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Posts posted by ho-hum

  1. Thank God you did not accuse me of being the Cruise Director.:eek::D


    Cruise director ! You ! Certainly not: your character is played by Lee Marvin !


    Your other recommended film: "Ship of Fools", 1965.

    Just loved it.

    Come on readers check the trailer out on this link:


    Again loved the lines, such as:


    "Our mission in life is to avoid being foolish.

    We wind up being the biggest fools of all."

    Amen (none bigger than ho hum)


    "You see the kind of characters we get on this ship

    I get a cold shudder every time I go to the Captain's table"

    (especially when passengers have had too many Long Islands....you know who you are. Haha)


    Some of the illustrious cast:

    Vivien Leigh: ended up living 20 minutes away from old ho hum (in an asylum: so very sad. True: Royal Earlswood Mental Hospital)

    Simone Signoret: mature woman of the world……..akarumba !

    Lee Marvin: you Jim, right, right, right

    Jose Greco: Commander Courageous to a “T" and he croons

    Michael Dunn: old ho hum (not as tall tho’)

  2. Ragnar,

    Jim's right there are some amazing eats in this part of UK but do you really have the time ?



    Happy to pick you up from LGW,

    take you to lovely home for champagne or whatever

    followed by simple meal (bowl of pasta; sorry) and great wines.

    Taxi to Sofitel (£45) by friendly taxi driver


    stay night (detached accommodation) followed next day by taxi to LHR




    On arrival, taxi to local hotel, have great meal, stay night, taxi to LHR.




    Dates ?

    Hope it helps. Anyway, good luck. Just a thought.

  3. Loved "Carry on Cruising". In a similar vein, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in "Out to Sea" were good too. But then Lois always said I reminded her of "Ship of Fools".:eek::D


    "Out to Sea" ? Never heard of it (in UK) BUT Jim says it good

    So it's got to be worth a gander on YouTube.

    Laughed ? It was hilarious.

    The one liners !


    "I saw you staring at my daughter's chest.

    Well I used to be a cardiologist"


    "Those sharks are so big, they would swallow you whole

    Swallow my what.......?”


    “There’s no such thing as “too late”

    That’s why they invented death”


    "Come on Charlie, we’re writing history

    I’ve seen history, it stinks"


    A beautiful lady asks "So when do you reach your sexual peak"

    ....(Walter Matthau looks at the second hand on his watch)


    These films would go down so well on Sea Dream.


    Check the trailer out on this link on YouTube, its worth the effort:


    The only question ho hum has, is Jack Lemmon playing Jim and Walter Matthau playing Dave or is it the other way round ? Haha (ho hum has refrained from disclosing the film series the two main characters played in out of respect).

  4. well, not really done, just for 2015. After sailing with Azamara since it's inception, we've done just about every itinerary that we want to and 2015 doesn't have anything that excites us. We also sail with Oceania but are wondering if there are other options with similar style, size and quality that might fill in gaps. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Try Sea Dream.

    Only 112 passengers.

    Best crew in the world.

    Food divine.

    Diverse itinerary.

    Many AZ staff "cut their teeth" on SD (aint that right Larry, Johannes...).

    It's a classic experience.

    Fellow passengers nice too.

    Just mention ho hum recommended Sea Dream and you will be served champagne free of charge all the long day.

    Well good luck with whatever you choose.

  5. (Harro.....geddit)

    Well the night time fog is replaced by the day time fog caused by herds of smokers disconsolately puffing on their fags (no, not that kind: cigarettes, well really) around the huge buildings.


    So tailors first to "run up" some new jackets then try to find Poppy's restaurant.

    Had an amazing meal, too much food so brought back in a lovely bag.

    Finish off the rest with a chilled DP (brought with ho hum, no not cheap just careful like Jack Benny. Very funny man.).


    Now ho hum will admit it, although having a Chinese name, he was not a great fan.

    But this time, he finds the people are lovely.

    So ho hum regales this delightful discovery to travelling companion and "light of his life".

    Are'nt the people here lovely ?

