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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. We left Fishlips at 4:53 and came back to the hotel. Funny story: the Uber driver who picked us up looked and sounded SO FAMILIAR…so I pulled up my Uber history, and he was the driver who drove me and mom from Fishlips to the hotel a few weeks ago! Small world! We are now crashing hard after a good shower. I think it’ll be an early night for us, so we can rejuvenate and get ready for the week ahead. Tomorrow: CRUISE DAY!!!
  2. We got lucky and since we left home so early, we missed the pouring rain others on our “site to remain unnamed” roll call hit. It sprinkled here in Cape Canaveral very, very briefly, but that was it.
  3. We headed to our usual pre-cruise dinner and drinks spot, Fishlips, at 3:45. I wanted to watch the ships sail out. I had the mango habanero margarita on the rocks, which was awesome…slightly spicy, not too sweet. We had some calamari, which were good, and i had the seafood roll as my main…delish! We watched Mariner OTS sail out, and I gotta know…what’s that big yellow ball on her upper decks?
  4. We got to our hotel, Home2Suites, at 2:15ish. We dropped our stuff in the room, and Chris settled in to do some school work until 3:45. Hotel appears clean as usual, and staff are nice and friendly. The only negative I have to say is if you stay here, look out for the part of the bed frame in the last photo that sticks out, it could leave a nasty cut on someone’s leg if they hit it just right!
  5. I agree here (although coming from Carnival, not NCL) that the buffet on MSC left a lot to be desired. I missed the salad bar, the msc one was pretty pitiful.
  6. We made it to Nolan’s Irish Pub at 1:08. Just got a black & brown (Guinness & Root Beer) and an expresso martini. Chris says the black & brown is ok, but he prefers his usual half & half (Guinness and Harp). My expresso martini is top notch tho…almost as good as the ones I sucked down on MSC a few weeks ago!
  7. Yes! I mean, come on, you can choose a random McDonald’s and chances are, it’s gonna be down.
  8. We are on the road! We got up at 3:45, fed the vampire (who gave me the worst guilt trip over leaving) and hit the road by 4:30. Currently we are just north of Savannah and stopped for a quick refuel and breakfast at McD’s…who let us down. I really, really wanted a caramel mocha frappe, and Chris NEEDED his mocha frappe (he lives off coffee), butttt…their frappe machine was down. I swear, if you visit a McD’s and the frappe machine is working…it’s your lucky day, go buy a lotto ticket. I guess unsweet tea will have to get me thru.
  9. Thanks for reading, and I am glad I could bring back good memories of your cruise on Seaside! I can't wait to get back onboard one of the MSC ships for round #2 🙂
  10. Why oh why didn't I take today off of work? My mind is already on vacation mode. Oh, that's right, I am a cruise-a-holic and hoard my PTO as much as I can to do as many cruises as possible. Darn it. I need a job with more PTO offerings!
  11. Yes, I know they are cared for the best they can be while I’m away! Plus, I have to admit, I stole the furry vampire (aka cat) from mom anyway. When I moved out, I just shoved her in the carrier with my other cat (who has since passed away) when I left home 12 years ago…I told mom ”Gizzy needed a friend, so I took KatieKat.” She was less than pleased, but allowed the shoplifted kitty to stay at my place in exchange for free rein on my closet when she pet sits. Speaking of which, I need to ask her about a few of my dress shirts that are missing… Awwwww! I love it!!!
  12. HAHA I actually never noticed that they ARE color coordinated! And they're both extra fuzzy! Thanks for following along. 🙂
  13. Thanks for the review! I’ve been debating on if I want to sail World America, but it seems like crowds are an issue, and the YC design may not be as appealing, if it takes after its sister.
  14. We sail Seashore in YC twice next year, so I am very much enjoying this review! Stinks that the elevators are "broke" and that the YC override doesn't work. Sounds similar to my experience on Seaside last month.
  15. Me too!!!! My brain is already on vacation mode. Divya is very high maintenance, lol. She demands lots of things....toys to destroy, hooves to gnaw on, treats to bribe her into behaving....
  16. I just gotta get thru today and tomorrow at work, and then I am on vaca....whoo hoo! I have pretty much gotten things in order for while we are away. I am 99% packed, just gotta toss the last minute essentials in....hmmm, is deodorant really essential? Think I could go 7 days in the Caribbean without it? Just kidding, for the sake of my fellow passengers, and my marriage, I will remember it. I have the money-sucking furball (aka dog) and the furry vampire (aka cat)'s food made up (we feed a raw diet, so had to pre-make it for the sitter), and instructions typed out on their care. I have advised them that we will be gone, and to behave, but all the cat did was blink at me with a blank expression, then retreat to her cave (aka, my closet) to do vampire-y things, and the dog proceeded to counter-surf the homemade banana bread loaf that was cooling when I stepped away to take a call. Yeah....that's a great sign of how things will go for the sitter for the week. Good thing the sitter is really my mom, and she can't quit on me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Pictures of the offenders. It’s a good thing they’re cute.
  17. Thank you for reading! And if anyone is curious…I now have 2 more MSC cruises booked for next year, so I’m hooked!! Both are on Seashore in YC, I can’t wait for more spoiling!
  18. You get on the Vista the day I disembark from my girls' cruise! 🙂 I will TRY and leave some fun onboard for you.
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