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Posts posted by luvtheships

  1. NO, because they are 3 weeks into the promo with no change to pricing until this Monday, Also the new pricing goes out to every cruise into the end of the pricing you can book at this point and not until May (which is when the KSF promo ends)


    Not true. I booked ksf the first day t opened. Prices went up/down I believe 3x already. I cashed in once and feel I might be at Rock bottom but I do keep a close watch anyway



    Btw. Did they change the end date for ksf? I thought it was until early August.



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  2. I am not saying they won't get more nonsmokers onboard, I am saying "Welcome to the higher prices that smokers have always had to pay since we always book balconies".


    Well it sounded like you were specifically saying prices have risen due to smoking regs. Hmmm read your post again to see if it sounds that way


    For me it doesn't matter I am at the point where I book the cheapest if the cheap on a ship. Even when I cruise princess I prefer to spend it on extras like excursions and restaurants.



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  3. It can also be attributed to certain promos expiring as well among other things and yes even smoking regs but the smoking ban will actually bring in more cruisers not less based on the statistics that non smokers are in the vast majority however those non smokers may be unwilling to be charged higher prices on a cruise for this rite.


    Initially prices may rise due to non smoking regs but will even out or drop eventually. At which point and if you are before final payment a price reduction is in order


    A good variance analyst looks at all causes/ results and the changes over a 72 hour period should be looked at cautiously and not with glee as that spike in prices may be nothing more than a knee jerk reaction.


    Now if next winters cruises are significantly higher priced AND there is a significant rise in demand then smoking regs may be the root of this variance.



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  4. I'm not sure whether these big companies realise how useful things like these forums are to them.


    NCL will have wasted a lot of time making this decision (whatever it turns out to be). Top level management will have been involved in discussions. They will have experts who know the regulations in great detail. They have probably had the designers of the ship involved. They know a lot about the airflows in the internal areas. They will have demographic experts advising them on smoking rates, and what the effects of the change will have on future incomes, both in terms of bookings and onboard spend.


    They will be using past comments from customers, and post cruise surveys. They have very likely done some research into peoples opinions.


    All wasted I'm afraid.


    All that time and money, they've made their decision and apparently will announce it today, but they needn't have done it, because there are some people on message boards, who have spent a couple of weeks onboard cruise ships who could just have told them what to do. :)


    That gives me a thought. If smoking is severely limited with this announce then it stands to reason that some or even many smokers will rethink cruising in the future.


    Thus, less smokers onboard


    Therefore, less smoke in general


    So, less people coughing either because of the smoke or because they themselves are smokers and have a smokers cough.


    Result is that there will be less airborne particles in the air from the effect of pax and crew coughing assuming those coughs are directly related to the numbers if cigarettes smoked onboard


    Unexpected benefit is the real possibility of less cruise bred illness onboard


    My bill is in the mail and my consulting fee is $300 per hour. Thank you very much. Lol





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  5. Good luck policing that. For starters most of those casinos are so damn small having a non-smoking section is a farce. Secondly, how in heck will they police it? Buddy fires up a smoke while he is walking through the casino - > "Excuse me sir, only active players can smoke". The response? "Oh, I'm just going from that machine over there to this one over here so I'm active". A poorly thought out policy. For God's sake let them have a section of the open air deck. Any smoke up there is going to vanish like a fart in the breeze. Its only going to linger in the casino. I sure hope that this policy is re-thought.


    I agree and I am all for a smoke free casino primarily because it is an indoor venue which means it should be smoke free just like all the other indoor venues. Cigar bar excluded if there is one of course. But even that should be in a secluded spot with doors that open up to a secluded area of an open air secluded deck area



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  6. Apples and oranges.


    The whole point was to make sure people do understand that the exact same ice cream is offered for free elsewhere. That's all. I'm sorry that for some bizarre reason that threatens some. The point is that you can pay or not pay for the same thing, whichever you choose for whatever reasons. A lot of people didn't know that it's the same ice cream. Hopefully some of them do know that now.


    I learned a long time ago on these boards to preface some of my comments.....


    Eg...." I know not everyone will agree, but...."


    Or...."before you get the wrong idea..."


    Now if you had said.."just an FYI, and if you would rather not spend the extra money, but it is certainly understandable that you may want to...."


    Yes, everyone us touchy around here. Too much so at times. Lol



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  7. "Sorry, girls. Mommy is canceling vacation because she doesn't want to have to walk somewhere to smoke."




