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Posts posted by kayhold

  1. I agree Stu!!! Not sure what is in the things you buy when the controls aren't as tight as they are here.

    A lot of our costs are research, however this expensive health care got that way because we are not allowed to turn down those without health insurance that are in a true emergency. So illegals, drug seekers, anyone and everyone has health care here.

    So if you don't have health insurance (which I find extremely irresponsible unless you have the cash to pay for it) then when you get into that accident and need treatment, if you don't pay, the hospital eats the costs(no Medicaid isn't automatically going to pay for it, only if you are disabled by it and somehow qualify for it, and frankly I'm tired of paying others costs through my high taxes)

    The health care providers then have no choice but to pass on the expense to those that are financially responsible.

    Sad system huh? I think those without insurance should have to pay cash up front. No pay, no service.IMO it's only fair.



    I hope you're never in a situation that requires you to be unable to have insurance (job loss, lay offs, death of a spouse) so you don't have to eat your words.

  2. You don't have medical insurance but you can afford the many cruises you take?? Priorites..........


    Not only is that none of your business, its really unfair.


    He never, ever said he couldn't afford care. For all you know, he pays full price when he goes to the Dr.


    Your comment was rude, and uncalled for.


    My mother, this past month, had to drop her health insurance because her premiums went up again. The highest deductible and crappiest plan she could get was over $2000 a month. A MONTH!


    It's not feesible. Its not going to happen. She is on a fixed income. Its not going to happen whether she takes a $500 cruise, or not. Period.


    If she has an emergency, the hospital will have to write it off because with her income, she is below the poverty level. If her home and car weren't paid off, she wouldn't be able to survive on her income.

  3. I could never order a swimsuit online.


    I'm no longer plus size but I can't wear a traditional suit. I've lost 250 lbs over the past 7 years and I have a lot of loose skin, mainly around my belly and hips. I NEED a tank swimsuit with a skirt. And I wear a 36 J so I need a lot of support up top. I think I will go try JCPenny today.

  4. My 5 year old wants to take his stuffed Darth Vader with us on our cruise and thanks to this thread I am totally taking pictures of him sun bathing, etc. he can even come to dinner with us.


    I am also putting a small decoration on the door so he can find our room easier, as he likes to run ahead (where he can still be seen) looking for our door when we are on vacation.

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