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Posts posted by ladybugcruiser

  1. Just returned from Conquest may4-11. Sorry but I gotta say the entertainment was lacking. The lounge at the back on 5 starboard is where we usually find a great guitarists or band but not on this ship! Went to 2 deck parties and as soon as the entertainment staff finished and turned it over to the DJ, everyone left in droves because it was a mix of Latin and rap. No one could figure out how to dance to that. Then we went looking for something else but didn't find it. The duo with the female singer- she just ran thru the songs with no emotion. Bosco and the five amigos was beyond cheesy. Margo Burr was the comedy club host and sometimes at the pool deck. She was annoying and needs to get off her high horse (or should I say 7 in heels) Lol. Been on 9 cruises with Carnival. Everyone was crowded into the casino and shops to spend their money because there was little else to do! Production shows were only a few nights and not well attended. Never saw Gary the CD. Missed Roatan due to high winds. Minimal hot water in room. And we still made a good time of it! Service and food good. Went ziplining and ATVing in Belize. Nachi-cocom beach day in Cozimel. Staff seemed a little tired of it all. Or maybe that's just me. Seems like they could disburse the crowds a little if they offered more music venues at night.

  2. One thing nobody thinks about with cheers is the fact that you're only paying 15% gratuity on 49.95,not on every drink. So if you drink more then 50$ worth of drinks, there is no gratuity. Loss for the waiters but savings for you! Lets say you drink 100$ worth per day. You save about 7$ per day in tips plus 50$ on the drinks !

  3. I had a great time doing Insanity, and I definitely got stronger over the course of doing it, but my body didn't change. My brother has really great results with P90X, so I'll be starting that soon--I just got back to my early morning runs & swims this week after the break, so I'm giving myself some time to adjust before jumping in. I think Monday I'll be ready.


    Those books changed my life & I can't tell you how grateful I am you suggested them! They were just the inspiration I needed to continue to eat the way that's best for me for the rest of my life. :)[/quote


    Glad you liked my book recommendations. They've helped me also to reaffirm what I knew and helped me tweak it a little! Good luck on P90x! Not that my body changed as much as they advertise. It has taken longer and I'm still not ripped by any means. Tried T25 focus for a month but went back to Insanity. I felt as though they skimped on the warmup and stretching along with rushing the moves to the point of not being able to get any strength training out of it. Went back to insanity and could feel the difference in my mucsles the first few days! I am 53 and also felt like I was going to hurt myself doing t25 because of the speed and lack of stretching and warmup. Anyway good luck! Keep moving!

  4. Hockeygal54-You Really need to read up on keto adaptation ! The books rockandsoul recommended are superb! I have been doing lo carb/ high fat for years! No ill effects. In fact feel so much better when doing low carb! Have also been doing Insanity workout with low carb and have managed to lose from 157 to 135 by doing this.! Am at goal weight and have transformed my body shape. Less body fat/ more muscle. I don't lose any other way. Tried the 5 meal nutritional plan when I first started this workout in Sept 2011. Never lost a single pound. Ketones are not bad. Only when it's ketoacidosis(mostly seen in type 1 diabetics) you will never reach that level of ketones from lo carb. Also Sweden is now recommending this WOE officially as the best for overall health! Several others are writing books related to - Grain Brain. The tide is turning! Good luck everyone!

  5. Yeah! Sounds like you guys are doing great! I didn't have near the temptations ya'll speak of but I did resist waffles at WH (gave mine to hubby)! Staying in ketosis barely at around 50 carbs a day.

    I haven't started back working out like I said. Sooo hard to get back into. I have a love-hate relationship with the Insanity workout. Love what it does, hate(dread) the fact that it is so hard! So, I fight with myself. Have to challenge myself to do better!

    On the bright side, I am 2 lbs. Away from my original goal of 135! Have lost 20 lbs since january1.

    My sis-in-law is doing lo- carb better than my husband or myself (from what I can see and am told), relayed your suggestions and don't think she's having much success.????? What could possibly be the problem?

    While I can't fix everybody's problems, it still puzzles me!