    I have a neighbor who is afraid to travel and rarely if ever even takes her family on a 4 hour road trip


    So last month she tells me how excited they all were that they were finally taking a vacation ( no money issues btw) to myrtle beach or someplace like that about 10 hour drive from here


    So a week later she tells me she just took a job after being at home for 20 years I congratulate her and say when do you start?


    She says Monday! She cancelled the trip! And she can't wait to start dressing up again for work she starts bragging to me.


    Now that is selfish especially since she also says " we don't need the money ( which is true) but I want to do this for me". Her dh and kids are upset but are used to her ways.


    Geez talk about selfish!


    Remember no money issues and she freely admits she is only doing it to get out and oh well the family will get over it.


    Fwiw. September would have been soon enough for me because I cherish making family memories above all.



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  8. BINGO!

    Maybe now the 'non-smokers are out to get us' nonsense will cease?


    Well it was always about money anyway regardless of which side you are on


    So now the cruiselines get to save money by not installing them plus they will have an increased demand for balconies from people who wouldn't book them previously. Win win.


    The one and only balcony we had was dcl in 2004 and the smell was unbearable and we had 2 adjoining balconies and still couldn't use them


    Exactly what I was referring to, thank you.


    Now, whether CCL actually does toss people off the ship is another thing altogether. They were never big on enforcing the rules they set.





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  9. You are kind of missing the point...AIs do not limit smoking outdoors...Yes indoors there is no smoking. Cruise Lines are limiting smoking outdoors. If I am at an AI I can leave the restaurant after dinner, walk outside, and smoke my cigarette. If cruise lines say we can no longer smoke on balconies or outdoors then I obviously don't have that option do I?


    However smoking on a balcony and smoking in a designated spot on the lido are 2 different things


    As is smoking in the indoor casino


    At an AI are you saying that smoking is allowed at any outdoor area?


    Restaurants. Beach. Pool. Entertainment venue?




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  10. I suspect that NCL did not want all those Carnival smokers piling onto NCL ships thinking that the policy would be the attraction. That you Kevin!!!!


    Doing the Snoopy happy dance:D:D:D





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  11. Actually, I'm a bit surprised that NCL would do this right now so close on the heels of Carnival's announcement. I would have thought that they would have given it more time to see how things worked out as far as getting the smokers coming over from Carnival.


    My only issue with it, is that the few areas where they will still allow smoking are going to be very congested with smoke as they would now be having more people in a small space whereas before it was spread out more.


    I see this in comparing Las Vegas with Atlantic City. In Atlantic City there are small areas that allow smoking and those areas are usually covered in a smoke cloud. In Las Vegas, smoking is pretty much anywhere in the casino and I never really noticed any smoke there.


    It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out especially on the new ships with the casino in the middle.


    They are probably doing it because people that want to book Ncl are asking about smoking


    My guess is they are saying. " will there be smoking allowed in the balcony?" And " if so, I don't want a balcony or I am going to Carnival instead"


    Bottom line. My feeling is the demand is for non smoking balconies on Ncl not the other way around



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  12. And it still hasn't been made official yet. This could all be smoke and mirrors. I'll wait until tomorrow. :rolleyes:


    I believe more than one poster confirmed it with NCL although I don't know if exact details were confirmed but something about limiting the smoking in the casino as well

  13. Awesome. This news couldn't make me happier. My favorite cruise line, NCL, and my second favorite, CCL, are now that much better to me (not that I book many balconies). Now Breakaway has to institute a better smoke extraction system for the Atrium.


    I suggested a few post back that NCL make the Breakaway its flagship non smoking vessel 100%


    It is huge there is an enormous amount of non smokers that cruise and I bet it would be a very popular ship


    of course the demand would be high so the prices would rise ( am already booked KSF) thus making way for the Getaway to join in as another non smoking vessel....the Epic etc


    I start with BA because of the casino issue. Plus that is the one I am sailing next! LOL


    Now for those that will say it won't work....ummmm not so..this is 2014 and the tide is toward banning smoking that certainly needs no explanation. Just think of all the things you said 20 years ago would never happen in your lifetime? It's mind numbing how things have changed. No explanation needed there either unless you have been living under a rock.


    for those that will now drag up the Carnival Paradise all I can say is that was ancient history and it was the wrong time for it.


