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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. On a happier note…back at “my spot” aka Alchemy. Had to come spend a little last quality time with my friends Angel, Santiago, Drazen, Carolina and Li. Currently sipping a mojito made by Carolina. These are her favorites to make! Dinner will be the steakhouse at 6:30, we made those reservations a few months ago. Figured it’s a good way to end the week!
  2. I’ve seen some LOVELY examples of parenting this cruise, including one child about 4 with floaties on their arms, alone in the ocean at about 3 feet deep, with the mom going (when questioned by a family member) “oh she’s ok, she can’t drown, she has floaties on.” Mom was sitting in a beach chair with a drink in hand. WHAT THE HECK!! I had to keep on walking, I was fuming inside.
  3. Oh, and have I mentioned how much I love this balcony?? We are currently sailing thru spurts of rain, but my balcony is nice & dry thanks to the overhang! The seas are so smooth right now.
  4. *Sigh* came back from grabbing one last Shaq’s sammich (none of my upcoming cruises have it onboard, so it was the obvious lunch choice), and someone, I’m hoping a child and not a grown adult, had drawn all over our cabin door with the marker for our dry erase board. I mean, REALLY?! Thank goodness it came off easily, but I’m still sad that someone would do that.
  5. At 1:27, the Red Frog Tiki Bar on Lido is HOPPING! I had to go tho and get myself a Caribbean Colada. It was good, but not quite what I remember it being in the past. Oh, and I think this guy is a tad confuzzled about when disembarkation day is…lol.
  6. I think I prefer the Tpool being separate….although, the noise may have helped mask my snores the other day lol. Those heated loungers are so relaxing!
  7. We decided after brunch that a little spa time was in order, so we headed back to the room to change. I love my towel animal farm! We spent about an hour in the spa, and guess what? I got y’all some pics! There was a 30 second window with nobody in the T-pool, and then when I went to the aromatherapy steam room it was empty too! So here’s a few pics for y’all to enjoy of those 2 areas. Was the spa pass worth it? We went 3 days, and spent 1-1.5 hrs there each time…so maybe. I’m a penny cruncher, so it’s hard for me to swallow the cost sometimes, but I do feel more relaxed and did enjoy my time in there. I do like the spa better tho on the Dream class ships…I like being up high and seeing the view, this spa is soooo closed in. On those ships I would happily book a spa cabin!
  8. I slept in until 9:26 this morning. I figured with it being our final day onboard I deserved to be a little lazy. It was wonderful. We headed to Java Blue for go-go juice and we’re in line at 9:52. They were pretty quick and efficient today, I had my iced caramel latte in hand at 9:57. It was perfect and gave me the energy I needed. I checked us in for sea day brunch at 9:58, and the app said under a 10 minute wait. I’d say it was pretty accurate today! I decided to give the eggs Benedict another try (I was so close to ordering something different, the huervos rancheros) and I’m glad I did…they were done right today. Yay!
  9. We ended up saying to heck with the MDR wait (being sat at 9-9:30? No thanks!) and ended up going to Rudi’s again. I won’t bore you with the menu pics again, but I did try and swap a few things up tonight! I ordered the lobster Mac & cheese at the suggestion of another cruiser…oh my! I loved it, Chris not so much. It was full of flavor and cheesy. I had the seafood bisque again, which was delish, and the crabcake, which was good, and for dessert I tried the apple cheese cake…I thought it was better than the steakhouse cheesecake! Service was top notch. It is now 9:45, and I’m done for the day. I wanted to do the rock & glow party at 10:45, but I’m getting old…I like my early bedtime!
  10. Tonight’s dinner menu. Elegant night #2. I really wanna try crawfish fettuccine, but the 120 minute wait is making it hard. Drazen’s drinks have me needing food SOON.
  11. The 3:45 comedy matinee was full by the time we got to the Limelight (3:33), soooo…it’s right next to Alchemy, there are seats available, that must be a sign, right?
  12. I lied, the burger wasn’t lunch. Shoulda known 10:30-6 would be too long and I’d get hungry. So, at 3:20 the hubs and I hit up the deli. I got the caprese as a regular sandwich, not heated. It was good.
