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Posts posted by Aurora2143

  1. Thanks Gambee for this awesome review.

    I can understand how the Allure could come out just a tad ahead as we were on the Oasis and loved it! We will be on the Breakaway in February (Deck 12 S6, thanks to you and others who discovered prior to sailing that it had a bigger balcony than 13 and fought with my PCC over it) and then the Quantum in December (GL).

    Are you considering sailing on the Quantum? If so, can't wait to see that review! Great job! I wish I had half the talent to write my reviews like this. :D

  2. We are a family of 5 and also used autosvilar for both pickup and drop off. They were awesome! Our flight was late arriving in Barcelona and they were great about checking times. We got off the boat early, so had to wait for them. We rented an apt 3 days precruise in Barcelona, and also hired them to take us from the apt to port. They were great with the door to door service and didn't collect fees until the very end. I would definitely use them again.


    Thank you so much for the advice of autosvilar. Although it's just the two of us (my hubby and me) if you read my recent review of our cruise to Alaska on the Jewel, you will understand why I will not trust to not have transportation for everything. I think their prices were reasonable, considering the amount of luggage I pack. :)

  3. Thanks for an awesome recap of your cruise, Aurora! You have a great looking family, and it sounds like everyone really enjoyed themselves.


    Mind if I put a link to this review in my signature area with the others?


    SDMike: I don't mind at all. It would be awesome for people to see different things to do on the same trip. :)


    dexddd: The steak was enormous! It's so big, they cut it for you at table side. I probably should have put something next to the steak in the photo as a frame of reference on how large it it. It was also melt in your mouth tender.


    Moonjelly: I will scan and post them in the next few days. :)

  4. Never used them...I was in Italy in May and used another company which answered right away. I don't think you should waste your time with someone who doesn't!!! I mean, after all it's in their best interest!


    I've had great results with their correspondence. They're great! Can't wait to meet them. :)

  5. After seeing all of your questions on the Alaska boards I wondered how your cruise was Aurora. I'm so glad to hear that you had an amazing time! Looks like you had the best of weather while you were their too. Thanks for the great review! :)


    We had a totally awesome cruise!


    We newbies just have to learn to brush off the snarky folks on here and just follow the nice ones that are willing to help.


    Waldospepper is one that never made any of us new cruisers feel like losers for asking questions. She was a total GEM!!!

  6. Peter Max




    Ok so let me talk a little about Peter Max.


    I am not sure when, but at some point in time that afternoon, I was walking around on the pool deck and I saw Peter Max. First of all I could not believe that I actually recognized him, I was very excited about that. They were both walking and his friend was pointing up to the water slide, like to trying to show Max something.


    Anyway, I am not sure how I did it, but I managed to get a lot of courage and go to him to say hello.


    And this is how the conversation went….





    Me: Hello, are you you Petter Max.


    Him: Yes, (with a not so good face).


    Me: Very nice to meet you, great job on the ship (I have to admit that the paint grew on me and I like it now. Trust me, I know how much I was against in the past. But the week before when I saw the ship sailing out of NY it just looked majestic on that cam)


    Him: Ok


    Me: Would you mind if I get a picture with you?


    Him: "Uggghhhhhhhhhhhh" and his companion rolled his eyes


    Me: Never mind, no worries, enjoy your cruise.


    Him: Them he finally smiled and gave a weak high five.



    I am not really sure what to say here, I understand that he must of taken thousands pictures by now. But I did felt a little let down by his attitude, I mean he is a celebrity in a ship which he decorated… Of course he is going to get people asking for pictures.


    The funny thing out this entire situation is that I actually recognized him. I am absolutely horrible with faces, I really cannot believe that I recognized him.


    My bf said that I should of told him his art was horrible, and put him in his place. But that is just not me, if he wants to be like that then be it. I wont sink to his level!


    One thing is for sure, I will never buy any of his art!




    I suppose if I ever saw him, I would stand within earshot of him and say to my hubby (a little loud), "Doesn't this ship look like it was painted by a 7 year old?"

  7. Above all, this was the best vacation any of us have ever been on. DH still gets a little teary eyed when we talk about how amazing this cruise was. Everything from the ship, the staff, excursions, food, and even the folks next to us in the Garden Café all made this trip into the most amazing vacation EVER!!

    We’re looking forward to our future cruises and all the wonderful people we’ll meet and all the amazing things we will experience and see.


    This amazing vacation could not have been possible without the countless help from all of you here on Cruise Critics. Definitely would not have known about some of the excursions and all the wonderful secrets on the beautiful Jewel.


    Thanks Everyone for an AMAZING vacation!!!

  8. i love your great review and pictures. im so glad you had a great time, but I have to ask if you wore all the clothes you took :eek:. your tours sound awesome. and im glad you made it back to the ship on time for your hubbies sanity :D thanks again for the review.


    I actually did wear almost all my clothes. Laundry service was also offered twice during the cruise and we took advantage of the first one on Monday which returned on Tuesday afternoon and then another one on Thursday that would have come back on Friday.

  9. Day 8 – Disembarkment


    We set our luggage outside of our room at 10pm last night so that Cecilio (our room steward whom was also awesome!) could take it for us.

    Leah had also suggested the night before that if we didn’t have a flight to catch or wasn’t in any kind of rush, to take our time in the morning, enjoy breakfast in Cagney’s and meet her down at ChinChin around 9-9:30am to avoid the crowd in customs. We took her advice and did just that. And guess what? We all had the same thing for breakfast, sausage and eggs for DH, French Toast for DS and one last Frittata for me.


