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Posts posted by syr101

  1. I plan to get off the ship as early as possible and then pick up the car. I hope to get started by 9am. I was thinking about the other route ( i think its rte 37) to the trail and then coming back the road to Hana.

    I am keeping the car the 2nd day.

  2. What are your thoughts. We are in Maui for 2 days on the Solstice, We are going to rent a car and drive to Pipiwai Trail, hike the trail and take the road to Hana late afternoon into early evening while grabbing a bite on road back to ship on the first day. We like to driver and explore as well as hike and realize it will be a long day. but on day 2 in Maui we were just planning to go to beach near the port and relax. Does this sound like we can accomplish all that on day1.

  3. We will be in Maui for 2 days on the Solstice and would like to go to the far side of the island away from Lahaina and not have to worry about getting back in time for the for the last tender on day 1. I understand, on the 2nd day to be back early. But on the first day does matter what time you get back to the ship. we have never been to Maui on a cruise.

  4. We end up in Vancouver on May 1st 2015. How do you know which pier we will be at. Also how far is the Pan Pacific to the airport and what can we expect the cost to be to get to the airport. Thanx for the info

  5. We will be ending our cruise in Vancouver at 7am on a Friday and plan to fly back to the states late afternoon on Saturday. Please provide me some ideas on good hotels and what to do for the day.

  6. We just returned from St Lucia and took a tour of the rain forest and Tet Paul with the owner John Nestor. i highly recommend him as you can make the tour anyway you want it. As an advantage, he designed Tet Paul and is great!!

  7. Looking to rent a car for the days we are at port. Have a few questions.


    What are the can't misses in Maui. We like the outdoors.


    If we drove to the other side of the island and wan to make it to the OLL, what times does the OLL start and is there enough to this.


    Any adventure Itinerary would be appreciated.

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