    If you bought me the equivalent of what we're spending here on jewellery, even I would be lovely to you.

    How much is it costing to stay here then ?

    When told ho hum remembered and shouted the name his old friend Ho Li Fuk !

  6. .........must be doing a double shift today!

    Tea houses, well, we were advised to visit the famous 80 year old tea house as one "..............

    South China Sea can get a bit bumpy so bring your Sealegs.

    Enjoy your trip, when is it or is that too nosey too. P:)


    Thanks for valuable offerings (yet again). Your photo was at bottom of page.

    Had an amazing first night snack at Cafe Gray in The Upper House hotel with various libations (Japanese expresso stout beer: a kind of racy Guinness, mmmmmm).


    Visits to eateries (and anywhere else for that matter) are now frankly limited due to a sudden recurring disability (yes as well as feeble mindedness) but on the plus side made it thro' HK airport in a wheelchair in a flash with a tiny little Chinese lady (pushing ho hum up the long ramps was a bit embarrassing tho').

    A man came up and asked if oxygen was needed.

    For whom, ho hum or the charming little lady ? Give it her, she needs it more than ho hum.

    An attempt to reassure ho hum didn't quite go as intended when the young lady said "you dont like to be burden on people do you ?"

    Well ho hum does'nt really mind darling, been a burden to everybody all my long, long day. Haha


    Ho hum trip you ask ? Ho hum's trips are kept "under wraps" as various establishments have received a spike in cancellations from their clientele in the past when ho hum has given out his travel plans causing them severe financial loss, so he has kept "schtum" !


    (Schtum is a British word with Yiddish sounding overtones used by the criminal class in 1950's Britain. And before you ask, no ho hum does not frequent the criminal classes of any era but he was very influenced watching early British cinema before moving on to American Westerns !

    Had a gun and outfit and hat and everything and a gang.

    Former gang members now reputable high court judge, medical consultant and Bishop: how we struck fear into them girls ! Well not Doris Giggleswate from the Council estate, she hit the Bishop and made him cry.

    Well enough of this tale telling tittle-tattle. Gang member code of honour stuff.

    That not kissin' girls rule only lasted a couple of months except for the Bishop but then it was easier for him as we later found out many hears later when he introduced us to Walter.


    Posting from a very, very foggy HK.

    A right pea souper and make no mistakes me lady, Lord love a duck !

  7. Ho-hum, as usual, your posts are among the most entertaining on this site. I have been trying to increase my size for several years, but taking Viagara only makes it difficult to fit on the elevator with others at peak periods.


    Please check the drug warning label............the bit about mixing alcohol (martinis, in your case) and the strange effects it may have (or is definitely having in your case !). Haha


    In your honour, Ho hum will be requesting Shaun & Zoltan to create "The Commodore ******-tini" cocktail, twisted and served straight up ! Akarumba !!

    What does "straight up" even mean ? No ho hum is not a martini drinker: is it named after an Italian called Martin ?


    (Noted you've booked another line and appreciate your understandable reasons but keep posting, please. Your informed and experienced viewpoint (as a regular cruiser) has been most valued. You are great fun too and will always be welcomed in this little corner of the forum).

  8. ..........up early I see, probably fitting in that extra 'paper round'.:D

    Have you had a look at the Canton..................you joining a cruise in HK, maybe I'm being too nosey? Hope you enjoy your trip. P


    Poppy darling,

    (yes just back from the paper round, damn that Commander Courageous and his expensive villa. Bit early yourself, mind you those cows won’t get milked by themselves !)


    How wonderful to hear from you and thanks so much for your valuable recommendations.

    As you know ho hum loves fish & vegetarian food; in fact positively prefers them. We will check with concierge but what’s been seen online looks fantastic. Thanks. Won’t go anywhere again without checking with you first !


    Pssssstttt (bend down closer to the screen; ho hum’s typing this quietly, now this is just for you Poppy darling, don't tell a soul, but yes, 'tis true, ho hum is travelling to HK very soon then bo…..(interference)..........a small ya……interference)……......... it will be lovely seeing all those chums on……interference)…….........ho hum wishes you were coming.

