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Posts posted by TubbyMrT

  1. Nope. it's very relaxing to walk around the ship in your robe. Remember your on vacation. Breakfast in your robe is great anywhere on the ship.


    If you're wearing your robe to where we eat, then I'm showing up in a Speedo with my big fat belly hanging over. And, I will bring my toe nail clippers and do some clipping with my foot up on the table.


    Hey it's my vacation so enjoy! (Just kidding. If I saw a robe in a restaurant, I would leave and eat somewhere else. And sue somebody..... anybody...)

  2. Irons don't cause fires, careless people cause fires. :D


    I Travel a lot. I never take my travel iron out of my suitcase. I have cruised many times and it has never been taken away. Perhaps I am special or my suitcase is lined with lead so the can't see inside.


    Since I'm on vacation and not stuck in some hotel room with nothing better to do than iron, I use the laundry service everyday.


    Off topic but my cancoon hotel went to each room and handed out matches and candles to everyone during a power outage. Yikes!!! Smoke alarms were going off all night long. Grrrrrr:mad:

  3. If the website didn't force auto gratuities we wouldn't have to remove them at guest services.


    Just because they are removed at guest services doesn't mean that the guest doesn't leave a tip.


    In my world, a tip must be earned. Once you earn it, I tip very generously.


    Making a tip mandatory completely removes the transaction from being a tip. It is just another hidden charge on the cruise fare and does NOTHING to improve service but does contribute to poor service.


    I normally tip much more than the mandatory tip. But since they want the mandatory tip that is ALL they get no matter. I don't like it. They force me. So, its their loss.

  4. On Oasis class, I always sail on deck 14. The balcony gets partial sun for a few hours. I always have to wedge myself in next to the railing to try to get some parts tan.


    Myself, I enjoy the shade. If I want sun, I go up top.


    In my opinion, the noise is not bad. When the band is playing by the pool, I can barely hear it from my balcony. Once in awhile I will hear a lounge chair being dropped above my room.


    To me, the benefit of being one floor away from the pool fun and not having to wait on an lift/elevator is well worth it.

  5. I really think they would have to honor that price. I've seen several stories lately of airline glitches were people purchased tickets for $25. The airline had to honor all tickets sold before they caught the glitch. Why would this be any different?


    If the purchase goes through to the charge card, the merchant might honor it. If it is a picture of a web page, probably not as a web page can be easily changed to say anything you wish for the photo.

  6. Everyone wants a "cheap" cruise.....this is what you get!


    I couldn't agree more. The same thing happened to the airline industry. It used to be a luxury to fly. Good food and good looking stewardesses. Oh, and we dressed up in first class.


    Then people wanted cheap. Now see what we get. Its like riding a smelly city bus. As such, I now charter my own plane a few times a year.


    I hope that RCL will never go that way. But if it slides much further, I will be switching to a more luxury cruise line. Good food and pampering. Me like!

  7. Although the price seems high, i find it easyer to use the laundry service everyday than to pack such a heavy suitcase.


    Yes, it costs me, but it is a fraction of the cost of my trip and my trip is to have fun and relax. Not to worry about money.

  8. I sailed Oasis. The safe was locked from the previous guest. I called to report it before we left FLL. A non-English speaking guy from the bowels of the ship came up and unlocked. it.


    Inside the safe was a wallet. The guy handed it to me. I told him no, this is not mine and that it was from the previous guest. He did not understand. Immediately I then thought that this wallet might be much safer with me than with him as I will certainly find the owner.


    Among all of the charge cards, I found a business card with a matching name. I called the number and asked for the name. The poor guy seemed dumbfounded and shocked. Who are you? What are you doing with my wallet? he said. I told him my story.


    He then told me that he had sailed two weeks ago. He had been calling Royal asking them to check the safe and send him the contents. They said they would. He never heard back from them and called them again. They said they would.


    Here I am, 2 weeks later, with a Royal employee handing me the contents!!!


    The wallet owner told me that he had long ago cancelled all of his credit cards but he would still like his license back. I told him that I would report the incident and deliver the contents to front desk management.


