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Posts posted by ladycaveat

  1. I've had the injections several times . . . everything from Juvaderm(sp) to Restalin(sp). Someone said it feels like a bee sting and that exactly how it feels. My doctor is a plastic surgeon (his claim to fame was attaching John Bobbet's penis after his wife cut it off years ago). He's an excellent doctor and wouldn't go to anyone else.

  2. How does one celebrate finding out that they don't have cancer? The best Easter "gift" I got was yesterday when the biopsy came back negative. After several blood tests (to the tune of nearly $6,000 . . . what in the world do people do without insurance) . . . the blood tests made my doctor think I had multiple myeloma (sp). After the bone marrow biopsy and XRAYS came back, my hemotoligist/oncologist said it was MGUS and not multiple myloma (sp) . . . it was like getting a new lease on life. I wish I had a cruise planned this month . . . I need to celebrate!!!!!!! :p

  3. Go into the "roll call" forum for your cruise date and see if anyone wants to share with you! Can't hurt to ask! There's an article I printed from CC that's been helpful for each port, I'll look for it for you...


    ...found it, but it mentions horse back riding! LOL!




    I think the private islands are designed so you don't have to do an excursion, it's an opportunity to just hang out and the cruise line caters to you. Also, because these islands were started from scratch, there aren't a lot of excursions.


    Thanks bunches. I'm the one that keeps the list of those going on our cruise (on the Roll Card Board) current. I book so far in advance, I'm usually the one that starts our cruise info on the Roll Card Board. This time it was already started so I just posted the list of names and where everyone is from. I asked about excursions but didn't get any answers. I think it the first time most of us have been to HMC. Really thinking about renting one of those clam shells to have a little shade (I burn).

  4. I'll be visiting HMC for the first time next September. From everything I've read about HMC . . . the majority of the posts are about the Cabanas on the island. I get the feeling that if one doesn't rent one, they are missing out on the time of their life. I would love to rent one . . . they sound fantastic but . . . I cruise by myself and I just can't justify the price for only me. I've also read a lot about the Clam Shells and am not sure what they are other than shelter from the sun.


    Aside from jet sking and horse back riding I've read very little about any excursions anyone has been on.


    I'm a sixty-three year old woman and can't wait to visit HMC and would love to hear what others have done in the way of excursions or . . . is it just as much fun to lounge on the beach, take a Dip in the water, have BBQ and just sort of take in what I've read is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Tammy

  5. I hate to say it because I'm sure I'll get flamed...But I have no intentions on ever going to Alaska...or anywhere else on vacation where the temp is below 80 degrees.


    No flame here but you don't know what you're missing. Alaska is without a doubt the most beautiful and untouched place I've ever been. Of all my cruises . . . it's my favorite. My son lives in Kodiak, Alaska but much to his chagrin, will be leaving in August (he's a Coast Guard helicopter pilot and his next billet is headquarters in D.C.).

  6. Hi Tammy....I have to say I was flattered all week on the ship:D

    Whenever I told someone about the BIG 50 birthday, most people,

    (whether they actually meant it or not) said I did not look 50:)

    and I said thank you and told them I loved them;) :D.


    Sandra, you look terrific girlfriend!!!!! (And I DO mean it)!


    Hey Lois . . . I've known you for years and I've always told you that you could be my muchhhhhhhh younger sister. I turned 61 in January and still feel like this twenty-one year old stuck in the body of my grandmother (oh, if only I could be a grandma . . . I'd be so ever happy but I think Mike is having too much fun being a single pilot . . . :eek: ).

  7. Hi Tammy,


    I have not used Botox...just restylane. No pain really, just like pin pricks, and a little red for about 2 or 3 days...nothing really! Have had it 3 times, about $300 per time..once a yr...and it lasts on me about 6 to 9 months. No one would know, makeup covers it well..I just used moisturizer! I just don't wear a lot of makeup. I may be a grandma, BUT... I like to look good while I go a-cwoozin...hee hee


    I am very happy with it ..:) as it has no side effects at all for most people, it agrees with me so I am thrilled with it.


    Tried collagen once, no discomfort at all, due to the anaesthetic inbuilt....but lasted ONLY :( 3 months. Same result..looked good!


    Hope you have a good result too..






    I'll tell you what . . . from the picture of you and your husband . . . you sure don't look like any grandma I've ever seen. In fact, you look darn good girlfriend! The price for Restylane around here is between $500 to $1000 . . . :eek:

  8. Tammy...I love restylane, it's the only little thing I have done.... have had it 3 times, always pre cruise...a natural product my Dr. says, and yes, it does wonders for those pesky lines. hee hee


    Lois, I am just going to look at your new photos.....XXXX





    Oh thank you Sandra . . . you're the first one I've heard that has used Restylane (have met lots of Botox users). I really can't wait. I have an appointment with the doctor this Friday to go over everything and have it explained in detail and then the injections will be on April 3rd for my April 27th cruise. From what I've heard, Restylane lasts a lot longer than Botox (and of course Botox is a relaxer while Restylane is a filler). Tell me about your experiences . . . were you able to go back to work the next day without any redness or swelling? Did it hurt . . . :o Tee Hee!!!!! Tammy

  9. Hi girls:) Tammy, Sandra...good to see you both.


    Well, after returning home from my 10 day cruise I can tell you

    my ankles did swell (again:rolleyes: ) and no, the Elemis did not help.