    What time's we would have gal ! Yeeehhhaaaa ! (as you cow gals say).


    To all you other dear readers: are there any other restaurants or teahouses recommended ?

  9. I woke up this morning confused because the cable box said it was one hour l"..........nt, I made myself a martini and went out for lunch where I had several more. As a result, I am now ready for more of ho-hum's idle jottings and another martini.


    So let old ho hum get this right.

    What you seem to be implying old chum,

    Is that ho hum's "posts" only seem intelligible after a few martini's !!

    Well at least ho hum has given you the perfect excuse !! (as if you really needed one).



    Keep up the honest reporting on SD.

    It’s really important to have your valued experience of other lines and how they communicate (or not) to their clients.


    Photo, perfectly pictures how (most) posters feel getting info from Sea Dream about Kids, Engines, price of coffee beans........etc. (for some reason ho hum cannot get any photo bigger than thumbnail size. You will have to increase size yourself. Sorry. Any advice appreciated).


  10. Hey JoAnneB

    Did you know it will soon be the 10th anniversary of postings on The Sea Dream Yacht Club forum

    and guess what again

    you were the first !!!!!


    Please make contact with ho hum on the .....idle jottings thread of The Sea Dream Yacht Club forum.

    Ho hum has so many questions to ask you; you have such experience of cruising.


    Kind regards

  11. oh.....and another thing

    there is the best joke ho hum has ever heard (German AND nautical related; how about that)

    but ho hum will only share the joke for a special occasion or if mercilessly begged to share it (über control freak ehh !!)

  12. Dear ho humm,


    IF in Hongkong stay away from all the.......................

    If you want to eat sensationally good cantonees food go to one of the little teahouses where the locals go for lunch and you will have ridiculously wonderful dim sum.

    Bon appetit



    Sehr geehrter Herr (oder Frau),

    (Dear sir (or madam)),


    vielen Dank, dass sie sehr informative

    (Thank you for you very informative posting).


    Ho hum ist in ihrer Schuld.

    (Ho hum is in your debt).


    How truly awful ! Your (expensive, no doubt) dining experiences ruined.

    So this is not simply differing traditional etiquette,

    it sounds like "nouveau riche" trash ! Noooooooo !

    So it's a teahouse for us also then (or maybe it will be room service.

    The hotel we are staying in is supposed to be amazing,

    we will have fantastic views.

    We will hopefully be dining with chums for most of our time on SD

    so it will be great to have special moments with the lady of ho hum's life

    and maybe ho hum will bring a couple of Dom P's in hand baggage for the occasion.


    Ho hum needs to save every penny/dime/sous if sharing a future villa cost in St.Barths with Commander Courageous !

    He has also already had to take on an extra "paper round" to gain extra funds

    and he's suggested to lady hum that she should buy no more shoes....that did'nt go to plan !


    "I'll stop buying shoes, if you stop buying wine" ! Yikes.


    Presently we are in an awkward stand off.

    One more "paper round" looks likely !


    Noch einmal vielen Dank freund

    (Thankyou again friend)


    Ho hum has met some wonderful German chums onboard; he has a funny story about one couple.

    But maybe ho hum is being over-familiar………..another time perhaps.

  13. ... or at least medicinal marijuana.


    Of course one would expect Ho-Hum, a perfect gentleman, to escort a

    slightly inebriated damsel back to her cabin. But, the absence of a more

    romantic ending is hardly fodder for a cinematic opus.

    Knowing Ho-Hum's BW (beautiful wife), however, would rule out any

    such dalliance. Hollywood's loss!


    In Hong Kong you might consider Alvin Leung's Bo Innovation. Gets

    great reviews and, you no doubt have sampled his culinary talents at

    Bo London on your side of the pond.


    Know that I am in the process of putting my vocal selections together

    for October so order up the Henri Richebourg Grand Cru ... a SeaDream

    select (yeh, right) and keep the humorous musings coming.


