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Posts posted by Nadersmom

  1. So we just got back from our Thanksgiving Cruise.    We used VIP Express and couldn't be happier with the service we received.     The vehicle was clean and on time.  Emmanuel was awesome.   Incredibly personable and helpful.  


    We used him from Hobby to the HarborHouse and then again for return to the airport after the cruise.   

    We wouldn't hesitate to use him again


  2. We've cruised out of NO 3 times.    First 2 times we used Advanced Check in.   They took our bags to airport for us and we picked them up when arriving at the airport.


    Last time we Walked over to Hilton Riverside and as stated above,  they do hold your bags for you for a small fee plus tip.   I don't recall the exact $$ but it was cheaper than Advanced Checkin.    We just walked around N.O. and then went back to Hilton,  picked up our bags and called a cab to the airport.   

  3. 2 hours ago, pacruise804 said:

    I'm not sure if you were serious with this one or not, but I do know a few who have little to no interest in drinking.


    Agreed.   Our son turned 18 this summer and doesn't seem overly excited about he prospect of "drinking" in Mexico.   I'm sure he'll try something but it won't be much.

    However, he's incredibly excited that he can now join us in the casino :classic_wink:

    • Like 1
  4. We're booked at Harbor House for November cruise as we wont have a car either.    Close enough that we can walk to the ship if we want but have been told there is shuttle at Harbor House in case the weather is nasty.

    Picked them because they seem to get consistently good reviews and there seems to be a lot  within walking distance.

  5. 6 minutes ago, hbrote said:


    I've had 15yo Pappy and have been told by some Wheeler 12yo is better if not equal to Pappy.  Thank heavens November is almost here "Pappy Time".

    Shhhhh       I have a 10 year Rip VW too.     (oooooh,  so the truth comes out :classic_wink:   ) 


     DH spent 2 weeks making rounds all over tri state area after I got my 15 year trying to find me a 20 year for a Christmas present.   He got a 10 year.   Said he felt bad he couldn't get the 20 .   I said are you KIDDING,  most bourbon lovers go their entire life without ever even getting to try Pappy.   I'm now the owner of 2 bottles of the white unicorn of bourbons  LOL.   November has become a combination of  Turkey Day and Pappy Day for me


    If I'm honest, I actually like the 10 year a little better than the 15.  They're both wonderful.   But personally I found the 10 is a bit smoother. Though I'd love to try the 12.  And the 20     

    • Like 1
  6. On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 11:47 AM, hbrote said:

    I got a bottle of Pappy 10yo last year but I'm looking for the 15yo this year.  I usually drink "Wheller Reserve" because I can usually get it.  (i wish  it was the 12yo)  I'll usually, while on board, drink Buffalo Trace, which really is not  bad.

        I managed to get a 15.   It's nice.     Very nice      DH doesn't drink bourbon but I let him have a taste and even he liked it.    After one sip I pushed him away and said,   " MINE!!! "  LOL   

    Tried a few out of the way places last year to see if I could get lucky with another bottle.   Most of them pretty much just laughed at me when I asked if he had any sitting back in the back.  But that's OK,  I expected it.  I mean, unless you are in really good with the right someone,  that's the only way you're ever gonna get it.   Pure luck on my part is what did it.  


  7. We are going on our first "holiday" cruise over Thanksgiving.  This will be our 5th cruise.   We've always cruised around the beginning of November and usually book cruises about 9 months out.    I believe every cruise we've done has had a price drop or two after we book that we were able to take advantage of.


    But not this one.   We booked in October of 2018 and the price has only gone up since then.   Last time I checked which was I think about a month or so ago it was probably close to double the price that we paid at booking.  And when we booked, the there were already a limited # of rooms left.  Or at least it was showing most of it booked when I was doing mock bookings online.



  8. Thanks so much everyone.    I did receive an email confirming reservation.   I'd say it was maybe about a week after booking.

    I'm just  beyond excited about finally trying this. :classic_smile:    It's a 5 day cruise so I was thinking it would probably be on one of the sea days?     We are in Cozumel on 11/27 and Progreso on 11/28.   I've read they sometimes have them on Port days, but the 28th is also Thanksgiving so I didn't know if they'd do it on that day or not.      Doesn't really matter do me which day they do it.   I'm just happy to be able to experience it.


