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Posts posted by QuattroRomeo

  1. We are also fans of Dr Jason Fung - his book is so informative (The Obesity Code), and we use intermittent fasting as well as keto. Another good book is Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore. Both will give you many links to related websites and cook books. Dietdoctor.com is great and also provides many recipes and carb guidelines.Plenty of good fat in your diet is key, and stevia works for us too.


    We started fasting/ keto diet the last week of February. My hubby was getting dangerously high blood sugar levels and the dr. wanted him on more pills...but DH wants fewer pills..so we researched on our own and found this. Well, by his next blood test 6 weeks later, the dr says "what did you do?" Seems that everything 'bad' dropped quite a bit! In the meantime, the dr had already set him up with an endocrinologist to go over his insulin levels. So he went, even though things were improving. The specialist told him "there is nothing I could have given you that would have worked as well or as quickly as what you did-so keep doing it! " And no future appts required for the specialist.


    The great side effect was weight loss! I take no Rxs, but like many women of 'a certain age', the waistline had gradually gotten larger, and 'dieting' did not help at all. It was frustrating.

    So we started keto and fasting and stuck to it, quite strictly low carb. We had no bread, desserts, pasta, etc for months. The first slice of pie I had was in Sept. when I visited Mom..baker extrordinaire.. I have lost 40 lbs. and reached my goal weight. We still keep carbs between strict and moderate levels, and fast. This Dec will be my first cruise since all of this began, so I know I can enjoy myself and still fast when I get home!

    The funny thing is though, you don't want sweet stuff after you do this. When you eat something like a chocolate or candy bar, you cannot believe how sickenly sweet it tastes after you've reset your blood sugar levels, and you don't want it anymore.

  2. I find desserts on most cruise ships kind of subpar, with a few exceptions. They are too much like desserts you buy in the frozen department at a store. Probably with good reason.


    I think this is pretty close to the truth. Whether they are actually made on board or not, the problem with most of them is the same as in many cafes/restaurants, and grocery bakeries, in North America- they don't use real ingredients any more. No butter, cream, whipping cream, chocolate etc. No wonder they are tasteless! Ditto for many croissants, sweet rolls, etc. They look good, they last a long time, but they taste like nothing. If I'm having a treat, I want the calories to be worth it!:rolleyes:

  3. Yes the flowers are lovely and fresh. The roses wilt faster than the other arrangements, but do last well for about a week if you keep the cabin air conditioned. The bouquet you're looking at does really well.

    Depending on what other amenities you like, you might consider ordering one of the anniversary packages instead, that includes the roses. Not a bad deal if you like the other things! We've done it both ways.

  4. Probably like many of you, we look for cruises with interesting itineraries, that preferably have some new ports for us, at the best base price. For us, the base price is even more important because of exchange rates. The promotions that have come along with great fanfare, have not yet surpassed the price value we have gotten by booking early with few perks. Thanks to CC posters, we now look way ahead for cruises.


    We went back to NCL in 2013 after reading how service had improved, and we do enjoy the flexible dining times and choices of specialty restaurants. However, most lines now offer some variation of flex dining times and are adding more specialty restaurants, so that is becoming less of a draw. And with the prices going up so much on NCL, it is practically moot.


    We weren't very impressed on our NCL cruise last year with various things, and also got denied an extra loyalty point post-cruise for a yet to be determined reason. We also find that their itineraries in Europe are quite repetitive compared to other lines. The 2017 cruise we have since booked elsewhere has a great itinerary and a better price than the nearest comparable cruise on NCL, even with all the 'freebies', so it was not difficult to make that choice!

  5. Thanks to you both. We'll be staying pre-cruise in Ft.Lauderdale, so I can check the Publix nearby for either fresh or tinned. I would guess that people with babies have to bring formula or something with them but that would be tins as well, so just not sure about bringing fresh dairy.

  6. Anybody know if you can bring a carton of real cream on board to keep in your fridge? Half and half is not what we would usually use and prefer heavy cream, but it is always so difficult to get on cruises, even at the Java Cafe.

    If this is not allowed, are there any tinned creams in US grocery stores? (no sugar). Thanks for any help.

  7. Haven't been on the Breakaway and don't know if it varies that way, but we have done a few on NCL. They are a bit of fun for us but certainly not a 'fine wine' type of experience.


    We recall doing the one called Progressive and another called New World/Old World. Both cost $15.pp ($17.25 all in). It was an interesting variety. The only wines I can remember right now were Matua Valley Sauvignon Blanc, Colores del Sol, and a Beringer Cabernet. The experience varies depending on the Ship's Sommelier. On the Sun we had a great time and the Sommelier greeted us everywhere in the days that followed!

  8. We used Saku Travel for our excursion last September. It was a custom tour, as I wanted to see some of the countryside as well as Tallinn. It was hands down the best custom tour of the 3 I set up for our Baltic cruise ports! Maarja, our guide, was very helpful emailing me back and forth to create the perfect Town & Country tour for the day. Plus we had an excellent lunch in a tiny town in the country at a tavern, with excellent trout dishes from their trout pond. Through the roll call, I got a group of 8. Everyone loved their day.

  9. Thanks lifes a beach! It's great to know the company is flexible; I imagine it's not the first time a cruiser was late! :rolleyes:


    Out of curiosity, what ship were you on? Did they announce anything about the reason for them being late to anchor?

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