    Suggesting ho hum's postings may at least (at least, mind you !) be due to partaking of medicinal marijuana is in a similar vein of wholly un-true, devious suspicions as those of Jim & "Martini" Dave's own cheeky allegations.


    So that's two Hollywood productions ho hum has inspired but ho hum is more suited to the 1960's British classic comedy “Carry on Cruising”; sheer brilliance. Check out the trailer to it below;



    You will be surprised to hear that ho hum knows very little about Chinese food let alone Cantonese food principally because there are very few restaurants locally and because ho hum is a wine lover.

    Those restaurants that abound tend to be in the less posh parts, are garish, proclaiming "No MSG" in red pen on white plastic boards in the window (classy), where the servers pour the orange coloured, Szechuan rose wine up to the rim of the glass between every modest sip and whom appear physically unable to smile.


    Riesling and Gewurz' are the standard pairings for Chinese food but ho hum only likes these wines as a single aperitif serving.

    Which just leaves champagne but paying $250+ for a basic champagne in HK takes some swallowing (both literally and metaphorically) !

    No we will probably try Chinese rice wines. Ho hum loves sake.


    Bo is a great recommendation. Thanks. Our mutual Danish x-ing (no not cross-dressing) friend has recently recommended the very same restaurant.


    Ho hum fears your excellent "crooning" will be no match for the (very sad to say) simply appalling piano playing historically encountered.

    What do others think ? The piano player on SDI is "getting" rave reviews (well just from you CC actually but your the expert).


    Do you mean the Henri JAYER Richebourg Grand Cru ?

    Have you ever had it ? Details (privately if you wish).

    One bottle of the 1987 is more than the forthcoming HK trip (even before a 200% restaurant mark-up !).

    Is this the kind of libation you imbibe on a Friday night with your beaver offal caught in the traps surrounding your old wooden cabin in the deepest forests of cold and icey Canada ?


    Ho hum has started thinking. Maybe you should let ho hum know what the St.Barth's rental share is likely to be before we make final arrangements for 2015 ! Yikes !


    What do others think of the piano playing ? Is ho hum being un-fair ?

    Yes it's agreed they do other important jobs (hopefully better than their piano playing: they are not in charge of monitoring water quality by any chance ? Ho hum sees a trend here).

    And yes they are all truly lovely guys (ho hum feels such a cad).

  14. As a suggestion, why not e-mail the Concierge at The Upper House, I am sure they will have contacts at the absolute best in HK.

    Enjoy your stay at a magic hotel.


    Thanks rl787; have done just that.

    There is talk of a "Gourmet foodie's tour"; we think this is "street food" and which we have enquired about.

    The hotel does sound great.

    Thanks again.

  15. does anyone know any really great Cantonese restaurants in HK close to The Upper House hotel.......yes ho hum wants it all


    Oh and any food recommendations......my (Chinese) consultant recommended roast goose......yum.....he also recommended chicken feet broth....eeewwww

  16. (Inspired by recent posting: engine updates ?)


    Now lady, put down that Long Island Iced Tea and back away from the bar !

    You know it makes you a little cranky (after the third one).


    Keep those arms raised. Yes you can pick up your handbag.

    No funny moves now.

    Come along little lady. Tonight's over for you.

    Lets go quietly.

    Yes we all love Shaun.

    "We all live on a yellow sea dream"

    You wrote it yourself; how clever and talented.

    Move right along, mind the stairs. Careful now.

    No we wont stop in and see Zoltan in the piano bar tonight.

    Yes, ho hum's really, really mean, is'nt he.

    Yes I know all the doors look similar. Yes, its a very bad design.

    No we will fill the Guest Questionnaire later. Yes ho hum will remind you.

    We've gone down too many stairs ?

    Well that would explain the crew looking at us rather oddly.

    But are you really staying on deck 5.

    With the nice doctor. Really.

    Now you remember, it has a 3 in it. Ok we're getting somewhere.

    Sorry you are right, you didnt say level 3.

    Hello night stewardess, yes we've been for a lovely walk.

    Yes we know we're in port but the lady says she feels the "swell".

    Yes, it is quite bad.