  9.   April 42749,    I don't think you are taking joy in speaking about your frustration.   I brought my mother to live with us for 5 years after she was diagnosed with beginning states of dementia.  I know EXACTLY what you are speaking about.   I love my mother with everything in me and wouldn't change a thing about those 5 years, despite their difficulty.    So, I totally understand that it gets frustrating when you are trying to help but have no way of knowing when they are being untruthful and when they have just misunderstood things they've been told.    Dementia of any kind can be incredibly complicated and I know first hand that what's spoken TO them and what's interpreted BY them as they hear the words can be very different, for a variety of reasons.  Sometimes it's just who they are as people;  stubborn,  willfull, or just "hear what they want to hear".  But sometimes it's literally a misfire in their brain as to how they now bring in information being given to them.  And even then....how they interpret it can change later when they try to recall what they were told.      Many people aren't diagnosed with it until the later stages so people often misinterpret the behaviors that they can present in the early stages.    I'm certainly not saying this is the issue with your husbands friend.  I'm not any type of medical professional.    But based on what you've said, and what I saw firsthand for 5 years,  it sounds like something is going on with him.  And it's sad because there are moments that HE probably realizes that something is not right.   And that has to be scary as heck for him.         I don't think you are insulting them and their choices at all.      I think you are simply trying to do what you can to help them and feeling the frustration that comes with helping someone that you know may suffer the negative consequences of not listening to experienced or researched advice.    It's a difficult task. 

    • Like 2
  10. I absolutely love the Alchemy bar. A few years ago we were sitting there and my nephew decided to try one.   He'd never had a martini before.   She asked what flavors he enjoyed and then made him something special.  Had berries in it and was rather fruity.    He tasted it and decided it tasted like really good fruit punch or something because he finished it off in minutes.    I looked over at him as he was ordering a 2nd one and said,    "Uhm…...you may wanna slow down there a little bit fella.   That first one ain't had time to hit ya yet".

    About 4 sips into his 2nd one the first one hit him.   LOL     Thought he was gonna fall off his stool.   was like someone flipped a switch.     He learned to pace himself after that  


    • Haha 1
  11. yes,   North American Home ports Board

    Gulf Coast Departures has a few threads regarding transportation from Houston to Galveston .


    We are flying in to Hobby and using VIP Express to get to Galveston.   They are also picking us up after the cruise to take us back to airport.

    I'm sure it's probably more expensive to stay in Galveston than in Houston but most posts I've read pretty much state that there's much more to do in Galveston than in Houston (at least if you stay close to airport).  Especially if you don't have a car.  Much more to do that's in walking distance in Galveston.   Or so I've read.

    Either way, we've never been there so decided to fly in a couple of days ahead of time to spend some time there.


  12. If you purchase Cheers ahead of time, does it show up anywhere on your booking summary?


    My Cheers purchase shows up under my Order History for this cruise along with the FTTF purchase.    But it doesn't show up on my booking summary that I print out.

    I see FTTF shows up but I'm assuming that is because it's considered and excursion?


  13. I was checking in for our November cruise and realized that my son's passport was expired.  :classic_ohmy:     I had originally gotten son's passport when DH and myself got ours.    What I forgot was that because he was only like 13 or so, that his passport would expire in less time than ours.   He's now 18 and needed a new one.  

    I've submitted for a new one and I'm fairly confident that we'll receive it before our Thanksgiving cruise.


    My question is:    can I continue checking us all in for our cruise before his new passport arrives?   I will not have an expiration date to list until we receive it.    Can I check  him in using the Birth Certificate option for travel documents for now?   Then go in and revise it to Passport when we get the new one?    Or am I stuck with Birth Certificate option if I choose it now?