  13. I believe I will be doing the same. Hmmm, hubby has less luggage than me, I think he can be the one to pack it. 😂
  14. Ok, I do have to have a negative post right now tho before I forget to mention it. I love our room location and the balcony, but a huge negative about it is the a/c. I’ve never understood people that complain about their rooms being hot, I guess I’ve always been blessed with a good room with good a/c…until now. This room (9374) is ok during the day for the most part, but at night, especially last night, it gets stuffy and HOT. I don’t have a thermometer to see how hot it is, but it’s like our a/c stops blowing at some point and I wake up sweating. I’m not old enough for menopause, and I asked Chris if it was just me, it’s not. Last night I literally had to kick all the covers and sheets off me and I was still miserable. We’ve made sure the balcony door is shut and latched, and we have the thermostat turned all the way down and we hit the little snowflake icon and it’s just…hot. I don’t get it. Also, the room steward…I’m not impressed. He came by and never offered an option of morning or evening service, only morning. We had M&Ms under the bed the first day and left them as a test…they’re still there. He doesn’t remove empty wine/drink glasses until they pile up (maybe I’m supposed to put them in the hallway, but I HATE doing that so never have and all my previous stewards have always taken them when they clean), and we had a random pair of sunglasses hung outside our room yesterday on the number thingy. They are not new, not mine, so I asked him if they had a lost & found they could put them in in case someone was looking for them…he goes, “just leave them there, someone will come back for them.” WHAT? I’m just unimpressed with his service so far. Ok, enough complaining. Back to gazing out at the sea and reading my book.
  15. After brunch, Chris and I decided to make use of the thermal pass. We changed and headed down, and I was suprised how NOT busy and crowded it was! We spent 2 hours alternating between the Tpool and the heated tile loungers. I may or may not have even fallen asleep on the lounger! It was restful and relaxing, exactly as it should be! I didn’t get any pics of the area as there were other passengers in there at all times, and I didn’t want to be a creep-o. We are now back at the room…Chris needed his nap, and I’m having much needed balcony time. I have this freaking amazing balcony and haven’t utilized it enough, so the next 2 days I’ve got to! As @Jamman54 said, it’s one of the few balconies that looks directly down at the water instead of being blocked by a lower deck. It’s also got an overhang giving me shade right now, so it’s the perfect afternoon hangout!
  16. Hello from somewhere at sea! We awoke this morning at about 9:20 and got ready for sea day brunch. I checked us in at 9:35, and it said under a 10 minute wait. Great, just enough time to head to Java Blue and get go-go juice! The white chocolate caramel frappe was absolutely wonderful. I sipped on it and we settled in at Fortune Teller bar to wait for our table to be ready. Under 10 minutes me toosh…at 10:01 we were finally notified. Oh well, I’m on vacation and don’t have to cook/do dishes/clean, so I’m not gonna complain. We headed to the MDR and were sat at a table for 2, and the server today was wonderful. I ordered the Voyage burger since I felt like 10:15 was an ok time to eat one, and this would also serve as my lunch today. When it came out, it was messy, delicious, and everything I had hoped and dreamed it would be. PERFECTO!!
  17. Yes, I had a really bad horseback riding accident several years ago. I’ve always been a firm believer in helmets, and that accident just really, really brought it home how important they are! HAHAHA!!!! They got it figured out quickly. Way to go to the engineers onboard! Steakhouse is $48/pp I believe. Holy moly, it was a delicious meal! Nap time is very, very necessary!!
  18. It’s now 10:15, and honestly even tho I didn’t do much today…I’m ready to call it a day. Maybe if I get a good night’s sleep I can rebound and have a late night tomorrow. Goodnight all!
  19. Ok, so where did I leave off earlier? Oh yes, dinner plans! We hung at Alchemy as we decided what we wanted to do for dinner. We had brought Drazen fresh expresso from Bar Della Rosa as he requested….he had a special drink In mind for us but needed that. His drink was PHENOMENAL yall. Oh my goodness! We finally decided at 7 to do the steakhouse at 8, so I made the reservation. We hung at Alchemy and had 1 more pre dinner drink, a “something spicy” from Angel. He’s secretly my favorite down there…everything he has whipped together has been spot on. We walked down to the steakhouse right at 8, and the service tonight was top notch! I got the baby spinach salad, which as always was good, and then the crab & mushroom risotto. It was ok, not my favorite I don’t think. For my main I got the shrimp….holy moly, those are the biggest shrimp I have seen in my life! They were delicious too. On the side I got mushrooms (mmmmm!) and Mac and cheese (meh). Dessert, which was unneeded because I was full, was the cheesecake…it was ok.
  20. Well, apparently MG is suffering from a propulsion issue. We are stopped in the water for engineers to work on it. I’ll update later when we hear how it’s going!
  21. Tonight’s dinner menu. Unfortunately I had chicken parm last night at Cucina, so the MDR tonight is a no go. Any guesses where we are heading?
  22. Have no fears!! That was my biggest worry prior to sailing MG last November. I despise crowds, ever since my TBI I get anxious in crowded situations. The first day can and will be hectic as everyone figures out “their” spot, but by day 2, the crowds have dispersed and are not at all like what you think they will be. As for showing up for shows…20 minutes will probably be ok for comedy (on this sailing at least) and theater, but the Center Stage (aka atrium) ones are a bit crazy to get seats for…so I just haven’t tried. They are more like an hr and people start camping out to reserve seats.
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