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Posts posted by AMAC86

  1. Go to Celebrity's site. In the search area type can I share my drink package, look the the related question...shared is clearly bold!

    It's only bold because "shared" is a conjugation of "share" which is one of your search terms...


    I searched "disembarked" and got this:


    Time to disembark varies based on how long it takes the ship to clear customs. If you do not find what you're looking for, please select another Subject Category or try the Keyword Search.
  2. au contraire! Celebrity's policy is pretty clear on the sharing aspect:


    Packages are sold on a per cruise basis, are not sold on a per day or any other basis, and no refunds will be issued for unused amounts. Packages may not be shared, and do not include beverages sold in gift shops, mini-bar or room service. Ordered packages may be modified up to four days prior to sailing by canceling and reordering the package.

    That's what the terms say, but Celebrity's actions seem to indicate otherwise.
  3. The difference is that (1) there is no rule that says one can not eat all the food they want and (2) the drink packages have a rule attached that you can not share, per the attached from Celebrity's site: Packages are sold on a per cruise basis, are not sold on a per day or any other basis, and no refunds will be issued for unused amounts. Packages may not be shared, and do not include beverages sold in gift shops, mini-bar or room service. Ordered packages may be modified up to four days prior to sailing by canceling and reordering the package.


    FYI, I did not bold the word shared, it is this way on Celebrity's site.


    Now, do you think it is okay to sneak a cigarette in a cabin or balcony?

    I think that's the point he's trying to make. The difference between eating 10 plates and sharing a drink is apparently just that one is against company policy and one isn't. Both potentially raise prices for other cruisers. So if you're upset about drink sharing and not eating too much, then you realy aren't upset about "abusers" increasing prices. Rather, you are more interested in seeing that everyone is following the rules and playing fair. Why can't people just live and let live?
  4. My comment was mostly aimed at pens420. No, you didn't specifically say anyone was stupid. But, the fact that you said "Amen" to pens429's post tells me you agreed with that sarcastic take on the situation, including the comment about laughing at those of us who take this subject seriously. This implies that you also think we are being foolish at the very least.


    So, yes, I feel you were being sarcastic by that agreement. If you felt I was rude, you unfortunately brought it upon yourself. You might want to reconsider what you agree with in the future so that you won't be guilty by association.


    If you honestly didn't agree with his sarcastic post, then you should state so, and we can make up and move on.


    Whether being a first time cruiser, or a veteran of many, the fact is that the drink packages are not to be shared, and to do so is breaking an agreement made with the cruise line when the package was purchased. No need for excuses, justifications, rationalizations, or sarcasm. It is what it is.

    What on earth?
  5. Amen. I have the package, DH doesn't. He drinks maybe one per day. We will buy his drinks a la carte. However, if he wants a sip or two of my drinks, he will have them and I won't feel guilty at all. I may be done with a drink and he may finish it, better than tossing it.
    This is the attitude I have about the drink packages. I think it's pretty reasonable.
  6. I'm more than happy to report that bar staff were also quite happy for my husband to share my drink, and they sometimes gave him his own. he usaully drinks beer but sometimes he likes a sip or two of a soft drink if he has a bit of a thirst!


    I would not have complained if a member of staff had objected. I was intending to buy a soda card anyway (I drink a lot of the stuff). I didn't need a hard sell and the information was given freely - I didn't even ask about it.

    1-877-485-1764 Celebrity Cruises Drink Package Anonymous Tipline


    I hope you got his name.

  7. Wait a minute - it was brought up on this site by the person that got the free drink from the bartender, not someone meddling. If I were to purchase a drink package and saw a bartender giving away free shared drinks to another passenger (for an extra tip or not), you bet I would ask a supervisor why I wasn't getting the same kind of customer service as they were. After all, if we are to assume that he was told to relax the rules, then he should be relaxing the rules for everyone. BTW, I don't think anyone cares what a crew member is doing, except when it comes to how they are being treated.
    By meddling, I mean taking action by writing a letter to the cruiseline in an attempt to get a particular employee fired. Why would you try to get someone fired for offering you a discounted/free drink under the table? (I know it's not you that suggested doing this.)


    I agree with you, if they relax the rules, they should relax them equally for everyone. There's no reason to believe this isn't the case (maybe not all bartenders are relaxing the rules, but I imagine the bartenders that are do it for everyone--at least in similar situations).

  8. It is a big assumption, but it is none of a passenger's business to be meddling in the internal affairs of the cruiseline to begin with.


    I'm not sure how people even find the time or desire to be worried about this sort of behavior by the crew on the ship. What's next? Going into the galleys and make sure that the crew isn't eating cracking open cans of soda for themselves or snacking on mashed potatoes because it's "not theirs to have"? Or eating pillow chocolates?!

  9. What he is doing is stealing from Celebrity by giving away something that is not his to give away. I see no difference between this and someone sharing a drink package which is something that has been deemed very wrong on this very forum. You can not have it both ways and now it's up to you to decide right or wrong. The bartender is the one who should have remembered the family that he supports.
    There is a HUGE difference. One is an employee of the ship and might even be instructed to relax the COMPANY POLICY. The other is an abuse of the system by the CUSTOMER.


    Apparently you've never gotten a free drink at a bar on land before. I wonder why.

  10. How much of an "extra" tip did you leave him. I hope that it was enough to make it worth his while to risk loosing his job because if he were caught doing that he would be serving chum on a fishing boat. Personally, if I saw that happen I would have no reservations about noting his name and reporting him.
    It's funny how you would reward an act of kindness by trying to get him fired.:confused:


    I might as well cancel my reservation not to have to get stuck on a boat with people like this.

  11. Agree-- the seller (who might have even gotten part of the gratuity for making the sale) could tell you that it's ok to share, but how would you feel the first time you try and get caught by a barman who has been given quite different instructions? "But, but, but, the guy who sold me this told me it was ok." "Oh, and who was that" "Gee, I don't remember his name" "I'll be taking your card now, sir......"
    It doesn't matter--the Celebrity employee who stated that it is okay to share is a paid agent of the cruiseline. Sure, nobody will believe you if you get "caught", but there is no reason to feel guilty about it at that point. Are you stealing? You're not violating national/international laws, you are violating a written "company policy" which was just contradicted by one of its own employees.


    If you dropped a gallon of milk you had just bought in the parking lot on the way to your car, and a grocery store employee said, "Don't worry about it, I'll fetch you another one," wouldn't you take him at his word? I might not, but I certainly wouldn't judge anyone who did.


    And really, any rule worth having is worth being enforced. Clearly they are not putting much of a priority on enforcing the "no sharing" policy. Not saying the rule doesn't exist, but Celebrity clearly isn't taking it as seriously as many of the people on this board do.

  12. impala1ss, interesting post about the beverage packages.


    You have an obligation to follow the rules of your drink package, but Celebrity has an obligation not to pull a bait and switch--take your money that you paid for beverages and then serve you a clearly DEFECTIVE product, which many others were also complaining about.


    Does seem kinda quirky that you couldn't get smaller bottles of Evian. But then again, smaller bottles of Evian are probably more expensive per unit volume.

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