    But if you take your other shoe off, it might help a little.

    In this swell, yes I suppose you're right.

    Can you kindly check this lady's cabin number, please.

    Sorry, right again. Ho hum stands corrected: Stateroom number.


    Oh sorry you said a 3 was'nt in it, ho hum's mistake.

    Now dont cry, pretty please.

    No problem at all. Goodnight, hope the bed bugs dont bite.

    No it's a saying. You dont have to call housekeeping for a de-infestation.

    Yes and you sleep well too.


    You meet such interesting people on Sea Dream.

    Oh well ho hum.


    "We all live on a yellow sea dream,

    yellow sea dream, yellow sea dream

    We all live on a yellow sea dream,

    yellow sea dream, yellow sea dream


    As we live a life of ease (life of ease)

    Every one of us has all we need

    Sky of blue and sea of green

    On our yellow sea dream"


    Now that my Sea Dream friends, is going to annoy the hell out of you all the long day.

    In a nice way.



    ho hum penned this posting in his usual nonsensical manner, far from more earnest threads so as not to pollute their subject matter and draw the wrath of some serious folks.


    ho hum has no wish to cause offence but simply to create a little amusement.


    To other posters of a similar leaning (or disorder); feel free to use this small outpost as a forum for your own nonsensical/amusing offerings.

  17. Chief Purser Elena Savin has been appointed Manager of The Year 2013.

    Utility Housekeeping Arneil Velasco has been appointed to Employee of the year 2013 onboard SeaDream II.

    Elena Savin. Smiling and always ahead of her work, agents and authorities always mentioned how effective she is with a smile, and so do here colleagues onboard

    Arneil has always been positive and hard worker and showed always willing to go the extra mile for his colleagues and family onboard.


    Great guys, fully deserved but very tough competition from an excellent crew who ho hum would like to award joint best crew in the world (tied with SD I) !

  18. Glad to hear Rockpool is still worth a visit even if Pony Tail hasn't moved on with the times.

    Not a fan of Rose at the best of times..its neither here nor there for me. Prefer the bold reds (Curly Flat...nice) and oaky dry whites. But am happy to try whatever arrives ...do they carry AU or NZ wines on SD? And chocolate..they better carry lots of that too :D Haven't tried Jacquart but I am sure its fine!

    If I can think of any more questions you will be the first to know Ho Hum!

    Thanks for your advice so far and look forward to meeting you!


    Yes, yes & yes. Oz, NZ wines & gorgeous petit fours as well as scrumptious desserts.

  19. 'Now old ho hum was a vegetarian for over 20 years but only for ethical reasons but he still loves mainly a vegetable based diet purely for flavour. "....................Was a vegetarian?:eek: I hope you still are,I am too, and for ethical reasons too. The thought of veal or suckling pig turns my stomach. Such a cruel life ending in a very frightening cruel slaughter for the poor animal. Anyway how are the veggie options on Seadream ?

    I did 7 weeks on Seabourn last year and although the breakfast and lunch had a reasonable choice, the mains at night in all restaurants were basically a double portion of a starter, repeated week in week out. I'm not a raw person but thought I would like to experience it, maybe once. Look forward to hearing about what kind of veg dishes you experienced onboard and how you rated them.

    Love you calling me 'young Poppy'. You're the only one who calls me that. :)


    Also sounding decades younger, (which I'm not but )I think I can live with that because I feel I'm a happy young person enjoying life to the full. :)


    Poppy, the menu provide dishes that are delicious for everyone, some just happen to be all vegetables and there is a fair choice of them too and they are rated as equivalent to all the other dishes (sometimes better).


    Ho hum's travelling partner is a vegetarian and would never accept second best. The food is a main reason for going on SD.


    Do you eat fish, prawns, squid, clams ? There is always at least two fish dishes.


    The chefs will prepare anything you like and gladly; they just need to know. (As Lady V earlier advised).


    Finally may old ho hum respectfully suggest that you email Sea Dream at

    info@seadream.com and ask for a full of lunch and dinner menus to be scanned and sent to you.