    I just deal with it.....I choose to drink adult libations and

    no, I don't salt my food......so it is just the way it is I suppose.


    I had a FANTABULOUS time anyway:D and if you click

    on Flickr in my signature there are a bunch of new photos

    under "GALAXY 2008":)


    Welcome Home Lois! Sorry to hear your ankles swelled up again . . . I'm beginning to think it's just one of the things one has to endure when one cruises (especially when you're over forty). I'm pea green with envy . . . I love the Galaxy!!!!!!! Tammy

  10. Hi there ladycaveat, Lois ..Jane and everyone....


    I have noticed this swelling thing too, I was quite puzzled on my first cruise when this happened. It also happened on our next trip too, so I mentioned it to our local Dr., and he prescribed a mild diuretic - which I take with me now each time we sail.


    I never use it at any other time...someone said it was to do with the drinking water on the ship??...anyway..the meds work great.


    Big hello to all the great people on these boards who make it such good fun!


    Ladycaveat.... I was following a thread a while ago about "mini lifts", you were saying you may be considering this...did you ever have it done, or is it still under consideration? Just wondering what happened! Best wishes..Sandra


    Happy cruising




    Sandra, it's still under consideration . . . can we say the thoght of someone near my face with a knife still scares me . . . :eek: I am going in next week for Restalyn or how ever you spell thoses shots that are supposed to fill in the two deep creases at each side of my mouth. Wish me luck . . . :p Tammy

  11. Well....sorry to disagree but I don't think that's right. My area of expertise while in the USCG was not environmental protection....and you know about specialists! However, while CO of a Coast Guard Cutter I routinely was asked to perform scattering of ashes of qualified vet's. It was a regular thing. Before departing on patrol either the District Chaplain would deliver the remains, or sometimes they simply arrived in the mail. We'd schedule a day once a trip and typically had several packages. (not required but we video'd the ceremony with the Captain reading the appropriate passages {faith dependant as best as I could do} and sent the family a tape, a chart with the location marked and signed by the navigator and CO and a note from the CO)


    Our instructions on the matter said we had to be outside three miles which is one of the threshholds for legality of dumping certain things....let's not get into that. But we certainly DID "dump" ashes at sea.


    Lately I've become somewhat confused tho as I discovered there is a company that will scatter ashes in San Fran Bay!!! And if there is anyplace more paraniod about dumping things in their water than California I'd like to know where that is...


    Certainly the ash is just that .... ash. So the bio-hazard concerns really seem to not apply logically. On the other hand I can tell you that not all creamation remains are the same...some was more "pourable"..don't ask me why, I don't know...and we could NOT dump a plastic container. That IS a no-no....disposal of plastics at sea is now a crime. But true ash and wind currents don't mix well.....or rather, they mix TOO well. After you do a scattering off a ship once, you learn to be very concerned about wind direction, and eddys....yes it's just ash but when it becomes airborne.....


    Don't just pour off your balcony - which as stated b4 is against the rules of every cruiseline....tossing ANYTHING is a no-no. Nor off the stern of a moving ship....trust me on this one...


    You might send a note to the Captain via the purser's desk however...or even ahead of time.


    Capt . . . you know now that I read this thread again . . . maybe I was misunderstood. I meant it was illegal to scatter ashes off a "cruise ship" . . . at least that's was what my son told me several years ago . . . . :confused:

  12. Well....sorry to disagree but I don't think that's right. My area of expertise while in the USCG was not environmental protection....and you know about specialists! However, while CO of a Coast Guard Cutter I routinely was asked to perform scattering of ashes of qualified vet's. It was a regular thing. Before departing on patrol either the District Chaplain would deliver the remains, or sometimes they simply arrived in the mail. We'd schedule a day once a trip and typically had several packages. (not required but we video'd the ceremony with the Captain reading the appropriate passages {faith dependant as best as I could do} and sent the family a tape, a chart with the location marked and signed by the navigator and CO and a note from the CO)


    Our instructions on the matter said we had to be outside three miles which is one of the threshholds for legality of dumping certain things....let's not get into that. But we certainly DID "dump" ashes at sea.


    Lately I've become somewhat confused tho as I discovered there is a company that will scatter ashes in San Fran Bay!!! And if there is anyplace more paraniod about dumping things in their water than California I'd like to know where that is...


    Certainly the ash is just that .... ash. So the bio-hazard concerns really seem to not apply logically. On the other hand I can tell you that not all creamation remains are the same...some was more "pourable"..don't ask me why, I don't know...and we could NOT dump a plastic container. That IS a no-no....disposal of plastics at sea is now a crime. But true ash and wind currents don't mix well.....or rather, they mix TOO well. After you do a scattering off a ship once, you learn to be very concerned about wind direction, and eddys....yes it's just ash but when it becomes airborne.....


