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Posts posted by cantgetin

  1. On 9/5/2024 at 6:26 AM, WickedRed said:



    Also agree that VVs descriptions need more.  Weight limits.  I wish they would include those. 

    Weight limits are appropriate if you are on a zip line, riding a horse, or something similar and should be listed when they impact the activity.  But as noted, weight alone is not indicative of health or physical ability.

  2. If you know the US TA that you want to transfer to, they can take care of all of it for you.  You can also phone VV and sailor services will answer.  You might even get someone who knows what they are doing and can help you, but don't count on it!


    I have a great TA, but as others have said, recommendations are not permitted here.  You might get suggestions on other sites.

    • Haha 1
  3. 12 hours ago, neverendingcruising said:

    I heard on another unnamed site that you can buy bar tabs in Miami at the port before boarding the ship so that might be an option now if you need to wait until last minute on an upgrade bid. 

    Policy may have changed, but it used to need to be purchased at least 2 days in advance

  4. Location varies depending on numbers involved.  In 4 sailings, never had one on The Perch. We've been at the Athletic Club bar area which was roped off and on THe Dock.  Just pay attention to the announcement on the app.  The first time, we got in invitation in the room.  Recently, it has not happened that way and we actually missed one,

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  5. Gretchen basically said what I was going to--that there is covid everywhere.  You won't know whether you got it on the plane, the airport, the ship, at a hotel, or whatever.  I've been avoiding any large groups since 2021 for a couple of reasons...and then after my flight picked up what I used to call "airplane crud,"  A friend once pointed out that whenever I flew, I'd get a cold a few days later.  It isn't covid this time, but I'm still coughing.

    You can't avoid everything.  Take reasonable precautions--lots of hand washing, particularly before eating. Keep you hands away from your face.  Stay away from anyone who appears sick, coughing, etc. Stay well hydrated as dry mucous membranes are more suseptible to virus particles.  You all know the drills.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Travel-and-See said:



    Yeah... I haven't been overly impressed with the Happening Cast on either cruise. I would describe them as Camp Counselors who are trying way too hard to be hip. That's not necessarily a knock on them, I think that's what Virgin is going for.  There was one on my second cruise who really went out of their way to greet everyone and be "in character" - if they were all like that the concept would work.  


    They struck me as theatre or music majors basically right out of college getting whatever job they could.  Sometimes WAY too loud.  One "The Artist" was awful.  We had a couple on my last cruise who were really good.

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  7. Sorry, 57 nights on board over 4 cruises and I can't remember the names.  Overall, it has been a mixed lot.  On comedienne was quite awful--all the jokes were about being fat and dating at 40.  Several of the other comedy/show type acts were decent.  Many of the musicians were very good.  Sorry I can't be more specific.  We didn't see many repeats on our successive cruises.

    As far as the Happenings Cast, Carlos was amazing.  The problem is that after Carlos, no other Diva can compare.  Most of the other Happenings positions were good, a couple really lacking.

  8. I think of a buffet as a "get your tray, go thru the line."  Some cruise lines have instututed more of a  stations concept, but still with the get yout tray, get your food, hope no one has mis-handled serving items or done other gross things.  In my mind, a food court is more of a "go to the stations" or be served from the stations.  I do like that at VV, the crew are the only ones who will handle the food before it comes to you/me.  Probably just semantics and not worth the difference......


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  9. 2 hours ago, Travel-and-See said:

    That's what I did for Brunch at the Wake and it was exactly as you described and yes I got in.  I didn't realize they did this for Dinner as well, the times I've tried or overhead walk-ups (not at the wake but at others) it was either yes we have walk-up or no we are completely booked.


    If I don't get a reservation for the wake next time I'll give this a try! 


    2 hours ago, Travel-and-See said:


    We didn't experience wait lists until our April cruise.  It was a nice addition.  The guy at the podium would take our name and stateroom and text if they had a no show.  And it was a nice "in addition" to walk ups, not a replacement for them

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  10. 1 hour ago, Travel-and-See said:



    The Wake is the most popular followed by Extra Virgin and Pink Agave.  The others are pretty easy to get reservations for up to the day of in my experience. 


    Totally agree with this.  However, we have still, almost always been able to get "wait list" reservations at THe  Wake.  Waitlist means that when someone doesn't show up within 15 minutes of their scheduled time, the restaurant will send a notification thru the app to the next person on the list that your table will be held for 15 minutes.  You don't stand there and do nothing while waiting; you can go about your business.  When you get the notification, you respond that you are on the way or that you are no longer interested.  All I can say is that it worked for us multiple times.