    If that fails then ho hum will email a "big wig" and provided you have emailed them with your contact details then ho hum's sure you will receive the menus either online or by post.

    Please do not give any contact details on this forum, sorry, you know this already.


    When were you thinking of taking voyage young Poppy ?

  20. Hmmm.... I guess both kidneys and liver have had their fair share of wear and tear but still a bit of use in them yet though!

    Warney sounds like he has a better rep in UK than in his home country! He looks a bit different now, unnatural even. Maybe Liz helped him there :confused:

    Will suggest Mr Gyro brings a jacket..so its all good. I will bring a shiny dress :D and even proper shoes!

    We haven't been to India before but other places where jabs and such are required. We spend a lot of time in the Pacific Islands lately, we have a little holiday house on one. Rajastan would be exciting...its on the bucket list for next time. Looking forward to the markets and decent v HOT curries in Mumbai too.

    You obviously would have enjoyed the Gosset but how was the meal at Rockpool? Did it compare to SD favourably? What champagne do they have on SD?



    Oh and we were getting on so well. Well keep your organs then !


    Mr.G really does'nt need a jacket especially if he is young (-ish) & trendy (like you......oh what a creep). It will be a relaxed voyage. And if we eat outside then it will be even more casual.


    Warney has definitely had surgery, his lips make him look like a "gubba" fish. Liz obviously likes a bit of "rough" but not too much hence the make over. He reminds me of a poodle now at Liz's beck and call "here Warney, heel Warney".


    Meal at Rockpool.

    Well a grand old bank in former times as you very likely know.

    Our party sat in central area after hanging out in bar next to, you know who (it really does'nt suit him, you're right. Well us old guys are desperately hanging on to some youthfulness making us a stud for the gals (getting creepier.... Stop now).


    The guys and gals that work at Rockpool are are all sophisticated models working here part time: gorgeous, aloof and a bit mechanical who have never eaten a decent sized meal in their lives.

    Loved the chairs (padded, wide, arm rests). Good sized solid tables. Menu far too big and reads badly. Wine list, pretentious, favouring French wines which cost a fortune (had a Curly Flat pinot noir and two Pierro chardonnays: latter chosen by chum putting us up. Good choice tho' a tad sweet).


    Finally the meals, everybody loved all the starters and mains. The duck main was far too large. The whiting fish was really quite small. And that was how the table was divided. Service was slow but no problem to us as we had a lot to catch up on. Oh the starters varied enormously in size too. Squid and pork for old ho hum: wonderful.

    The bread was fantastic. Artisanal french style baguettes. Yum. A bit noisy so we all changed places before mains however after a few bottles were under our belts, we were all less restrained and could hear one another.

    Our Sydney chum who eats out a lot (high end) said he loved the meal, he said it was typical grill style but he agreed the portions were large.


    Sea Dream dining is always of a very high standard and the portions are perfect for regular daily dining. SD cannot be compared with Rockpool and frankly ho hum has no idea how it compares to other cruise lines but judging by reviews it is right up there.

    Now in the early years, whenever ho hum was dining out, he would say to himself "SD is far better than this !" And so has it continued. Ho hum's a gourmand and he's happy.

    The service is brilliant.


    The house champagne is Jacquart. It's fine but with a short finish. You can of course upgrade and buy champagnes but they are only chosen by ho hum for special occasions. Ho hum buys a lot of wine onboard though, mainly preferring New World wine because it is more robust and stable when kept onboard. The French Burgundies are generally too delicate but had a very nice Corton-Charemagne, 2008, Louis Jadot (twice).

    The mark up on wines is generally double: that is quite reasonable.

    The house wines are good enough but the roses are disgusting. Roses can be bought but they are too expensive. SD has been told about this many times but old ho hum is ignored.


    Any more questions ? Very nice chatting with you Gyroscopic. Hell knows what the near 600 views make of it all. Maybe they will tell us !

    "Shut up ho hum, you old fool"

    Listening to that DK cd now, with a nice chilled Pommery and views to the bridge on a wonderful evening in Sydney before 30 of our chum's friends and family join us. Such fun !

