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Everything posted by sscohen

  1. We booked a private on a couple of tours in Iceland knowing there was a 50% refund if you didn't make it. I also used a credit card, sapphire, that includes trip insurance at no additional cost. We missed two ports. A total of $4000 for four of us. I received the 50% from the operator and the other 50% from my credit card. No issues.
  2. Just to add some more drama. I've checked multiple cruise port schedules and future literary sites and there is a window missing for the Millennium. It arrives in Singapore on March 4th, 2024 then nothing until April 21st from Yokohama. I've checked each port on the cruise I'm on and no Celebrity ships are in any of them during that time.
  3. Went well but I only needed four batteries. I took almost 4000 shots and never had to change out while on excursion. Only in between. I did use my balcony to remove cards and change batteries. Then sealed it and brough inside unopened until acclimated, about three hours. But the reality is I never needed to open it unless we were going by some cool scenery. I left a large desiccant in the dry bag and never needed to change out. Gave the other eight to the onboard photography guys. Drybag was just held between my legs on the zodiac. It did get slashed but nothing too bad. It was never rough enough to need to tie the bag down. Probably would not have allowed landings if seas were like that. I'm going to the Arctic next and will cut back on batteries to four and leave my ultra wide angle lens at home along with the assortment of filters. Never really needed beyond 24mm. I used my 100-400 for wildlife and the 24-70 for landscape. I am really glad I brought two bodies. also managed a few on my phone. I brought some nice waterproof ski gloves and never used them. I used some photographers gloves that the finger tips folded off. Highly recommend these. Other photographers used thin gloves or took off the thick ones to shoot.
  4. I took my 11-20 to Alaska, Galapagos & Antarctica to supplement my 24-70/24-105. Don't think I will take it anymore as I never use it, just takes up space. Then I feel obligated to use it. When I do, I take a few shots with it but I find either of my other two are better.
  5. Thanks. I bough a box of larger ones to stick in my dry bag. They're rechargeable but I will just use a new one a each day. I will not open my drybag in between excursions inside. I will leave it outside on the balcony and switch out batteries and cards there. Only at the end of the day will I bring the bag inside and let it climatize for a few hours before opening and getting ready for the next morning. Hopefully this should keep my lenses safe. Now, if I only had more weight allowance.
  6. You got me thinking about condensation and how I will be handling my gear. I plan on using a drybag backpack. I have a holster type camera bag and long lens case that both sit open in the drybag so I can pull out the camera I’m using. I also use a black rapid harness. Maybe I should get a second. I planned on leaving the gear in the airtight drybag until it acclimates, but I’ve been reading it could take hours. Longer than I expected. So, I’m thinking once I’m back on board, before heading inside I should remove the batteries and cards and place them into a small ziplock to heat up before backing up. And use a second set of cards and batteries with the gear, still sealed, on the next excursion. Am I overthinking? I also use a monopod with a quick release that doubles as a hiking stick.
  7. I expect it to be in the 30s. It gets colder where I live but I'm not usually outside for 2-3 hours at a time with a camera. I have an insulated pouch that can hold three E6s in it, along with a warmer that I plan on using. I have three chargers but planed to take two. Maybe I should tale all three. I guess the issue is weight. We have a charter flight from Santiago to Puerto Williams that has strict weight limitations. I was just trying to cut back. I have to carry on all the camera gear especially the batteries. I'm curious what your trick is. Thought I would let the cameras sit outside for a short time to acclimate.
  8. I keep reading that I should bring lots of batteries as the cold sucks the life out of them. But no specifics on how many. I will be in South Georgia & Antarctica. I'm taking a Canon Full frame with a 24-70 and a crop sensor with a 100-400 w/1.4 extender as needed. Both both bodies use the same batteries. I plan on one battery in each body plus a spare for each. We will have two excursions a day and an unknown time in between so I will need a second set. It takes a while to recharge. That's eight total. Is that enough or should I bring a few more? I have a bunch including the newer lithium's but it's the weight that worries me. Any insight? Thanks!
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