It is basically a bit of a decaying colonial outpost that has a few interesting buildings to look at and lots of shops selling various types of cheap Indian jewellery, Bula shirts, Sulus and assorted handicrafts. ) o to the 4th floor (the foodcourt ) of the Tappoo building and you will get a great photo opportunity of the ship at the wharf.


    There is also the central market just near the wharf that sells fruit and veges, the bananas and pineapples are excellent and a piece of peeled pineapple is about $1 FJD. Make sure you go upstairs at the market as that is where they are selling Kava and spices. The flea market is 200 metres up the road to the left and the handicraft market 200 metres along the sea wall in the other direction.


    The Grand Pacific Hotel is recently reopened and is a nice spot for a coffee or a drink. The Presidents residence and Thurston Gardens (where the museum is) is a little further up the road.


    Forgot to add that if you have a dive ticket you can do an excellent shark dive from SUva or Pac Harbour.


    Thae Navua River trip is quite good and you can do some very mild white water rafting o the same spot from the other direction. If you want the beach (not much coral though) you can go to Pacific Harbour the either the Pearl or the Uprising. This is about 50 minutes out of town. There is also a golf course there.


    Colo-iSuva has the pools and Waterfall already mentioned and will take about 20 minutes to get to.


    The coral Coast is easier to get to from Denarau but from Suva I would go to Moon Reef to see the Spinner Dolphins (you can also snorkel there) or to Wananavu which is near Raki Raki. Moon Reef would take 90 minutes and Wananavu a little over two hours.

  10. I'm in a (CS) Celebrity Suite on the Reflection in November and an avid Scotch drinker. Am I to believe that the Scotch is free in Michaels? I have no idea how it works. The last time I cruised with celebrity I was poor and segregated to an inside cabin. :D


    Try a Laphroig and Coke and you may change your mind it is truly awful. ;)

  11. Sylvia is fabulous! She was very innovative with the entertainment in MC

    She had the fewest resources being on the Century but she had something going on every day. Just received a welcome home email this morning


    We must have been on the same cruise. We got our email yesterday.

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