    Don't just pour off your balcony - which as stated b4 is against the rules of every cruiseline....tossing ANYTHING is a no-no. Nor off the stern of a moving ship....trust me on this one...


    You might send a note to the Captain via the purser's desk however...or even ahead of time.


    Well, my face is certaintly red. It's a good thing my son is a pilot with the Coast Guard flying his little Dolphin HH65 and not on a cutter . . . :p

  13. There was a similar thread about this subject on the boards a couple years ago. My son is an officer in the Coast Guard so I asked him. He said it's illegal to throw the remains (even in ash form) of a human being off a ship. He also said it was against the rules and regulations of all cruise ships that sail in and out of the United States.

  14. Just curious . . . does anyone suffer from water retention which results in swollen ankles and feet while on a cruise? It always seems to happen to me and I know that salt (which I avoid) is a major cause. By the last few days of a cruise, I can barely get on my shoes and my feet and ankles look like stuffed sausages. I am so hoping that this won't happen on my April cruise . . . any suggestions?

  15. Just saw this thread - what great info! I have always had problems with swelling when I am around salt water, probably because I am never around it normally. I don't seem to have as much of a problem as some of you - my shoes get a little tight but I don't swell to the point of being concerned. The funniest is when I go snorkeling in salt water for a long period of time - I can count on waking up the next morning looking like I had an extreme collagen implant in my lips! The swelling goes down after awhile but it is very goofy looking. I will try the aspirin for sure this trip.


    Hey, some people pay a lot of money for that swollen lip look . . . :D

  16. I had the worst time on my cruise in April 2005. My feet and ankles swelled up so much . . . they looked like stuffed sausages. The skin on my feet, ankles and legs was stretched so tight . . . it was actually uncomfortable and the straps on my formal heels were were as loose as I could get them. This had never happened before and I didn't have a clue what the problem was. I finally went to the ship's doctor and he asked me if I had been drinking a lot of the water on the ship. I said no . . . I only drank bottled water. He said that while the ships water was treated to remove all the salt, trace amounts remained and that coupled with the salt in the food could cause the swelling. Then it dawned on me . . . it was the first time I had not bought the coke/soda card on a cruise. All I drank was the iced tea . . . which, no doubt was made from the ship's water. Within two or three days of returning home . . . everything was back to normal.


    On my September cruise this year . . . I bought the coke/soda card and drank nothing unless it came out of a bottle/can. No swelling . . . I can only think that what the ship's doctor told me was true.

  17. Okay ya all . . . just reading this thread made me reallllly want to watch this show. Well, wouldn't you know it . . . they have a marathon on Bravo this afternoon with past shows since the one where the gal who designed the red dress (after taking pictures for ideas as they walked around New York) was booted.


    So far . . . I really like Daniel, Chloe and Kara (both their personality and designs). Santino is so crude . . . don't much care for him or the designs I've seen on this show. Nick also drives me crazy . . . don't care for him or his fashions.


    Right now, they are designing fashions for each other. Oh my Heavens . . . the jumpsuit on Kara is horrible!!!!!! Daniel's suit is terrible . . . all wrinkled seams that looked like it was bought at the Salvation Army. Actually sort of like the outfit Nick is wearing . . . can't remember now who designed it.


    Ohhhh . . . judges are back on . . . Kara's design for Santino was horrible . . . but the judges liked it . . . so who am I to know? Daniel designed Chloe's outfit . . . not very nice and the judges didn't like it either. Nick's outfit (oh, it was designed by Chloe) . . . judges liked it . . . yeah (the only one I liked)! Nick's outfit for Daniel . . . judges agreed that it looked liked terrible!


    Oh . . . I can't believe it . . . Nick is out and Santino is in. Wish I had watched this show from the beginning . . . maybe then I'd better understand why Santino made it. Nothing he's done this afternoon showed me that he had any designer tallent.

  18. I've always had late seating . . . and am booked for late seating on my next cruise in April. However, now I'm wondering if maybe early seating might be better for this next cruise. First time I've ever been to the Eastern Caribbean and don't really plan on doing any shore excursions (so no problem with feeling rushed getting back to the ship in time for dinner). Hum? Interesting? I love kids but don't really want to be surrounded by them for dinner. I just got so tired on my last cruise . . . I was falling asleep during the late shows. :confused:

  19. This is an old post that I started after returning from my cruise last May. I still believe . . . as my doctor told me . . . the reason for the swelling of my ankles and feet was due to the water on the ship (via the iced tea and lemonade that I drank tons of during my cruise). This last cruise was the only time I had a problem and the only time I didn't buy the soda card and drank the water (or whatever was made from the water) on the ship. I have no idea if that is what caused the swelling, but I plan to bring bottled water (Propel . . . love the Peach) on my next cruise in April . . . and, I plan to buy the soda card and not drink anything made with water from the ship.

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