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Posts posted by Beachdude

  1. Balcony doors should stayed closed at all times wether sitting inside or out. Why waste a/c with door open. Wouldn't do it home so don't be greedy and do on a cruise. Signs in cabin say not to do so as well. Be considerate.


    Hmm, what was the question?



  2. It seems to me that these forums have instead of information become a place of attack and defend, not in fact a civil exchange of information.


    Yes, I have to agree. In fact these forums are the reason I've decided to never retire. I don't want to turn into some of these posters who do nothing else all day except watching the forums waiting for an opportunity to be uncivil. There are a lot and many who take pride in their clever attacks.


    I don't mind the negative opinions of a ship or port experience because I'm looking for a consensus to make a decision. Believe it or not, negative opinions of a cruise experience is a positive contribution to a discussion because it gives the readers some details to make a choice. But many, if not most, of the posters here anymore make their replies personal. Just like the one poster who gave a pretty good reply until her last sentence where she suggested everyone who complains is a whiner. Sadly, she just couldn't resist a little jab.


    Is anyone capable of writing a reply without getting personal.



  3. We tried it once and won't try it again. Two major problems will likely not concern most folks - we were on a norovirus cruise (The last announcement had 54 in infirmary, then they stopped "advertising" the problem) and we have food allergies in our party. The ship was beautiful and had some fun activities, but the passengers and crew and how issues were handled were horrendous.


    As someone who had the same exact experience on our first Celebrity cruise, it is not fair to judge a whole cruise line by one cruise with norovirus. Dealing with the virus completely changes the dynamics for both the crew and passengers. We cruised Celebrity a couple more times to get a more fair assessment of the line, as should you before giving opinions in these discussions.


    To the OP, we don't think of RCCL is a step up from Carnival. Celebrity is a step up, but the activities are toned down a bit and the crowd is a bit older. Personally we think Princess is a bit of a step up too.


    I agree with Queenie for getting a suite on a newer ship to have different level experience. Personally we like Princess suites best, but Celebrity suites are also very enjoyable. And I agree with Queenie's warning that once you experience a suite, you won't want to go back.




    This I feel is the main advantage of a TA, or at least our TA. They pretty much stay on top of the changes and will quickly inform their clients. Also, our TA has had to intercede for the clients when something unexpected occurs like cabin and schedule changes. Some folks are always on top of these things and don't really need a TA, but I would guess 90% of cruisers aren't that close to the operations.



  5. Good discussion, thanks OctoberKat.


    I've seen this type of discussion coming up more and more as the lines are cutting back on their perks.


    As for Sally and I, the more we cruise, the more we want to try different experiences and part of that is trying different lines. We cruise often enough that we get some of the loyalty perks on several lines. But the perks are rarely a reason for our choice of lines.


    One thing we have noticed the last few years is the more the major lines cut back, the more alike they are becoming in the cruise experiences they offer.


    I admit the loud loyalty folks who have never cruise another line are a mystery to me. Loyalty is a fine thing, but there is no integrity comparing the lines when you simply don’t have the experience to know any difference.



  6. We like late dining, as we eat later at home. And, we LOVE having table mates. With the "free style" thing, you are likely to eat alone....how boring is that? How boring are the "eat alone" folks? Really! Sorry if I offended anyone, ..


    Too late!


    You just couldn't leave it at "we like to eat later at home". You had to take the low road and assume everyone should be like you. Sheesh.


    We like the fexibility of later dining.



  7. I can't say we are loyal to Princess, but they are our favorite cruise line between RCI, Carnival, Princess, and Celebrity. All of which we have cruise one or more times in the last three years. What we like the most about Princess is their very friendly and aim-to-please staff.


    I don’t think the Princess’s food is any better than the other lines, and may be a little worse as of last month. But it is hard to tell because all the lines are presently cutting in the food and food services department. I also don’t think the Princess’s entertainment is better than the other lines.