  21. Ho hum you always have a very colourful reply which I love. Think I was probably an unexpected child born later in life to to my unhippylike parents born in the 1920's. I hope your burly male nurses are going to accompany you on your next trip as I am thinking of booking a little 7day taster cruise with Seadream so I hope they're onboard if I take ill. Only joking, being serious now I believe Seadream have introduced a 'Raw food menu' onboard. That would interest me. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this menu and I would appreciate their reviews.



    .....verily the force is strong with you, young Poppy....


    It is you who should be telling us what to eat and how you retain our vitality: you "sound" decades younger darling, good on you.


    Ho hum's, independent living, 95 year old is still ahead of you tho' and she was still smoking up to 2 years ago, even tho' ho hum warned her that smoking may shorten her life !

    These old people dont listen to the youngsters to-day.


    Lady V is absolutely right. Just tell a waiter, maitre d', hotel manager or chef of your allergies and preferences and they will be glad to assist, really glad, honestly, cross my heart and hope to.....well lets not go that far !


    For a comprehensive insight into the Raw Food section may ho hum refer all interested parties to a few websites.

    The first website relates to a healthy food site shown on Sea Dream television in the cabin and includes juices (which are available at breakfast).




    The second website is an American medical appraisal of the Raw Food diet.




    The reason it is on Sea Dream is entirely due to the owner and his family who are great advocates and practitioners. If you were fortunate to ever meet one of their daughters, you would be instantly impressed. A beautiful young lady, exceptional good manners, kind and well educated. A great example of healthy living.


    Essentially it is vegetable based and cooking temperatures are kept low as it is claimed the nutrients are destroyed above certain temperatures.


    There are other vegetarian options on the menus apart from Raw Food.


    Now ho hum will cause a bit of controversy now. Some of the Raw Food claims may be considered....well how do you put it......stretching credulity.

    Now old ho hum was a vegetarian for over 20 years but only for ethical reasons but he still loves mainly a vegetable based diet purely for flavour.

    Sometimes you hear very strange claims for the Raw Food Diet: some can be taken with a pinch of salt.........sorry seasoning (too much salt is bad for the heart).


    By the way eggs on SD do not need salt as the hens onboard are naturally exposed to sea salt. The two chickens are kept outside the Captain's quarters in a narrow but long coup hence they can be called free range. Naturally the Captain picks the freshest eggs for his egg nog at the start of the day. Privileges of rank I guess. Oh well, ho hum.

  22. You make all the references of experienced world travellers and you are expertly prepared: you really fooled old ho hum, you could help him, he needs it sometimes !


    Just came from Brisbane where we stayed 3 nights with SD chums, now staying 6 nights with SD chum in Sydney who also considers DK live in Paris to be best album.


    How amazing is all that: now make my day and tell me your kidney (or liver) is compatible too !


    Old Warney is a God in the UK, there may well be a temple to him. Liz certainly changed him but his contribution to the Aussie cricket team cant be denied.


    Ho hum has never seen YT videos of SD so lets just say the ladies can wear practically anything except shorts. Men will be expected to wear shoes (not sandals), trousers (not jeans) and long sleeved shirts but only in the dining room. The out-standing and unique feature of SD is the dining outside where standards are more relaxed so that sandals, trousers and short sleeved shirts are acceptable. Ho hum wears an unlined dark jacket for cocktail Captain evenings or when eating with officers and older more formal friends (Captain Courageous: very elegant man in the Sinatra style but "blue chip") but this is soon whipped off: ho hum's old !

    This voyage will not be full and as it is essentially a re-positioning (Asia to Med) it is expected to be even more informal than if it were the Med say.


    There was a group called the Gyroscopes from Perth hence the guess.


    Ho hum is staying two weeks in Rajasthan prior to trip (two Aman hotels); did the same at the end of the trip from Athens. Ho hum loves India.


    Owner of Rockpool was there: sat right next to him (didn't recognise ho hum, didn't even flinch when a Gosset champagne bottle was ordered, smiled nicely to one another tho').

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