    Not any longer.


    Now....to all the NCL admistrative assistants that read and analyze these boards for the execs......Let's just do it!!!!!!


    BTW...Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter..:)

  14. This September will be our last cruise. I was thinking of giving up cruising anyway, and this will just reinforce that idea. I have been cruising since the late 80's and always enjoyed it. Lately, the lackluster entertainment, combined with the downgraded food, service are also factors. I am also tired of going to the same old ports.

    Last year we went on a tour of costa Rica and had just as much fun. I am going to start looking at tours and all inclusives. The prices are usually about the same.


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    Yes tours and AIs are wonderful


    I wonder if anyone will be able to find a bus tour of say Europe that will allow smoking?


    I hear AIs in st Marteen allow smoking too


    My point is that it is not just cruises that are limiting smoking. It is everywhere.


    Even in Italy not one restaurant we frequented had smokers


    Ok we were in tourist areas and the aces had both outdoor and indoor seating but nope not a smokers to be found not even on a Saturday night in July 50 yards from the Pantheon


    And trust me there were all nationalities all around and from some smokers haven countries too


    But nope no smoking. No issues.




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  15. If you get off the ship by 730 and have a driver waiting you should make it


    Of course you need to be sure customs is open to pass you thru


    Also is it a workday? If so. 2 hours should be ok


    If course the ship can't be delayed and it probably won't be


    It is hurricaine season and after Sandy who knows what this season will bring


    Do buy travel insurance though


    What about a day in NYC post cruise?

    Just making a few points but I honestly think you will be fine even with the security at the airport just have a driver waiting get off as early as possible around 730 the latest would be my guess and you should be to the airport by 9



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  16. For all of the non-smokers that are so gleeful about banning smoking on the balconies (potentially) you need to look a little further ahead as to what the results will most likely be.


    Ships like the Breakaway, Epic, and Getaway were designed and built to have the casinos be an area where people almost need to go through whether they want to be in the casino or not. (intentional as a cash generator) They were also done on the cheap as there could have been much better segregation and venting of the smoking sections from the non-smoking sections. People complain (rightfully so in my opinion) that the smell and smoke is not only confined to the casinos themselves but also into other surrounding restaurants and other public areas. Well it seems to me that this new (again potential) policy is going to make that problem a whole lot worse. You are kidding yourselves if you think they will ban smoking in the casinos any time soon. So prepare yourselves for a lot more smell and second hand smoke while you are anywhere near those areas of the ship.


    Well here is an idea. Due to the poor layout of the casino how about Ncl makes the epic breakaway and getaway the 3 flagship non smoking ships!!!!


    Oh wait prices and demand will skyrocket on those ships. Lol



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  17. You have to take into consideration that outside conditions can often be rainy, stormy, dangerously breezy and sometimes very cold. And some passengers may not feel secure being alone outside on deck late at night.


    And this is why my January 12 day out of NYC might be very very uncomfortable for the majority of pax due to the location if the BA casino!!


    I really hope they analyze this carefully. I want balcony smoking because in January I don't want smokers using the casino as a giant ashtray.


    Other than the casino and the occasional cigar bar just where can one smoke indoors on Ncl?



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  18. The effective date and limiting to indoor casinos make me wonder if this has to do with SOLAS regulations.


    If they limit it to the casino, the Breakaway will essentially be a smoking ship due to the casino placement.


    There will be an uproar when pax realize just how that smoke will wander.


    and trust me there are numerous, probably 90% of pax who do not smoke and their complaints will be heard on that ship.


    Since I never book a balcony, I was thrilled that NCL was allowing smoking on them as it segregates the smokers from me.

  19. Correct about the casino being unbearable. I was thinking it will take a mask to get near it now.

    Sadly I love love the casino. Not too awful in early am.


    from what I hear especially on the Breakaway


    Oh well, our very inexpensive 12 day will just be me and my 2 college kids


    We were hoping to book Bermuda for the entire family for next June but that won't happen now because of the casino location. DH has asthma so no way!!!


    I guess our rather expensive Baltic cruise we are thinking about for 2016 will be back on Princess!

  20. I was more referring to the inside doors that were bent and could not open. I would rather at least have 2 ways to get out if anything happened :)


    I didn't know inside doors were bent due to the impact. How did that happen? I guess they were thrown off kilter? They could not have been impacted could they?



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