    I MUST workout! I MUST workout! I MUST workout!!!!!!!!

  6. Lisa-glad it's working so well for you! I told you his books are awesome and even though I'm not nearly at your level of endurance, it helps me stay on track when I understand how my body works.

    Will keep you updated on my training for what it's worth. Once you're a true believer, nothing else makes sense! BTW, do you have any fat left to burn? LOL there is a point where you might need a few good carbs. I'm actually trying to do this while staying in MILD ketosis to keep my body burning fat while easing in more carbs to slow down weight loss leading up to maintenance. That's the hardest thing for me to balance! Great hearing your race results and improvements doing lo-carb!

  7. Just got back from our motorcycle trip to the blue ridge pkwy. Great time! Weighed this morning and only up 1 lb!!! Don't know how other than it must have been physically taxing to ride a motorcycle(on the back) for 8 hrs a day.

    Thanks guys for the suggestions for my sis in law! Passed along and will keep you updated on her progress.

    I will be starting my insanity workout over from start along with low carb Tuesday. Mostly to get more toned and keep what I have. Only need to lose 3 or 4 more lbs. I want to stay in this WOE from now on ( except vacations and holidays). Staying at maintenance levels has always been my downfall.

    glad to see everyone else's posts and progress! Keep it going. You know it works and makes you feel better!

  8. So I'm trying to help my sis in law lose weight. Probably needs to lose about 50 lbs. She lost like 15 to start but now is stuck and has not lost in a month or so. Ketostik show pink but she says she is not losing. Has anyone had this problem? She lives with us right now so she is eating the same as me. Says she is being faithful and is getting discouraged. I am devoted to this WOE and keep telling her it will work but I am losing my creditability! Help!

  9. LISA- I'm so glad that you got something out of my post! The books are very helpful and don't forget you NEED fat! Hope all goes well for your triathlon races. Let me know how it goes after. Truly this is the only thing that makes sense for me. Not only has it helped me get lean and trim, it has so many other health benefits- better numbers for LDL, HDL, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.

    I find that my body performs much better when I am keto-adapted than the day after a cheat or carb up day. I TRY not to get out of ketosis because of this. I can cheat for short periods (a meal to a day) if I then restrict my carbs severely the next day and get back into ketosis by that evening. It only takes me about 1 day if that because ihave been doing this so long consistently. My body now prefers to burn fat! Again so glad I could help. Thought maybe this thread was dead!

  10. Baywalker, thanks for saying I look younger. That pic was from a few years ago( 3 or 4). Sounds like we have the same method of operation-MO-eat this way so I can cheat on vacations and holidays!

    Sounds like you're pretty spry yourself ! Did not know anyone has had this WOE figured out 25 years ago! Except for Atkins himself! Why haven't more people converted! Why are there still so many others touting all kinds of grains and "natural" sugars (agave, honey etc.)? Why when you watch Dr. Oz or some other health shows, they want to say watch your carbs but also lo- fat? You really can't do both LOW! Thanks for the response. Keep going! I don't even LIKE French fries anymore!

  11. Hey! I have done low carbon on and off since 2001. Started back on it Jan 1 2013. Have lost 18 lbs so far. Only 4 more to reach my goal of 135. I also am 52 and have been trying to get below 148 since I got stuck there while doing insanity workout. Started doing insanity in July 2012 and finished the 1st round of 63 days just prior to our cruise in Sept 2013. Stayed at 148 the entire time! So the insanity workout worked great but I still had a tummy roll that wouldn't go away! The 5 times a day eating clean but with carbs obviously did not work for me! So after the holidays began doing the workouts in order but only 3 times a week and doing low carb at the same time. Some say you have to eat carbs to exercise intensely( which it is!) But I don't find this to be true. If you strength and cardio train while doing lo carb, you will have plenty of fat reserves to burn and you don't bonk or feel as sore after. Also, you will lose the most fat while retaining or gaining muscle. Read low carbohydrate performance by Steven phinney. Anyway, the combination is reshaping my body! Have lost 3 inches off waist and 2 off thighs. Feel strong and leaner than I have in a long time!

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