  14. 10 hours ago, BallFour4 said:

    You can expect temps from 60's to near 80. 
    When we fish the bay we dress for 10 degrees cooler than the posted temps. A windbreaker is a must, sweatshirts can get wet rendering them useless. 
     It will be windy on the island and offshore. Expect some rolling seas for the fishing trip. If you are on the New Buccaneer it handles seas well. Don't load up on a big breakfast, the trip out is right into the wind. Been there!

    That's incredibly helpful! Thanks so much.     We are actually going out with Reel Men Fishing Charter.   I mentioned to them that I was worried about seasickness on a small boat and they said Dramamine will take care of that.    I hope so.   I start taking Bonine or Dramamine about 2 days before we fly in and during the entire cruise and it definitely helps.   But I've never been on a small boat out there in the "big water".    Here's hoping I don't regret my decision to go out fishing  LOL   

    the windbreaker suggestion is great!  I would have only done a sweatshirt so I appreciate that very very much!

  15. 14 hours ago, TxCityKat said:

    Howdy Nadersmom! emo22.gif


    If this will be your first time to Texas, let me be the first to welcome you with a hug!! emo35.gif 


    Here is the Weather Channel link to Galveston, TX: https://weather.com/weather/today/l/49a0ee1a4e600460186b14ecb345f1a0f9edea44c6f8052c0a452aecd661bfdf


    Bookmark the link or put it in your Favorites. When closer to your cruise, check it to see what the weather will be like on Galveston Island for when you will actually be here. Note the area at top where you can pick Hourly, 5 Day, 10 Day, Weekend or Monthly. That way you will have the Weather Channel's version of what is actually going on instead of you just going by averages for that time of year.


    To give you some statistics, I looked at November 2019 in Monthly and found the following:


    71.0°F    Average High

    57.0°F    Average Low

    88.0°F    Record High

    26.0°F    Record Low

    3.42 in   Average Precipitation


    And Barsnikel is correct about a cold front moving through that might change everything while you are here. All it takes is for some Okie up in Oklahoma leaving their gate open! Then all that cold you ARE used to will sneak on down here where we are NOT used to it. emo34.gif 


    Happy sails,


    Kat 🐱

    Thank you so much for that Link Kat!    I will definitely use it as we get closer.     Even if it's in the high 50's that will be warmer than we have up here so i'll be happier than I would be at home:classic_smile:.   

    • Thanks 1
  16. Can someone tell me what the temps are in Galveston at the end of November.     I understand there are cooler years and warmer years.   but on average?


    Walking around Galveston.     Jeans?   Jacket?


    We are going on a Fishing Charter as well.   Jeans?    Jacket?   :classic_laugh:


    Being from Midwest I struggle with convincing myself that it won't be freezing at the end of November.    Here it will most likely be in the 20's and 30's and if we are lucky, no real snow yet.    


    Please and thank you

  17. On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 1:26 PM, bury me at sea said:

    If you are sure you want this experience there is no downside to booking on-line.  You don't pay when you book.

    Thank you!   :classic_smile:    As we've never booked it before I guess I had assumed it would be like Cheers or FTTF and we'd need to pay when we book.    I appreciate you clearing that up for me as it helped me make the decision to book it right away.  

  18. On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 12:01 PM, airlink diva said:

    I strongly encourage to book before your cruise.  I sailed on the Dream in December and when we gathered together, it was mentioned a second table group was arranged during our cruise due to a waitlist.  Now I don't know if the list was pre cruise or not.

    If you decide to wait until on board, I would try to board early as possible and head right to book

    Thanks so much.    I did get online and request a reservation on line for the two of us.      We're the only two more food adventurous people in our group and have always talked about trying it.     Howe was it?   Did you enjoy?



    Did you get a reservation confirmation email back right away?  or was it right before your cruise?


  19. 16 hours ago, coevan said:

    it literally takes 2 minutes, doesn't have time/

    True, but he's never booked it before so he doesn't know that.    And right now between working very long days and then coaching his daughter's softball team as well as traveling for his son's travel team,   he is truly pressed for time most days lately.  

    He didn't ask me to do it and certainly didn't say he couldn't.  I was just going to offer to do it for him so I could take something "off his plate" so to speak.   I wanted to be sure I COULD do it while doing mine before I offered to do it.  

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