    With the cuts we see on all the lines, Princess’s friendly services just stick out the most for us right now. I will say we are hearing some good things about Carnival improving their crew services. We have been frustrated by the industry cuts and are leaning away from cruising for other forms of travel. But if we do continue cruising, we might give Carnival a try again to see if the rumors are true.



  8. The only way that RCI can show it's committed to not offering last-minute discounts is by letting cabins go empty, and I'm not sure they're prepared to do that.[/color][/size][/font]


    I agree. I don't see how this is a good policy for them, especially in this market.



  9. I thought it might be fun on our next cruise to do this. Have you ever done this? If so, who's your alter-ego? I'm looking for ideas - LOL. :p (This is strictly in good fun - no ill intent here)


    We did it once a few years ago. Completely different names and made up histories. Sally played herself as a sex therapist. I don’t remember what I played. But it was difficult remembering to call ourselves by our play names. To some degree it made it hard to relax around people for fear of saying the wrong thing and getting caught. It was close once. Still, it’s a fun story we can’t tell to our kids.



  10. Hi all, Sally and I are spending Oct 16th and 17th in Key West before boarding our Princess cruise in Ft Lauderdale on the 18th. I have been reading about the costumes, parades and parties. While we aren’t crazy partiers, we like to try anything once. Can someone describe what to expect Friday the first day of Fantasy Fest. When should we put on our costumes and where do we go? Do we need to take cash or are credit cards acceptable? The pictures look kind of crazy, but is the first night like that? I don’t want to break protocols.


    Thanks for any help, it looks like a lot of fun.



  11. One of the reasons DCL is more expensive than other cruise lines is because the ships don't have a casino.


    I don't know for sure, but I don't think this is correct. I agree with you casinos are very profitable, but Disney charges what they can get. We cruise Disney when they first started and the rates were much lower. As they got into the swing of it and their quality became more popular, they raise their rates to fit the demand.


    Disney has always been our favorite, but we haven't sailed them in a long time because of the price.



  12. So in agreement with you. If your family wants to be together' date=' then be together. Otherwise set a mutually agreed time to meet.[/quote']


    Aren't you the one who preaches that the dress code on formal night is what ever you want it to be because "it's my vacation"? It seems now a vacation can only be you say it is.


    I personally have never had trouble with families using radios to stay in touch. I say go for it because as some here have said on other threads, it's your vacation.



  13. That said, to pretend Carnival isn't the party line of cruise lines is astouding. First of all, their name is CARNIVAL. Second, their motto is THE FUN SHIPS. .


    I disagree. First, fun ship does not correlate to party ship. And Party ship doesn't imply family friendly. I don’t think you will find many who think otherwise. We’ve cruise Carnival 10 times in the last 15 years because they are so family friendly. In fact, we rated them 2nd only to Disney as far as family friendly. Now, yes Carnival does have some party ships that cater more to the party crowd, but that is not their typical cruise ship or typical agenda and those ships don’t market to families.


    Second, Carnival has spent millions upon millions trying to get rid of their party boat reputation. A Travel Agent friend says Carnival goes out of their way to stay away from the “P” word on their bigger ships.


    That is not to say Carnival doesn’t have the party reputation, but that is only among folks who haven’t cruise Carnival and it certainly is not being marketed by Carnival as was implied.


    By the way, I am not a Carnival cheer leader, we have not sailed them since they started their cut backs three years ago.



  14. I think RCI still caters more to families, especially families with teens, whereas Carnival caters to singles who like to party. As far as food, yes RCI food is just okay, but Carnival did have great food, I am not sure if that is true anymore though; as it has been over 10 years since I cruised Carnival, I got too old for them lol!


    Our experience is different. We haven't cruise Carnival in that last two years, so maybe they changed. But our family found Carnival 2nd only to Disney as family friendly. I do agree Carnivals five day party cruises are not family friendly, but that isn't their typical cruise. Food quality is changing on all the main lines, so who knows anymore. Food service is horrible as well. They were the first places that were cut.



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