    Walk ups are usually available at the less popular locations.  You show up and ask if you can be seated,  THey check the computer and tell you if and possibly when, although we've usually been seated within 10 minutes.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Pandacruisers said:

    My boarding time of 4.30 hasn’t changed since I bought the SoR and was just hoping to turn up early.

    It doesn't change on the app. It changes in real life when you show up at the terminal about 1pm.


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  12. This is my favorite food review.  It is a little out of date (has the old Razzle Dazzle menu,) but still mostly up to date.  There are some small alterations depending on where you are cruising. 

     There is no real buffet on VV.  It is much more a food court concept.  You can sit down and be served or go to the counter and place your order yourself--your choice.  There are daily specials at several of the locations that won't show up on the menu.

    The shorter the cruise and the more full the ship, the more difficult reservations can be.  We've only had 2 experiences where we were told outright that we couldn't be seated or the chances of a waitlist coming thru were very small (one brunch and one dinner at The Wake).  In each case, we were offered a reservation for the next day.  We've done same day reservations and waitlists multiple times and had them come thru.  People "no show" regularly without canceling--that's why you can get in on a wait list.

    I'm totally confused about a TA who has a special deal to get clients 60 day restaurant booking.  My TA has been in the top 10 agents of 2022 and 2023 and doesn't have such a deal.  I have not heard of VV favoring one agent over another prior to the statement in the above post.  They DO require agents to complete some level of VV training before they can book the line and those who complete the higher training are designated Gold tier agents.  In the past, the 100 who sold the most were invited on a celebration cruise with the execs and those in the top 10 got a few more perks.  There are thousands of agents who have completed the basic training, but that top 100 are people who really know the product inside and out.

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  13. As above, they ask that you not arrive  more than 30 minutes before your "terminal arrival time" which became 1:30 when you purchased SOR.  In our experience, check in has started between 1 and 1:30 with boarding starting at 1:30.  Suites board first followed by those with priority boarding.  On days when things were working right, we were in our cabin before 1:45.  We hit SNAFUs twice at Miami, but chances of the same mess happening again or to you are small.  Never had a boarding issue at Barcelona.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Advice--don't listen to shoreside Sailor Services.  THey had the wrong info on our first cruise.  I don't know how it is working now that SOME cruises have the C menu.  The easiest thing is to talk to the dining res people on embarkation day.  If you have the "wrong" menu, they can shuffle your reservations to get what you want,

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  15. If you win an upgrade bid, all perks follow you--Loot, Bar Tab, etc.  As Pam noted, some may be useless as they are duplicated by suite perks, but others are still worthwhile.  And if you become Mega, you can give or sell your bar tab to someone else.

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  16. Unless friend has been granted  VIP status, it makes no sense.  Black wrist bands are sometimes handed out to those who are not in suites--"Influencers," executives, some TAs, etc.  That gives them access to Richard's Rooftop and their accounts might be flagged for other suite perks.  Normally, suites are 60 days, all other cabins 45 days.  You can "link" reservations with your friends which allows you to book for each other, or you can have it taken care of on the ship.   Your TA can move your reservations if what you want is available, or you can call Sailor Services shoreside...or do it yourself on the app.  Each person has a different idea of what is a "good" slot.  More slots will open on embarkation day.  You an book them on the app once you board or you can go to an assigned location for help with reservations--usually Razzle Dazzle, but we once had it in Pink Agave.

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  17. 54 minutes ago, rebeccac said:

    Personally, I was not a huge fan of Richard's Rooftop.  Not enough shade.  Too windy when the ship was moving.  I spent less than two hours there on a five night cruise the one time we travelled as all  a Rockstar.  

    I didn't see it as that great.  Yes, smaller numbers of people and free drinks at certain times, but not nearly as nice as some of the reserved areas on other lines.  Sorry, I really don't think the suite benefits on VV are worth the cost unless you really like to drink.  In fairness, I've never done mega. and I do understand that there are many "unpublished" perks.

    I thought I was the only weirdo who had done everything from  an inside cabin to a suite on another line, but then I met someone on VV who had been in everything from an inside to a massive suite!  Yes, suites are better, but some  lines have better suite perks than others.


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  18. 12 minutes ago, WatermelonSugarHigh said:

    Is this is a cliffhanger 😂…what happened? 

    Because my travel buddy has a medical issue, we travel with a suitcase of medical supplies, braces, etc which  would be a disaster to have lost.  Thus, I always carry it on board. I turned over a suitcase that was intact (but not the medical bag) and it showed up in our room obviously cut.  The porter was really rude when I "only" tipped him $5 for 2 bags and carried the third one myself.  I obviously can't prove that the porter was responsible, only that he was rude.  But it wasn't like the suitcase "exploded " or ripped, it was obviously slashed.

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