    I met with management and provided an detailed inventory of the contents of the wallet on a special Royal form.


    Management said that the suite attendant is suppose to ensure that safes are open after each cruise. They failed two weeks in a row.


    Unfortunately, I never saved his telephone number to follow up to see if he ever received the items.


    The whole experience gave me an awful feeling as Royal dropped the ball many times on this one.

  9. Is it possible (I am FAR from an experienced cruiser) that the charges aren't applied to your credit card until the ship docks (or is at least close enough to use some other transmission method than satellite)? So while they told you the night before all your charges would go on your AmEx, that was true, but they hadn't been APPLIED to your AmEx yet. Does that make sense?


    This differs from a land based hotel because the hotel can actually run the charge to the credit card at any point.


    As far as why the same card IS able to be used hours later, I don't have an idea on that one.


    My laundry charges were made to my card each day regardless of whether we were at sea or not. AMEX sends me a text of each charge as it occurs.

  10. In contrast to the unlimited package, I always wonder how many minutes I should prepay.


    On a previous trip, I connected to my office once per day and checked my email, the status of certain computers, and our help desk system for any new issues.


    Yeah, I know I shouldn't be working... but my client pays me well to check each day so I can't pass up on an easy income opportunity.


    Total usage for 7 days was 50 minutes with no issues that I needed to address.


    Other issue that has happened once. When in port, my computer was unsuccessfully trying to connect to WiFi on an adjacent Royal ship rather than my own ship. This is because they both use the same SSID but my account was not active on the other ship so I was denied.


    Also, Oasis and Allure are both using the new low Earth orbit satellite system that is supposed to provide near broad-band speed.


    As stated in an earlier post, only one device can log on the to the connection at a time. My cell phone works fine with the paid Wi-Fi.

  11. If you make changes to passenger information in the booking on the website, it's possible to accidentally have gratuities and/or insurance removed without realizing it.


    Happened to us last year.


    I agree. Their website is awful and error prone and difficult to use at times. It needs to be rewritten.

  12. For me, the balcony is a nice way to relax and escape all of the activity occurring on deck. I usually take an afternoon break to sit on the balcony for an hour or two. Then again in the late night. It is very peaceful to sit out there and ponder life with a cold beverage.

  13. The cruise line or doctor can not force you to go to a hospital nor force you to use an ambulance to go anywhere.


    If there was really nothing out of the ordinary occurring, I find it odd that the OP would take an ambulance to a hospital. It makes me think that the OP thought that it could be something out of the ordinary and perhaps more serious.


    From the story, it doesn't appear that the OP was promised to be allowed back on the ship if they were cleared by the hospital. So why go to the hospital if its nothing unusual for the OP?


    In my opinion, RCL did the right thing to protect the corporation, but more importantly protect the OP.

  14. Would it cause less frustration if a room was listed as $1000 and not $500 with a "based on double occupancy" qualifier.


    Are there other industries that use this slightly deceptive method of advertising a price to make the price appear lower than what it really is going to be?


    I find it similar to food packages that state "100 Calories" in a large font on the box, then in a small font they say "per serving", then in the Nutrition Information fine print they list servings per container = 5. :eek:

  15. I apologize for not having information for the OP ship. On Oasis class, the JS lounger surface is supposed to be stretched canvas. My JS had plastic straps, such as those loungers located around the pool.


    I had my attendant switch it with another JS so that I could have a canvas model. It is much more comfortable for me.


    I am only guessing that the canvas models were failing and they were replacing them (temporarily I hope) with tacky pool models.

  16. When I was on Oasis, I had to have maintenance come and tighten the screws to my balcony railing/glass. They were unscrewed about 1/4".


    I guess they could have vibrated out but my gut tells me that they were not tightened after replacing some glass or the railing


    Thank goodness I saw it and reported it.


    Perhaps I am paranoid but I NEVER lean my full weight into the railing. I always imagine what would happen if the railing gave way and adjust myself accordingly. It doesn't matter much to me who is to blame as I plummet to my death.

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