    We headed over to ChinChin to meet up with Leah and she escorted us to the gangway and we said our goodbyes. *tear*

    From ChinChin to the curb would have taken all of about 5 minutes but we had to get a porter to help with our luggage so it took about 8 minutes tops to get to the curb where our driver was waiting for us. It took us longer to try and puzzle our luggage into the town car than it did to get off the ship. LOL!


    Once back at the Double Tree, because it was still too early for check in, we left our luggage with them and headed out to Pikes Market and the Space Needle.


    Photo from the Space Needle…bye Jewel, until we meet again.



  10. Day 7 – Victoria, B.C.


    Oh the last day of our cruise.






    We got into port about 2:30pm and decided to go and look for somewhere that would serve oysters.

    Leah (our concierge) did some research for us and found a restaurant called “Blue Crab” at the Coast Victoria Harbourside Hotel.

    When we got there only their lounge was open but they were kind enough to open their restaurant side up for us since DS was underage.


    DH and I put away 2 dozen oysters on the half shell and we all split the fish and chips. It was so good! My reaction to the oysters were not as bad as with shrimp, crab and lobster, YAY!!!




    After lunch, we headed back to the ship to get ready for our final dinner aboard the wonderful Jewel.


    Knowing that I’ve been talking about the Portuguese Bean Soup all week, DH suggested we go back to Moderno for dinner. I was totally up for that!!!

    So we made reservations, got ready and headed down to the restaurant.

    As soon as we walked up, the manager said, “Are you here for dinner or just the soup?” HA!!!

    We enjoyed a wonderful final dinner and I had 3 bowls of the soup.




    When we returned to the room, there sitting on our dining table…2 bowls of Portuguese Bean Soup. Teodore was not aware that we went to Moderno for dinner and wanted to bring me something special for our last evening. Such a sweetheart!

  11. Day 6 – Sea Day


    We set no alarm for this day because we were all so exhausted from the last few days and wanted to sleep in.

    DH and I rolled out of bed about 10am, got DS out of bed about 30 minutes later and got ready for lunch. I suggested that we try Garden Café today and headed downstairs to one of the funniest moments for DH and I.


    So I send the guys to get their food while I snag a good table in the madhouse. Once they returned I went and got my food. I thought the food was pretty good.

    There was a couple sitting at the table next to us and we noticed that he was just dousing his food with salt and pepper until he ran out. As the waitress walked by she took the salt & pepper shakers from their table (I’m thinking to refill it), but was taking a really long time to return with them. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see them both staring at the shakers on our table, and wondered if we should offer it to them. Just then, the husband reached over my husband’s plate and took the pepper from our table. I thought oh well, they speak a different language and probably was too shy to ask. He put a little more pepper on his food and slid the pepper shaker across our table to get it back to where it was. About 10 seconds later, he did the same with the salt. The three of us sat there with our faces in our plates wanting to bust out laughing! When he did it AGAIN!!! DH finally handed the salt over to him (since he already had the pepper again) and said, “please keep it”. Ah, I guess you had to be there. ☺


    The rest of the day is kind of a blur. The guys spend most of the day in the Haven while I went shopping.


    From my edit of day 5, we then headed down to Teppanyaki for dinner and went to Le Cirque Bijou. Awesome show!! Highly recommend it!


    Tomorrow we’re in beautiful Victora!

  12. Edit Day 5.


    I must have gotten my evenings mixed up. Our dinner was in Le Bistro for day 5 and Teppanyaki was on the evening of Day 6. Sorry folks. Hard to keep track when your brain is still in vacation scrambled mode. ☺


    So dinner in LeBistro was once again wonderful. I had the duck which DH wished he ordered after he got a bite of mine (of course we share our food so he gave me half his steak and I gave him half of my duck). DS had the lobster dish again and also the steak. We all had the escargot for appetizer. Best food that we had on the ship(aside from the Portuguese Bean Soup in Moderno).



  13. Aurora: Welcome Back! Thank you for the very nice detailed review and nice pictures. Alaska sparks my interest. :cool: The only part I dread is the long flight to get to port. :(


    Thanks! It was totally awesome!!


    I'm not done with the review yet, more to come today. :)


    Yeah, coming from PA the flight would be long, but would be sooooo worth it.

  14. Thank you for the great review. Was the Haven area crowded at any time? We will be on the Jewel in September and we are looking forward to the Haven!


    Thank you. When we were there, the Haven was almost empty all the time.



    You are writing a great review. Brings it all back to me we had such a wonderful time. Next year you should do the misty fiords tour you get really close to the glacier and it is a whole different experience from being on the ship. Was fun cruising with you and seeing your happy family having such a good time, thanks for the cabin crawl. JoAnna


    Thanks JoAnna! It was an awesome cruise and so nice to meet you all. :)



    Thank you for the review. We are leaving on the jewel to Alaska next weekend and doing the crab feast, era helicopter with sled dogs and white pass bus/train with gold camp. You are so funny for risking your life just to eat shellfish. I would do the same lol. Your pictures are amazing. Did you utilize the spa at all? And would you say the best specialty restaurant was cagneys then?


    You're going to have so much fun! The only time we used the spa was for our massages. DH and DS had a great "Father and Son Chill Out Massage" while my masseuse fell asleep. :)

    The best specialty restaurant in my opinion was Le Bistro.



    Great review!


    What is the Haven?


    How is the back outdoor buffet area? We went on the Pearl and loved that part of it, never crowded!


    Thanks! We did the Garden Cafe once, and that's coming up in the review later today. :)


    The Haven is a private area on deck 14 for guests who book the Haven suites. Really nice and quiet area.

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